Born, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 24, 1809; College of New Jersey, 1826; private study; teacher, Edgehill School, Princeton, New Jersey, 1829-30; College of New Jersey, MA, 1829; adjunct professor, Ancient Languages and Literature, College of New Jersey, 1830-32; University of Halle and University of Berlin, 1833-34; ordained, New Brunswick Presbytery, April 24, 1839; assistant instructor, Oriental and Biblical Literature, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1833-38, associate professor, 1838-40, professor, 1840-51, Biblical and Ecclesiastical History, 1851-59, Hellenistic and New Testament Literature, 1859-60; died, Princeton, New Jersey, January 28, 1860. D.D., Franklin and Marshall College, 1845.
Joseph Addison Alexander (24 April 1809 – 28 January 1860) was an American biblical scholar.
The life of Joseph Addison Alexander (Volume v.1) (1870) - Alexander, Henry Carrington, 1835-1894
The life of Joseph Addison Alexander (Volume 2) (1870) - Alexander, Henry Carrington, 1835-1894
The life of Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D. : Professor in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, New Jersey (1875) - Alexander, Henry Carrington, 1835-1894
Two Volumes in One
The Earlier Prophecies of Isaiah (Chapters 1 - 39) (1846) - Joseph Addison Alexander
The Later Prophecies of Isaiah (Chapters 40- 66) (1847) - Joseph Addison Alexander
Isaiah, Translated and Explained by Joseph Addison Alexander, An Abridgment of the Author's critical commentary on Isaiah - Volume 1 (Chapters 1 - 35) (1861)- Joseph Addison Alexander
Isaiah, Translated and Explained by Joseph Addison Alexander, An Abridgment of the Author's Critical Commentary on Isaiah - Volume 2 (Chapters 36 - 66) (1861) - Joseph Addison Alexander
The Prophecies of Isaiah. Translated and Explained. A New and Revised Edition (Volume 1 - Chapters 1 - 31) (1870) - Joseph Addison Alexander, John Eadie
The Prophecies of Isaiah. Translated and Explained. A New and Revised Edition (Volume 2 - Chapters 32 -66) (1870) - Joseph Addison Alexander, John Eadie
Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah. New and Revised Edition (Volume 2 - chapters 32 - 66) (1865) - Joseph Addison alexander, John Eadie
Sermons (Volume 1) (1862) - Joseph Addison Alexander (google 1862)
Sermons (Volume 2) (1862) - Joseph Addison Alexander (google 1862)
Sermons by Joseph Addison Alexander (Volumes 1 & 2 Combined) - 1873 - Joseph Addison Alexander
The Psalms Translated and Explained (Volume 1) - Joseph Addison Alexander, Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
The Psalms Translated and Explained (Volume 2) - Joseph Addison Alexander, Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
The Psalms Translated and Explained (Volume 3) - Joseph Addison Alexander, Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
Notes on New Testament Literature and Ecclesiastical History. ... - Joseph Addison Alexander
Notes on New Testament Literature and Ecclesiastical History - Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Mark Explained (1858?) - Joseph Addison Alexander
Gospel of Jesus Christ: Discourses by Joseph Addison Alexander (1862)
The Acts of the Apostles explained - Joseph Addison Alexander
The Acts of the Apostles - Joseph Addison Alexander
Essays on the Primitive Church Offices. (1851) - Joseph Addison Alexander
Geography of the Bible, by J.W. and J.A. Alexander
James Waddell Alexander, Joseph Addison Alexander - 1839 - 80 pages
Princeton Theological Seminary Digital Library:
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1870)
The Life of Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D., Professor in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N.J by Henry Carrington Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)
Chapter I by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)
Chapter II by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)
Chapter III by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)
Chapter IV by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)
Chapter V by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)
Chapter VI by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)
Chapter VII by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)
Chapter VIII by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)
Chapter IX by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)Chapter X by Joseph Addison AlexanderChapter IX by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)
Chapter XI by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)
Chapter XXVI by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Gospel According to Matthew (1864)
Chapter XXVIII by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1863)Micah's Prophecy of Christ by Joseph Addison Alexander
Sermons Volume I (1860)VI. John 3, 36. by Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D.
Sermons Volume I (1860)
IX. Luke 11, 26. by Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D.
IX. Luke 11, 26. by Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D.
Sermons Volume I (1860)
XII. Proverbs 22, 2. by Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D.
Sermons Volume I (1860)XIII. Romans 11, 22. by Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D.
Sermons Volume II (1860)
Sermons Volume II by Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D.
I. Ephesians 5, 14. by Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D.
Sermons Volume II (1860)XVI. Revelation 14, 12. by Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D.
XIX. John 17, 3. by Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D.
Sermons Volume II (1860)XX. Psalm 51, 17. by Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D.
