Haldane, Robert 1764-1842
Robert Haldane (28 February 1764 – 12 December 1842) was a Scottish churchman, an evangelist and writer.
(From the Scottish Preachers' Hall of Fame)
In 1816 Robert Haldane, being about fifty years of age, went to Switzerland and to Geneva. There, to all outward appearances as if by accident, he came into contact with a number of students who were studying for the ministry. They were all blind to spiritual truth, but felt much attracted to Haldane, and to what he said. He arranged, therefore, that they should come regularly twice a week to the rooms where he was staying, and there he took them through and expounded to them Paul's Epistle to the Romans.
One by one they became converted, and their conversion led to a true Revival of religion, not only in Switzerland, but also in France. They included such men as Merle D'Aubigne, the writer of the classic "History of the Reformation;" Frederic Monod who became the founder of the Free Churches in France; Bonifas, who became a theologian of great ability;, Louis Gaussen the author of "Theopneustia," a book on the inspiration of the Scriptures;(Re-printed as "Divine Inspiration of the Bible") and Cesar Malan.
There were also others greatly used of God in the revival. It was at the request of such men that Robert Haldane decided to put into print what he had been telling them. Hence this volume. And one cannot read it without being conscious of the preacher as well as the expositor.
What . . . Dr. Reuben Sailens says of what has become known as "Haldane's Revival" can be applied with equal truth to this commentary: "The three main characteristics of Haldane's Revival, as it has sometimes been called, were these: (1) It gave a prominent emphasis to the necessity of a personal knowledge and experience of grace; (2) It maintained the absolute authority and Divine inspiration of the Bible; (3) It was a return to Calvinistic doctrine against Pelagianism and Arminianism.
Haldane was an orthodox of the first water, but his orthodoxy was blended with love and life.
May God grant that it may produce that same love and life in all who read it.
Biographical Sketch: Gazetteer for Scotland
Robert Haldane's Revival: Banner of Truth
Memoirs of the lives of Robert Haldane of Airthrey, and of his brother, James Alexander Haldane (1852) - Haldane, Alexander, 1800-1882 From the library of Joseph Addison Alexander
Memoirs of the lives of Robert Haldane of Airthrey, and of his brother, James Alexander Haldane (1858) - Haldane, Alexander, 1800-1882
In 1816 he published a work on the Evidences and Authority of Divine Revelation, and in 1819 the substance of his theological prelections in a Commentaire sur l'Epitre aux Romains. Among his later writings, besides numerous pamphlets on what was known as "the Apocrypha controversy," are a treatise On the Inspiration of Scripture (1828), which passed through many editions, and a later Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans (1835), which has been frequently reprinted, and has been translated into French and German.
The evidence and authority of divine revelation : being a view of the testimony of the law and the prophets to the Messiah, with the subsequent testimonies (Volume 1) (1839) - Haldane, Robert, 1764-1842
The evidence and authority of divine revelation : being a view of the testimony of the law and the prophets to the Messiah, with the subsequent testimonies (Volume 2) (1839) - Haldane, Robert, 1764-1842
The evidence and authority of divine revelation: being a view of ..., Volume 1 Robert Haldane - Bible - 1834
The evidence and authority of divine revelation: being a view of ..., Volume 2 Religion - 1834
The evidence and authory of divine revelation: being a view of the testimony ... Robert Haldane - 1816
Commentaire sur l'épitre aux Romains - Page 202 Robert Haldane - 1819
De l'évidence et de l'autorité de la divine révélation ou vue du témoignage ... Robert Haldane - 1818
An exposition of the Epistle to the Romans : with remarks on the commentaries of Dr. MacKnight, Profesor Moses Stuart, and Professor Tholuck (1847) - Haldane, Robert, 1764-1842
An exposition of the Epistle to the Romans : with remarks on the commentaries of Dr. MacKnight, Profesor Moses Stuart, and Professor Tholuck (Volume 1) - Haldane, Robert, 1764-1842
Vol. 1, 4th ed., 1840 ; vol. 2, 2nd ed., 1838 ; vol. 3, new ed., 1842
An exposition of the Epistle to the Romans : with remarks on the commentaries of Dr. MacKnight, Profesor Moses Stuart, and Professor Tholuck (Volume 2) - Haldane, Robert, 1764-1842
Vol. 1, 4th ed., 1840 ; vol. 2, 2nd ed., 1838 ; vol. 3, new ed., 1842
An exposition of the Epistle to the Romans : with remarks on the commentaries of Dr. MacKnight, Profesor Moses Stuart, and Professor Tholuck (Volume 3) - Haldane, Robert, 1764-1842
Vol. 1, 4th ed., 1840 ; vol. 2, 2nd ed., 1838 ; vol. 3, new ed., 1842
The books of the Old and New Testaments proved to be canonical, and their verbal inspiration maintained and established : with an account of the introduction and character of the Apocrypha (1832) - Haldane, Robert, 1764-1842
Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans: with remarks on the commentaries of Dr. Macknight, Professor Moses Stuart, and Professor Tholuck, Volume 2 Robert Haldane - 1842
Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans: with remarks on the ..., Volume 3 Robert Haldane - 1842
Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans: with remarks on the commentaries of ... Robert Haldane - 1847 - 746 pages
Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans : with remarks on the commentaries of Macknight, Moses Stuart and Tholuck (1858) - Haldane, Robert, 1764-1842
Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans (1874) - Haldane, Robert, 1764-1842
Review of the conduct of the directors of the British and Foreign Bible Society relative to the Apocrypha and to their administration on the continent : with an answer to the Rev. C. Simeon, and observations on the Cambridge remarks (1828) - Haldane, Robert, 1764-1842
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Sunday, December 6, 2009
Haldane Robert
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