Erskine, Ralph 1685-1752
Ralph Erskine (March 18, 1685 – November 6, 1752), was a Scottish churchman, the brother of another prominent churchman, Ebenezer Erskine.
Life of Ralph Erskine (1881) by Jean L. Watson
The Erskines ([1900?]) by Alexander Robertson Macewen (1851-1916)
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The Life and Diary of the Reverend Ralph Erskine, A.M., of Dunfermline, One of the Founders of the Secession Church - 1834 - Fraser, Donald 1773-1841
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The Life and Diary of the Reverend Ralph Erskine, A.M., of Dunfermline, One of the Founders of the Secession Church - 1834 - Fraser, Donald 1773-1841
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The sermons and other practical works : consisting of above one hundred and fifty sermons, besides his poetical pieces. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings, with an elagiac poem and large contents, Volume 1 (1777)
A Character of the Author and his Writings.
Some Account of the Reverend Mr. Ralph Erskine.
A Poem, to the Memory of the Late Rev. Mr. Ralph Erskine.
1. The Sword of Justice awakened against God's Fellow (Zech. 13:7)
2. The Rent Vail of the Temple; or, Access to the Holy of Holies by the death of Christ (Matt. 27:15)
3. The Best Match; or, the incomparable marriage between the Creator and the creature (Isaiah 54:5)
4. Christ the People's Covenant (Isaiah 42:6)
5. #4 Continued
6. The World's Verdict of Christ and his Followers; or, the truly devout ridiculed and reproached by the profane (Isaiah 8:18)
7. The Vanity of Earthly Things, and Worldly enjoyments (Eccl. 1:2)
8. Self-conceit incident to a Multitude of Professors; or, the Imaginary pure Generation found not washed from their Pollution (Prov. 30:12)
9.-16. #8 Continued
17. Non-conformiry to the World injoined; or, the Evil and Danger of Symbolizing with the Wicked, opened (Rom. 12:2)
The sermons and other practical works : consisting of above one hundred and fifty sermons, besides his poetical pieces. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings, with an elagiac poem and large contents, Volume 2 (1777)
18. Preventing Love; or, God's Love to us, the Cause of our Love to Him (1 John 4:19)
19. The Militant's Song; or, the Believer's Exercise while here below (Psalm 101:1)
20. The Harmony of the Divine Attributes displayed, in the Redemption and Salvation of Sinners, by Jesus Christ (Psalm 85:10)
21. - 22. Carnal Consultation unfolded; or, the great Evil of being actuated, by Carnal Principles, in the Matters of God, evinced (Gal. 1:16)
23. - 27. Law-Death, Gospel-Life; or, the Death of Legal Righteousness, the Life of Gospel Holiness (Gal. 2:19)
28. The Best Bond; or, the Surest Engagement (Jer. 30:21)
29. - 33. The Saving sight; or, a View of God in Christ (John 14:6)
The sermons and other practical works : consisting of above one hundred and fifty sermons, besides his poetical pieces. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings, with an elagiac poem and large contents, Volume 3 (1777)
34. - 46. Gospel-Principle the Foundation of Gospel-Practice; or, the great Duty of receiving Christ, and walking in him, opened (Col. 2:6)
47. - 51. The Main Question of the Gospel Catechism, What Think Ye of Christ? (Matt. 22:42)
52. - 53. The Gradual Conquest; or, Heaven won by little and little (Deut. 7:22)
54. The Female Preacher; or, the Woman of Samaria's Sermon to the Men of the City, &c. (John 4:29)
The sermons and other practical works : consisting of above one hundred and fifty sermons, besides his poetical pieces. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings, with an elagiac poem and large contents, Volume 4 (1777)
56. - 64. The Happy Congregation; or, the Great Gathering of the People to Shiloh (Gen. 49:10)
65. - 71. The Pregnant Promise with her Issue; or, the Children of Promise brought forth and described (Gal. 4:23)
72. The Mediator's Power in Heaven and Earth (Matt. 28:18)
The sermons and other practical works : consisting of above one hundred and fifty sermons, besides his poetical pieces. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings, with an elagiac poem and large contents, Volume 5 (1778)
73. - 78. The Strength of Sin, and how the law is the Strength thereof, opened up and unfolded (1 Cor. 15:56)
79. God's Great Name, the Ground and Reason of Saving Great Sinners (Psalm 107:8)
80. - 81. Heaven's Grand Repository; or, the Father's Love to the Son, and depositing all Things into His Hand, a Strong Encouragement to Faith (John 3:35)
