Audio Book Samples

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Durham, James 1622-1658

James Durham was a Scottish Presbyterian minister, who served the ministry a brief ten or eleven years, yet left behind quite a legacy. He was a minister at Glasgow's "Inner Kirk" and was renowned as a preacher and writer during his short life.
Biographical Sketch
Read Online at Scottish Preachers' Hall of Fame web site

A Collection of Some Memorable Things in the Author's Life - 1788
In the introductory materials to "A Commentary Upon the Book of the Revelation".

The Law Unsealed: or, A Practical Exposition of the Ten Commandments; with a Resolution of Several momentuous Questions and Cases of Conscience: to which are prefixed the commendatory epistles of two famous English divines, Dr. Owen and Mr. Jenkin; as also, an alphabetical table of the principal matters handled in the whole book (1735) - Eighth Edition
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The Law Unsealed: or, A Practical Exposition of the Ten Commandments; with a Resolution of Several Momentous Questions and Cases of Conscience: to which are prefixed the commendatory epistles of two famous English divines, Dr. Owen and Mr. Jenkin; as also, an alphabetical table of the principal matters handled in the whole book - 1777 (Seventh Edition)

The Dying Man's Testament to the Church of Scotland; or, A Treatise Concerning Scandal. (To which is prefixed an excellent Preface of Mr. Blair, wherein he also vigorously driveth the main design of the author.) (1659)
(Read a historical introduction by David C. Lachman at Naphtali web site.)
Divided into Four Parts.
1. Concerning Scandal in the General.
2. Concerning Public Scandals, or Scandals as they are the object of Church censures, and more particularly as they are in practice.
3. Concerning Doctrinal Scandals, or Scandalous Errors.
4. Concerning Scandalous Divisions
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The Sum of Saving Knowledge: or, A Brief Sum of Christian Doctrine contained in the Holy Scriptures, and Held Forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms; together with the practical use thereof. (1871) by David Dickson
David Dickson consulted with James Durham on this work.
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The Sum of Saving Knowledge by David Dickson: With Introduction and Notes by Rev. John Macpherson (1886)
David Dickson consulted with James Durham on this work.
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Christ crucified, or the marrow of the gospel : evidently holden forth in seventy two sermons on the whole fifty third chapter of Isaiah .. (1702) - Third Edition

Christ crucified, or the marrow of the gospel : evidently holden forth in seventy two sermons on the whole fifty third chapter of Isaiah .. (1726) - Fifth Edition

Christ crucified, or the marrow of the gospel : evidently holden forth in seventy two sermons on the whole fifty third chapter of Isaiah .. (1761) - Sixth Edition
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Christ crucified, or, the marrow of the gospel : evidently set forth in LXXII sermons on the whole 53rd chapter of Isaiah .. Volume 1 (1792)
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Christ crucified, or, the marrow of the gospel : evidently set forth in LXXII sermons on the whole 53rd chapter of Isaiah .. Volume 2 (1792)
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Lectures on Job
Available in printed form from Naphtali Press Read Preface to Lectures on Job at Naphtali web site.

Clavis Cantici: or, a Key of the Song, Useful for Opening Up Thereof - 1723
Commentary on the Song of Songs

Clavis Cantici: or, a Key of the Song, Useful for Opening Up Thereof
Commentary on the Song of Songs
Read Online or Download at Fire and Ice web site

Concerning a Calling to the Ministry, and Clearness therein:
Excerpt from "A Commentary Upon the Book of the Revelation" -- Revelation 1:19-20, Lecture IX (part.)
Read online at the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics

The Blessed Death of those Who Die in the Lord
Print version available at Monergism Books web site

The Blessedness of the Death of These that Die in the Lord, and More Especially in an Evil Time - 1682

Heaven Upon Earth - 1684

A Commentary Upon the Book of the Revelation - 1680
Pages 353-416 are missing.

A Commentary Upon the Book of the Revelation - 1739

A Commentary Upon the Book of the Revelation - 1788

But One Thing is Needful
Naphtali Press is making a second sermon available on the One Thing Needful from the projected forthcoming James Durham collection of sermons. Again; a most suitable subject for these troubling times.

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