Twisse, William 1578?-1646
William Twisse (born near Newbury, England, 1578–1646) was a prominent English clergyman and theologian. He became Prolocutor of the Westminster Assembly, putting him at the head of the churchmen of the Commonwealth. He was described by a Scottish member, Robert Baillie, as “very good, beloved of all, and highlie esteemed; but merelie bookish”.
His parents were German. He was educated at Winchester College and New College, Oxford. He was appointed chaplain to Elizabeth of Bohemia, by her father James I of England, in 1612. This position was short-lived, and he returned to England from Heidelberg around 1613.
He was then given a living at Newton Longueville. He was involved with Henry Savile in the 1618 edition of the works of Thomas Bradwardine. He was vicar of Newbury from 1620. There he was known as an opponent of William Laud. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, but exhumed in 1661.
He was a strong defender of a Calvinist, supralapsarian position. In his Vindiciae gratiae of 1632 he attacked Arminius, and in Dissertatio de scientia media of 1639 adopted certain Dominican arguments, on justification. His views were in a minority at the Westminster Assembly.
A premillennialist, he wrote a preface to the 1643 English translation, Key of the Revelation, of Joseph Mede's influential Clavis Apocalyptica. Mede was a friend and correspondent.
A Discovery of D. Jackson's Vanity (1631) against Thomas Jackson
Vindiciae Gratiae (Amsterdam, 1632)
The Riches of Gods Love (1653), with Henry Jeanes and John Goodwin
An Examination of Mr. Cotton's Analysis of The Ninth Chapter of Romans
The Five Points of Grace and of Predestination
Of the Morality of the Fourth Commandment
A Treatise of Mr. Cotton's Clearing Certaine Doubts Concerning Predestination
The Doctrine of the Synod of Dort and Arles, Reduced to the Practice (1650)
His parents were German. He was educated at Winchester College and New College, Oxford. He was appointed chaplain to Elizabeth of Bohemia, by her father James I of England, in 1612. This position was short-lived, and he returned to England from Heidelberg around 1613.
He was then given a living at Newton Longueville. He was involved with Henry Savile in the 1618 edition of the works of Thomas Bradwardine. He was vicar of Newbury from 1620. There he was known as an opponent of William Laud. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, but exhumed in 1661.
He was a strong defender of a Calvinist, supralapsarian position. In his Vindiciae gratiae of 1632 he attacked Arminius, and in Dissertatio de scientia media of 1639 adopted certain Dominican arguments, on justification. His views were in a minority at the Westminster Assembly.
A premillennialist, he wrote a preface to the 1643 English translation, Key of the Revelation, of Joseph Mede's influential Clavis Apocalyptica. Mede was a friend and correspondent.
A Discovery of D. Jackson's Vanity (1631) against Thomas Jackson
Vindiciae Gratiae (Amsterdam, 1632)
The Riches of Gods Love (1653), with Henry Jeanes and John Goodwin
An Examination of Mr. Cotton's Analysis of The Ninth Chapter of Romans
The Five Points of Grace and of Predestination
Of the Morality of the Fourth Commandment
A Treatise of Mr. Cotton's Clearing Certaine Doubts Concerning Predestination
The Doctrine of the Synod of Dort and Arles, Reduced to the Practice (1650)
Evangelical biography : or, an historical account of the lives & deaths of the most eminent and evangelical authors or preachers, both British and foreign, in the several denominations of Protestants, from the beginning of the Reformation to the present time ... (Volume 3) - 1816 - Middleton, Erasmus, 1739-1805 (see pages 160-165 for entry on William Twisse)
On-line biographical sketch of William Twisse html
Of the morality of the Fourth Commandment, as still in force to binde Christians : delivered by way of answer to the translator of Doctor Prideaux his lecture, concerning the doctrine of the Sabbath (1641)
The Christian Sabbath Defended: Against a Crying Evil in these Times of the Antisabitarians of our Age: Wherein is shewed that the Morality of the fourth Commandment is still in force to bind Christians unto the Sanctification of the Sabbath Day. - 1652
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A Brief Catechetical Exposition of Christian Doctrine: Divided into four Catechsims: Comprising the Doctrine of the 1. Two Sacraments, 2. Lord's Prayer, 3. Ten Commandments, and 4. the Creed. - 1645
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The Doctrine of the Synod of Dordt and Arles, reduced to the practise. With a consideration thereof, and representation with what sobriety it proceeds
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The riches of God's Love unto the Vessels of Mercy, consistent with His Absolute Hatred or Reprobation of the Vessels of Writh. or An Answer unto a book entitled God's Love unto Mankind, Manifested by Disproving His Absolute Decree for their Damnation in Two Books, etc. - 1653
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A short Survey of the ninth Chapter to the Romans, so farre as it treateth of the Doctrine Of Predestination.Or, An Examination of Mr. Cotton's Analysis of The Ninth Chapter of Romans by William Twisse, DD.
A Treatise of Mr. Cotton's, Clearing Certain Doubts Concerning Predestination. Together with an Examination thereof; written by William Twisse, D.D. - 1646
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A Discovery of D. Jackson's Vanity. or, A perspective glass, whereby the admirers of D. Jackson's profound discourses, may see the vanity and weakness of them, in sundry passages, and expecially so far as they tend to the undermining of the doctrine hitherto received. - 1631
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