82. The Law of God's House (Ezek. 43:2)
83. The Little City besieged, and delivered: or, the Deliverance of the Church by Christ, and the Ingratitude of Men to the glorious Redeemer, represented (Eccl. 9:14, 15)
84. The Lamb in the midst of the Throne (Rev. 7:17)
85. Stability in the Faith the Church's Strength (Isaiah 30:7)
86. Faith's Plea upon god's Covenant (Psalm 74:20)
87. Faith's Plea upon God's Word (2 Sam. 7:25)
88. The Saint's Duty in Evil Times (Isaish 26:8)
The sermons and other practical works : consisting of above one hundred and fifty sermons, besides his poetical pieces. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings, with an elagiac poem and large contents, Volume 6 (1778)
88. The Promising God, a Performing God (Gen. 28:15)
89. The Combination and Conjunction of Joys; or, the Joyful Approach of the Savior, cheerfully welcomed by the Church's Echo of Faith (Psalm 47:7, Song 2:8)
90. - 94. The Time of Need, a Time of Love (Ezek. 16:8)
95. Sensible Presence, Sudden Absence; or, the Believer's most comfortable Interviews but of short Duration (Gen. 35:13)
96. The Mounting Christian; or, the Eagle-winged Believer (Isaiah 40:31)
97. The River of Life, proceeding out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb (Rev. 22:1)
98. - 99. The Comer's Conflict; or, the Beginner's Battle with the Devil, when essaying to come to Christ by Faith (Luke 9:42)
100. Dark Providences cleared in due Time (John 13:7)
101. The Great Trumpet of the Everlasting Gospel (Isaiah 27:13)
102. The Sum of the Gospel; or, God in Christ (Matt. 3:17)
103. Present Duty before Approaching Darkness (Jer. 13:16)
104. The Great Ruin, and the Great Relief; or, Help from Heaven to Self-destroyers on Earth (Hos. 13:9)
106. Chambers of Safety in Times of Danger (Isaiah 26:20, 21)
The sermons and other practical works : consisting of above one hundred and fifty sermons, besides his poetical pieces. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings, with an elagiac poem and large contents, Volume 7 (1778)
107. - 108. The Commencement of all Saving Blessings (Hag. 2:19)
109. Glad Tidings in Sad Times; or, the City of God, in Times of Trouble and Confusion, watered with the river of Consolation (Psalm 46:4)
110. - 113. The Giving Love of Christ, and the Receiving Property of Faith (Gal. 2:20)
114. Gospel-Humiliation Grounded on Faith's View of Divine Pacification (Ezek. 16:63)
115. The Word of Salvation Sent to Sinners (Acts 14:26)
116. Gospel-Compulsion; or, Ministerial Power and Authority (Luke 14:23)
117. - 118. The Fountain-Head of all Blessings; or, the Great Store-House Opened (2 Cor. 5:13)
119. Gad the Conquered, Yet Conquering Tribe; or, the Vanquished at First, the Victor at Last (Gen. 49:19)
120. Christ the True Moses, Sent to Deliver His True Israel from their Spiritual Egypt (Acts 7:34)
121. - 123. The Power and Policy of Satan Bounded and Baffled by the Lord Christ (Luke 22:31, 32)
124. Redemption by Christ, Shown to be of God, as the First Cause; and to God, as the Last End (1 Cor. 1:30)
125. The True Christ, No New Christ (Heb. 13:8)
126. Temple Desolation Making Way for Temple Restoration (John 2:19)
The sermons and other practical works : consisting of above one hundred and fifty sermons, besides his poetical pieces. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings, with an elagiac poem and large contents, Volume 8 (1778)
126. Faithfulness unto Death, Crowned with Eternal Life (Rev. 2:19)
127. The Builder's Armor; or, the Work and Warfare of Spiritual Builders (Neh. 4:13)
128. Witnesses Cited for God; and All Their Witnessing Work Summed Up in this one Point, viz. Their Attesting that He is God (Isaiah 42:12)
129. Covenanted Grace for Covenanting Work (Deut. 26:17, 18)
130. The Happy Hour of Christ's Quickening Voice (John 5:25)
131. The Best Security for the Best Life; or, a Life His with Christ in God (Col. 3:3)
132. Heaven Posed and Pressed with Questions and Demands; or, Faith's Freedom with God Warranted (Isaiah 4:11)
133. Clean Water; or, the Pure and Precious Blood of Christ, for the Cleansing of Polluted Sinners (Ezek. 36:25)
134. Christ's Treasures Opened by Himself, Declaring He Hath All Things that God the Father Hath (John 16:15)
135. True Lovers of God Highly Privileged; or, the Great Comfort of Believers in the Co-operation of all Things for their Good (Rom. 8:28)
136. The Best Company in the Most Lonely Case (John 16:32)
137. The Happy Victor; or, Saints More than Conquerors (Rom. 8:37)
