Andrew Willet (1562-1621) was an English clergyman and controversialist. A prolific writer, he is known for his anti-papal works. His views were Calvinist, conforming and non-separatist, and he appeared as a witness against Edward Dering before the Star-chamber. Joseph Hall (who knew him well) eulogised Willet in Noah's Dove, and Thomas Fuller modelled 'the Controversial Divine' of his Holy State on him.
Brook's "Lives of the Puritans, Volume 2" - 1813 (see page 284)
Nonconformity in Herts: being lectures upon the nonconforming worthies of St. Albans (1884) By William Urwick (see page 800)
Middleton's "Evangelical Biography, Volume 2" - 1816 (see page 395)
Allibone's "A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors, Volume 3" - 1872 (see page 2732)
Fuller's "Abel Redevivus, Volume 2" - 1867 (see page 314 for "The Life and Death of Andrew Willet")
Granger's "Biographical History of England, Volume 2" - 1824 (see page 64)
In Latin:
- 'De animae natura et viribus questiones quaedam; partim ex Aristotelis scriptis decerptae, partim ex vera philosophia id est rationis thesauris depromptae in usum Cantabrigiensium,' Cambridge, 1585.
- 'De universali et novissima Judaeorum vocatione,' Cambridge, 1590.
- 'Sacrorum emblematum centuria una,' Cambridge [circa 1591].
- 'De Conciliis.'
- 'De universali gratia.'
- 'De gratia generi humano in primo parento collata, de lapsu Adami, peccato originali', 1609.
- 'Epithalamium.'
- 'Funebres concionies.'
- 'Apologias Serenissimi Regis defensio.'
- 'Roberti Bellarmini de lapsu Adami, peccato originali, praedestinatione, gratia, et libero arbitrio libri, refutati ab Andrea Willeto,' Leyden, 1618.
- 'Synopsis Papismi, or a General View of Papistrie,' 1594, 4to; 2nd edit, 1600, fol.; 3rd edit. 1614; 4th edit. 1630; 6th edit. 1634 (a thick folio of over 1300 pages);
- new edit, in 10 vols., edited by Dr. John Cumming, London, 1852.
- Volume 1
- Volume 2
- Volume 3
- Volume 4
- Volume 5
- Volume 6
- Volume 7
- Volume 8
- Volume 9
- Volume 10
- 'Hexapla upon Genesis,' London, 1595, fol., 2nd edit. 1608.
- 'Tetrastylon Papismi, or Four Principal Pillars of Papistrie;' supplement to 'Synopsis,' 1596; afterwards bound up with folio editions of the 'Synopsis.'
- 'A Catholicon: Exposition of St. Jude,' 1602, 4to; Cambridge, 1614.
- 'A Relection, or Discourse of a False Relection' (defence of 'Synopsis' and 'Tetrastylon'), London, 1603.
- 'Harmonie upon 1 Samuel,' Cambridge, 1607.
- 'Hexapla upon Exodus,' London, 1608.
- 'Hexapla upon Daniel,' 1610.
- 'Hexapla upon Romans,' Cambridge, 1611.
- 'Ecclesia Triumphans (on Coronation of James I) : Exposition of 122 Psalm,' 2nd edit. Cambridge, 1614.
- 'Harmonie upon 1 and 2 Samuel,' Cambridge, 1614.
- 'Thesaurus Ecclesiae: Exposition of St. John xvii.,' Cambridge, 1614.
- 'Hexapla upon Leviticus,' London, 1631.
- 'King James his Judgment by way of Counsell, &c.; extracted from his speaches,' 1642.
- 'Limbomastix: an Answer to Richard Parkes of Brazen-nose College.'
- 'Epithalamium in English, by the author of Limbomastix.'
- 'Laedoromastix.'
- 'Funeral Sermons in English.'
- 'An English Catechisme.'
- 'An Antilogie: Catalogue of Charitable Works done within space of 60 years' (reigns of Edward, Elizabeth, and James); bound up with fifth edition of 'Synopsis.
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