John Brodhead Romeyn was born in Marbletown, NY. He attended Columbia College (now Columbia University) in New York City. After graduating with honors in 1795, he returned to his home in Schenectady, NY to study theology with his father Dirck, pastor of Schenectady's Reformed Dutch Church. He was ordained in Rhinebeck, NY in 1799. In April of that year he married Harriet Bleecker. In 1803, Romeyn accepted a call to Schenectady's First Presbyterian Church. The following year he moved again, this time to the First Presbyterian Church of Albany. In 1808 he accepted a call to Cedar Street Church, New York City. Except for the years 1813-14, which he and Harriet spent in Europe, Romeyn remained at Cedar Street Church until his death in 1825. Romeyn served as General Assembly Moderator in 1810, and was instrumental in the creation of the Princeton Theological Seminary, and of the American Bible Society. http://www.history.pcusa.org/collections/findingaids/fa.cfm?record_id=308
Annals of the American Pulpit, Volume 4 - 1860 (page 216)
Sermons (Volume 1) - 1816 - Romeyn, John B. (John Brodhead), 1777-1825
Copy 1 from library of Samuel Miller
Sermon 1: Christ the Light of the World - John 8:12 (page 1)
Sermon 2: The Glory of a Nation, Part 1 - Proverbs 14:34 (page 62)
Sermon 3: The Glory of a Nation, Part 2 - Proverbs 14:34 (page 87)
Sermon 4: The Millennium - Isaiah 66:10-24 (page 139)
Sermon 5: God's Mercy to the Fatherless - Hosea 14:3 (page 184)
Sermon 6: The Benevolent Eunuch - Jeremiah 38:7-13 & 39:16-18 (page 214)
Sermon 7: The Right Use of the Providence of God - Ecclesiastes 9:7-10 (page 252)
Sermon 8: The Inestimable Value of the Scriptures - Romans 15:4 (page 277)
Sermon 9: The Duty of Seeking the Lord, Enforced from His Power in the Natural World - Amos 5:8 (page 305)
Sermon 10: The Blessedness of a Triumphant Believer - Revelation 3:12 (page 339)
Sermon 11: Paul Preaching Before Felix - Acts 24:24, 25 (page 368)
Sermon 12: The Perfection of Christian Knowledge - Hebrews 5:12-14 & 6:1, 2 (page 396)
Sermons (Volume 2) - 1816 - Romeyn, John B. (John Brodhead), 1777-1825
Copy 1 from library of Samuel Miller
Sermon 1: The Constraining Influence of Christ's Love - 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (page 1)
Sermon 2: The Redeemer's Tears Over Lost Sinners, Part 1 - Luke 19:41-42 (page 34)
Sermon 3: The Redeemer's Tears Over Lost Sinners, Part 2 - Luke 19:41-42 (page 55)
Sermon 4: God's Controversy With His People - Micah 6:3 (page 76)
Sermon 5: The Only Safety in the Hour of Danger - Hebrews 11:28 (page 96)
Sermon 6: The Difference Between Believers and the Men of the World - Numbers 23:9 (page 121)
Sermon 7: The Nature and Consequences of Spiritual Idolatry - Hosea 4:17 (page 146)
Sermon 8: The Character of Lot - Genesis 13:10-13 (page 170)
Sermon 9: The Example of the Bereans Commended - Acts 17:10-12 (page 199)
Sermon 10: The Duty of Well-doing Explained and Enforced - Galatians 6:9 (page 231)
Sermon 11: The Eternal Inheritance of Believers - 2 Corinthians 5:1-9 (page 253)
Sermon 12: Christ the Only Foundation - 1 Corinthians 3:11 (page 292)
Sermon 13: The Duty of America in the Present Crisis - Hosea 5:14; 6:1-3 (page 309)
Lecture 1: The Conversion of Lydia - Acts 16:13-15 (page 375)
Lecture 2: The Conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch - Acts 8:26-29 (page 407)
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