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Friday, August 28, 2009

Vincent, Thomas 1634-1678

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thomas Vincent (May 1634 – 15 October 1678) was a Puritan minister and author.

Both his father and brother were prominent ministers. He was educated at Felsted and Christ's College, Oxford, graduating with a B. A. He was a young non-conformist preacher who entered into the ministry very early. It was said of him that he had memorized the entire New Testament as well as the Psalms. He was rector of St. Mary Magdalen in Milk-Street, London, until he was ejected in 1662 by the Bartholemew Act, listing him as one of the “ejected” or “silenced” ministers by the Act of Uniformity. Out of his pulpit, he gave himself to the education of youth. When the Great Plague of London of 1665 came, however, Vincent became the friend of the afflicted, offering comfort and assistance to the diseased and dying. Sixty-eight thousand died of the plague in London alone that year, seven in his own household. The following year was the Great Fire of London and as an eyewitness, he recorded the details of the event in his writings.

And if Monday night was dreadful, Tuesday night was more dreadful, when far the greatest part of the city was consumed: many thousands who on Saturday had houses convenient in the city, both for themselves, and to entertain others, now have not where to lay their head; and the fields are the only receptacle which they can find for themselves and their goods; most of the late inhabitants of London lie all night in the open air, with no other canopy over them but that of the heavens: the fire is still making towards them, and threateneth the suburbs; it was amazing to see how it had spread itself several times in compass; and, amongst other things that night, the sight of Guildhall was a fearful spectacle, which stood the whole body of it together in view, for several hours together, after the fire had taken it, without flames, (I suppose because the timber was such solid oak,) in a bright shining coal as if it had been a palace of gold, or a great building of burnished brass.

He was among the signers of the 1673 Puritan Preface to the Scots Metrical Psalter.

Published works
The True Christians Love to the Unseen Christ
The Shorter Catechism Explained 1675
God's Terrible Voice in the City
Fire and Brimstone in Hell, to Burn the Wicked
A Spiritual Antidote for a Dying Soul
The only Deliverer from the Wrath to Come
Life of the Author - by the editor of the 1812 tract The True Christians' Loveof the Unseen Christ.

An Explicatory Catechism, Or, An Explanation of the Assembly's Shorter ... (1805)
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An explicatory catechism: or An explanation of the Assembly's Shorter ... (1806) By Thomas Vincent, Charles Leslie
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An Explicatory Catechism (1810)
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An Explanation of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism (Presbyterian Board of Publication) - 1854
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The Only Deliverer from the Wrath to Come
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Christ's Manifestation of Himself unto those who Love Him
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God's Terrible Voice in the City. Whertein you have I. The sound of the Voice, in the the History of the Two late Dreadful Judgments of Plague and Fire in London. II. The Interpretation of the Voice in a Discovery of the Cause and Design of these Judgments. (1832 Reprint of 1667 edition)
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God's Terrible Voice in the City. Wherein are set forth -- The sound of the voice, in a narration of the two dreadful judgements of plague and fire, inflicted upon the City of London; in the Years 1665, and 1666. Also A concise statement of the Origin of London with a Picture of its present state, from a late authentic work. (1811)
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Christ's Certain and Sudden Appearance to Judgment (1816)
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The True Christian's Love to the Unseen Christ; or, A Discourse, Chiefly tending to excite and promote the decaying love of Christ in the hearts of Christians. With An Appendix, Concerning Christ's Manifestation of Himself to Them that Love Him -- To Which is now added, A Sketch of The Life of the Author (1812)
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