JOHN (RABBI) DUNCAN (1796 - 1870) An Eminent Scholar and Metaphysician, A Profound Theologian, Known for his intense interest in the Jews. A man of tender piety and of a lowly loving spirit. (from his memorial stone). Buried in Edinburgh.
John Duncan (1796 - 26 February 1870), also known as Rabbi Duncan, was a minister of the Free Church of Scotland, a missionary to the Jews in Hungary, and Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Languages at New College, Edinburgh. He is best remembered for his aphorisms: “ I am first a Christian, next a catholic, then a Calvinist, fourth a paedobaptist, and fifth a Presbyterian. I cannot reverse this order." or “ Hyper-Calvinism is all house and no door: Arminianism is all door and no house."
Biographical Sketch by Alexander Moody Stuart: Dr. John (Rabbi) Duncan
Recollections of the Late John Duncan, LL.D. (1872) by Rev. A. Moody Stuart
Life of the Late John Duncan, Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Languages, New College, Edinburgh 1872 - David Brown
Biographical Sketch: John Duncan
The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Volume 4 - 1909
Writings http://www.newble.co.uk/hall/duncanj/writings.html
The Holy Spirit and the Salvation of Israel
The Holy Spirit and the Salvation of Israel (part2)
The Holy Spirit and the Salvation The spiritual condition of the Jewish People
Colloquia peripatetica by Duncan, John Read Online Edmonston & Douglas, 1871
Colloquia peripatetica (deep-sea soundings) by Duncan, John Read Online Printed by R. & R. Clark for David Douglas, 1879
Colloquia peripatetica-- deep-sea soundings by Duncan, John Read Online Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1907
Effectual Calling: Taken from the original, unabridged edition of "Rabbi" John Duncan's In the Pulpit and At the Communion Table, edited by David Brown (Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1874), 123-28.
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