Sermons Volume II (1860)
XIX. John 17, 3. by Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D.
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1860)
Primeval Period of Sacred History by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1859)On the authorized Version of the New Testament in connection with some recent proposals for its revision by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1859)The Presbyterian Church in Ireland by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1859)The Service of the House of God, according to the practice of the Church of Scotland by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1857)A Text-Book of Church History by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1856)1. The Old Testament, translated into Arabic 2. The New Testament, translated into Arabic by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1856)Harmonies of the Gospels by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1855)The Plan and Purpose of the Patriarchal History by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1855)The World in the Middle Ages by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1854)Inaugural Address, delivered at the Danville Theological Seminary, October 13, 1853 by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1854)Scriptures Readings on the Book of Genesis by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1853)On the Correspondence between Prophecy and History by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1852)The Book of Revelation, expounded for the use of those who search the Scriptures by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1852)Memoirs of the Lives of Robert Haldane, of Airthrey, and of his brother, James Alexander Haldane by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1851)Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1851)The Relation of the Old to the New Dispensation by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1851)The True Test of an Apostolical Ministry by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1851)The Typology of Scripture by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1850)An Apology for the Septuagint, in which its Claims to Biblical and Canonical Authority are briefly stated and vindicated by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1849)The Apostleship a Temporary Office by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1849)An Introduction to the New Testament, containing an examination of the most important questions relating to the authority, interpretation, and integrity of the canonical books, with reference to the latest inquiries by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1849)A Manual of Presbytery by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1848)A Commentary on the Book of Leviticus, Expository and Practical, with Critical Notes by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1848)The Power of the Pulpit by Joseph Addison Alexander and Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1847)1. History of the Israelites, from the time of the Maccabees to our days. 2. General History of the Israelitish People by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1847)The Apostolical Succession by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1847)German University Education, or the Professors and Students of Germany by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1847)What is Church History? A Vindication of the Idea of Historical Development by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1846)Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1846)Puritanism: or a Churchman's Defence against its Aspersions, by an appeal to its own history by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1845)Pensées, Fragments, et Lettres de Blaise Pascal, publiés pour la première fois conformément aux manuscrits originaux en grand partie inédits by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1845)Sacerdotal Absolution; a Sermon, preached before the Convention of the Diocese of North Carolina, 1843 by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1844)History of the Church of Scotland, from the Introduction of Christianity to the period of the Disruption by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1844)The Little Stone and the Great Image; or Lectures on the Prophecies Symbolized in Nebuchadnezzar's Vision of the Golden Headed Monster by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1844)Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, May 1843: with a Sketch of the proceedings of the Residuary Assembly by Joseph Addison Alexander and Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1844)The Valley of Vision: or the Dry Bones of Israel Revived. An attempted proof (from Ezekiel chap. xxxvii. 1—14) of the Restoration and Conversion of the Jews by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1844)Vindication of the Rev. Horatio Southgate: A Letter to the members of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, from the Rev. Horatio Southgate, their Missionary at Constantinople by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1843)1. Presbytery and not Prelacy the Scriptural and Primitive Polity, proved from the testimonies of Scripture, the Fathers, the Schoolmen, the Reformers, and the English and Oriental Churches. Also, the Antiquity of Presbytery, including an account of the ancient Culdees and of St. Patrick. 2. Ecclessiastical Republicanism, or the Republicanism, Liberality and Catholicity of Presbytery, in contrast with Prelacy and Popery by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1843)An Inquiry into the Organization and Government of the Apostolic Church: particularly with reference to the Claims of Episcopacy. by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1842)1. Joannis Calvini in Librum Geneseos Commentarius. Ad editionem Amstelodamensem accuratissime excribi curavit E. Hengstenberg. 2. Kommentar über die Genesis von Dr. Friedrich Tuch, Privatdocent an der Universität zu Halle. 