Marvin Richardson Vincent (Poughkeepsie, New York, 11 September 1834, and died in Forest Hills, New York, 18 August 1922) was a Presbyterian minister, best known for his Word Studies in the New Testament. From 1888, he was professor of New Testament exegesis and criticism at Union Theological Seminary, New York City.
Vincent graduated from Columbia University in 1851, taught in the Columbia Grammar School, was professor of classics in the Troy Methodist University from 1858 to 1862; then acting pastor of the Pacific Street Methodist Episcopal Church in Brooklyn from 1862 to 1863; and pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Troy, New York, from 1863 to 1873. Then at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, a small Victorian Gothic church at 310 East 42nd Street.
Marvin R. Vincent (1834-1922)
[died August 15, 1922 - see The Publishers Weekly, Volume 102, page 703]
- Vincent, Marvin Richardson, American Presbyterian clergyman: b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 11 Sept. 1834. He was graduated at Columbia in 1854; was classical instructor in the Columbia grammar school 1854- 8, and professor of languages in the Methodist University of Troy, N. Y., 1858-60. In the year last named he entered the Methodist ministry, but three years later became a Presbyterian and was successively pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Troy 1863- 73, and of the Church of the Covenant, New York, 1873-88. Since 1888 he has been professor of New Testament criticism at Union Theological Seminary, New York. With C. T. Lewis, he translated Bengel's 'Gnomon of the New Testament' (1860-2). He is the author of 'Amusement a Force in Christian Training' (1867); 'The Two Prodigals' (1876); 'Gates into the Psalm Country,' a series of descriptions (1878); 'Stranger and Guest' (1879); 'Faith and Character' (1880); 'The Minister's Handbook' (1882): 'Christ as a Teacher' (1886): 'Word Studies in the New Testament' (1887-1900) ; 'That Monster, the Higher Critic' (1894); 'The Age of Hildebrand' (1806); 'A History of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament' (1899); etc.
"Vincent, Marvin R.". The Encyclopedia Americana. Volume 16. 1904.
Google Books. Accessed December 10, 2016.
-The Classics in Education: An Inaugural Address - 1859
-Our National Discipline: A Thanksgiving Sermon, Preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Y., November 26, 1863 - 1863 (at Google)
-The Lord of War and of Righteousness. A thanksgiving Sermon Preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1864 - 1864
-Johann Albrecht Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament (Translator), Charlton T. Lewis and Marvin R. Vincent, Philadelphia and New York, 1864.
-A Sermon on the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln: Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Y., on Sunday Morning, April 23, 1865 - 1865 (version #2)
-Amusement A Force in Christian Training: Four Discourses William. H. Young, New York, 1867. (at Project Gutenberg) (Micro-film)
-The Two Prodigals - 1876
-Gates into the Psalm-Country - 1878 (at Google)
-Why Should I Join the Church - 1879
-Faith and Character - 1880
-The Minister's Handbook Containing Forms for Baptism, marriage, The Lord's Supper, Burial, and the Ordination of Elders and Deacons, with Classified Selections of Scripture for the Sick Room, Anson D. F. Randolph & Company, New York, 1882. (Revised & Enlarged 1900)
-In the Shadow of the Pyrennees from Basque-land to Carcassonne - 1883
-God and Bread with Other Sermons, New York, Dodd, Mead, and Company, 1884. (at Google) (Internet Archive #2)
-Christ as a Teacher - 1886
-Word Studies in the New Testament, Charles Scribner and Sons, New York, 1887.
Volume 1 - 1887 (The Synoptic Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles of Peter, James, and Jude) (1900 Edition)
Volume 2 - 1905 (The Writing of John: The Gospel, The Epistles, The Apocalypse) (1897 Edition 1889 Edition)
Volume 3 - 1890 (The Epistles of Paul: Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, Philemon) (1900 Edition)
Volume 4 - 1900 (The Thessalonian Epistles, The Epistle to the Galatians, The Pastoral Epistles, The Epistle to the Hebrews) (1905 Edition)
-The Covenant of Peace - 1887
-Exegesis: An Address Delivered at the Opening of the Autumn Term of Union Theological Seminary, September 24, 1891 - 1891
-Col. Henry L. Kendrick, U. S. A. Born, Lebanon, N. H., January 20th, 1811. Died, New York, May 24th, 1891 - 1892
-The Debt of Power. Baccalaureate Sermon to the Class of 1892 - Sunday Evening, June 5, 1892
-Student's New Testament Handbook - 1893 (at Google) (at Internet Archive #2)
-Biblical Inspiration and Christ - 1894
-That Monster The Higher Critic, Anson D. F. Randolph & Company, New York, 1894
-Age of Hildebrand, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1897 [Topics: Gregory VII, Pope, ca. 1015-1085, Church History] [ (1896 Edition at Internet Archive 1896 Edition at Google 1896 Google #2 1897 #2 at Internet Archive 1906 Edition)
-A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the epistles to the Philippians and to Philemon - 1897 (at Google)
-Some Aspects of Paul's Theology in the Philippian Epistle (an article from The American Journal of Theology, Volume 3) - 1899
-A History of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament - 1899 (1899 Edition 1899 #2 1899 #3 1900 Edition 1906 Edition)
-Book Review: The Teachings of the Books. A work of Collaboration by Herbert L. Willett and James M. Campbell (from The American Journal of Theology, Volume 4, 1900-07-01, pages 601-602) - 1900
-The Old and the New Century: An Address Delivered before the New York Historical Society on its Ninety-sixth Anniversary, Tuesday, November 20, 1900 - 1900
- Book Review: Vincula Sanctorum. Ein Beitrag zur Erklarung der Gefangen-schaftsbriefe des Apostels Paulus. Bon H. Lisco (an article for the American Journal of Theology, Volume 5, 1901-10-01, pages 783-785) - 1901
-The Divine Comedy of Dante, 1904
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