The sermons and other practical works : consisting of above one hundred and fifty sermons, besides his poetical pieces. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings, with an elagiac poem and large contents, Volume 9 (1778)
138. & 139. The Believer's Internal Witness; or, the certain Evidence of true Faith (1 John 5:10)
140. The Repose and Repast of Faith, under the Shady and Fruitful Tree of Life (Song 2:3)
141. & 142. The Day of Effectual Calling, a Levelling Day; or, the Heights from which Sinners come down in the Days of effectual Vocation (Luke 19:5)
143. Mountains Overleaped; or, Christ's coming to his People, leaping and skipping on the mountains and Hills in his Way (Song 2:8)
144. Christ's Love-suit reinforced and repeated; or, his kindly Gospel-call renewed (Song 2:13)
145. - 146. Prayer for Mercy, a seasonable Duty in Times of Sin and Wrath (Hab. 2:13, 3:2)
147.- 151. Wisdom's Ways Pleasantness, and all her Paths Peace (Prov. 3:17)
152. Some Signs of an Evening Time with the Church of God (Zech. 14:7)
153. - 154. Gospel-Hearers have a firm Ground for Faith and Hope in the worst of Times (Rom. 4:18)
155. - 156. Faith in Christ the Surest Way of Relief in the Saddest Case (Jonah 2:4)
The sermons and other practical works : consisting of above one hundred and fifty sermons, besides his poetical pieces. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings, with an elagiac poem and large contents, Volume 10 (1778)
Gospel Sonnets:
1. The Believer's Espousals
2. The Believer's Jointure
3. The Believer's Riddle; or, the Mystery of Faith
4. The Believer's Lodging
5. The Believer's Soliloquy; especially in Times of Desertion, Temptation, Affliction, &c.
6. The Believer's Principles
The Song of Solomon: A Paraphrase, or large Explicatory Poem on the Song of Solomon
The Scripture Songs:
Old Testament Songs; or, Songs upon several select passages in the Old Testament
1. Songs selected from the Historical Books
2. Job's Hymns
3. A New Version of the Song of Solomon
4. Songs selected from the Prophet Isaiah, &c.
5. The Lamentations of Jeremiah
6. Songs Selected from the Minor Prophets
New Testament Songs; or, Songs upon several select passages of the New Testament
1. Songs selected from the Four Evangelists
2. Songs selected out of the Apostolical Epistles
3. Songs selected from the Revelation
Miscellaneous Poems
The Main Question of the Gospel Catechism, What Think Ye of Christ?: Being the Substance of Some ... (1741)
Faith No Fancy: Or, A Treatise of Mental Images, Discovering the Vain Philosophy and Vile Divinity of a Late Pamphlet Intitled, Mr. Robe's Fourth Letter to Mr. Fisher: and Showing that an Imaginary Idea of Christ as Man, (when supposed to belong to saving faith, whether in its act or object). Imports nothing but ignorance, atheism, idolatry, great falsehood, and gross delusion. WITH AN APPENDIX, Relating to part of the late writings of the Rev. Messrs. Willison and Currie, especially touching some points of gospel doctrine, injured by their defence of the Act of Assembly, 1722, &c. TOGETHER WITH A SERMON, titled, The true Christ no New Christ, and some other Extracts from the same author; with Mr. Fisher's Review of Cambuslang, which have an immediate connection with the work, and were never before published with it. - Ralph Erskine - 1805
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The Assembly's Shorter Catechism Explained: By Way of Question and Answer. ... In Two Parts (1764) by Ralph Erskine, James Fisher, and Ebenezer Erskine
The Assembly's Shorter Catechism Explained: By Way of Question and Answer. ... In Two Parts (1764) by Ralph Erskine, James Fisher, and Ebenezer Erskine
Part 1 by Ebenezer and Ralph Erskine, and Pt. 2 by James Fisher.
Gospel sonnets, or, Spiritual songs ... : Concerning creation and redemption, law and gospel, justification and sanctification, faith and sense, heaven and earth. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and writings (1831)
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A Vindication of the Judicial Act and Testimony: Containing a Detection of Erastianism of the Settlement of Religion at the Revolution; In Some Remarks Upon a Pamphlet Entitled, Fancy No Faith - 1748 - Campbell, William, ca. 1703-1752
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A Vindication of the Judicial Act and Testimony: Containing a Detection of Erastianism of the Settlement of Religion at the Revolution; In Some Remarks Upon a Pamphlet Entitled, Fancy No Faith - 1748 - Campbell, William, ca. 1703-1752
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