3. A Companion to the Book of Genesis 4. A Family Exposition of the Pentateuch by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1842)The Kingdom of Christ delineated, in two Essays on our Lord's own account of his person and of the nature of his Kingdom, and on the Constitution, Powers and Ministry of a Christian Church, as appointed by himself by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1842)The Prelatical Doctrine of Apostolical Succession Examined. And the Protestant Ministry Defended against the Assumptions of Popery and High-Churchism, in a Series of Lectures by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1841)1. A Brief Examination of the Proofs, by which the Rev. Mr. Boardman attempts to sustain his charge that "a large and learned body of the clergy of the church (of England) have returned to some of the worst errors of Popery"; with a word or two as to his attempt, without proof, to cast the suspicion of Popery on the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: 2. A farther Postscript to Bishop Doane's Brief Examination of Rev. Mr. Boardman's Proofs: Touching Bishop Kenrick's Letter on Christian Union,pp 230 by Joseph Addison Alexander and Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1841)Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petraea. A Journal of Travels in the year 1838, by E. Robinson and E. Smith. Undertaken in reference to Biblical Geography. Drawn up from the Original Diaries, with Historical Illustrations by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1841)A Critical Grammar of the Hebrew Language by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1841)The Origin of the Episcopate in the Christian Church by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1840)Theologiæ Dogmaticæ Tractatus Tres de Revelatione, de Ecclasia, et de Verbe Dei quos concinnavit Revmus Dnus Franciscus Patricius Kenrick, Epus. Arath, in Part. Infid. et Coadj. Ep. Philadelphiensis. Theologiæ Dogmaticæ, quam concinnavit Franciscus Patricius Kenrick, etc. Volumen II by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1839)The Scripture Guide: a Familiar Introduction to the Study of the Bible by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1838)The Authenticity of the Pentateuch demonstrated by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1838)A Compendium of Christian Antiquities: being a brief view of the Orders, Rites, Laws, and Customs of the Ancient Church in the Early Ages by Joseph Addison Alexander and Samuel Miller
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1838)A Critical Grammar of Hebrew Language by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1837)Critical Remarks on an Alleged Interpolation in Isaiah 7: 8 by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1837)Gleanings from the German Periodicals by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1836)Christologie des Alten Testaments und Commentar ber die Messianischen Weissagungen der Propheten by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1836)The English Bible by Joseph Addison Alexander and John Seely Hart
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1836)Ernesti Friderici Caroli Rosenuelleri Scholia in Vetus Testamentum by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1836)The Life of Augustine by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1836)Thoughts on the Religious State of the Country by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1835)A Discourse on the Apostolic Office, Delivered in St John's Church, in the City of Providence, and State of Rhode Island, November 13th, 1833, on Occasion of the Ordination of the Rev. James C. Richmond by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1835)A Grammar of the Hebrew Language; with a Brief Chrestomathy, for the Use of Beginners by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1835)A Grammar of the New Testament Dialect by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1835)Notes, Explanatory and Practical, on the Gospels; Designed for Sunday School Teachers and Bible Classes by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1835)Review of Bush's Commentary on the Book of Psalms by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1835)Sketches of Society and Manners in Great Britain and Ireland by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1834)The Fundamental Principles of Evangelical Pietism, (viz: the Doctrines of Adam's Fall, Original Sin, and the Atonement) examined on Scriptural grounds, Compared with the Opinions of the Christian Church in the first three Centuries, and Judged in Reference to their utility, as parts of Christian Theology by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1834)Guerike's Manual of Church History by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1834)The Life of the Rev. Rowland Hill A. M. by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1834)Memoir of Roger Williams, the Founder of the State of Rhode Island by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1834)Wolf's Anti-Homeric Theory, as applied to the Pentateuch by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1833)Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, ancient and modern, in four books, much corrected, enlarged, and improved, from the primary authorities, by John Laurence von Mosheim, D. D., Chancellor of the University of Gottingen. A new and literal translation, from the original Latin, with copious additional notes, original and selected by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1833)The Life of William Farel, prepared from original authorities by James Waddel Alexander and Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1833)Notice of Cyril, Patriarch of Constantinople by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1833)Theories of Education by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1833)A Treatise on the Millennium; in which the prevailing theories on that subject are carefully examined; and the true Scriptural Doctrine attempted to be elicited and established by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1832)Arabic and Persian Lexicography by Joseph Addison Alexander
Life of Augustus Hermann Francke by Joseph Addison Alexander
Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, in 1824, 1825, 1826 and 1827 by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1832)Historical Statements of the Koran by Joseph Addison Alexander
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1832)De Sacy's Arabic Grammar by Joseph Addison Alexander
Biblical Repertory (1829)Flatt's Dissertation on the Deity of Christ, Translated from the Latin by Joseph Addison Alexander
Biblical Repertory (1829)Review. Leben des Erasmus von Rotterdam. Mit einleitenden Betrachtungen uber die analoge Entwickelung der Menschheit und des einzelnen Menschen. Von Adolf Muller. Eine gekronte Preisschrift. Hamburg, bei Friedrich Perthes. 1828. pp. 394 8vo by Joseph Addison Alexander
Biblical Repertory (1829)Review of the Arguments and Theories of Antitrinitarians, Being the Second Section of Flatt's Dissertation on the Deity of Christ, Translated from the Latin by Joseph Addison Alexander
Biblical Repertory. A Collection of Tracts in Biblical Literature (1827)Refutation of the Hypothesis of the Papists in Relation to the Interpretation of the Scriptures. Extracted from the Works of John Alphonso Turretin. Translated from the Latin by Joseph Addison Alexander, A. B. by Joseph Addison Alexander
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