Christopher Love (1618 – 22 August 1651) was a Welsh Protestant preacher and advocate of Presbyterianism at the time of the English Civil War. In 1651 he was executed by the government, after it was discovered that he had been in correspondence with the exiled Stuart court. He went to his death as a hero and martyr of the Presbyterian faction which had petitioned in vain for his pardon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Love
See A Puritan's Mind
See Monergism
See Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL)
Lives of the Puritans, Volume 3 - 1813
see page 115 for the life of Christopher Love
See page 132 for Love's long speech upon the scaffold.
His Works.—
1. The Debauched Cavalier, 1642.—
2. England's Distemper, 1645. This is the Sermon preached at Uxbridge.—
3. Short and plain Animadversions on some Passages in Mr. Dell's Sermon before the House of Commons, 1616.—
4. Answer to an Unlicensed Pamphlet, 1647.—
5. A Vindication of England's Distemper, 1651.—
6. Love's Case, 1651. —
7. Love's Trial, 1651.—
8. Love's Advocate, 1651.—
9. A Full Narration of the late Dangerous Design against the State, 1651.—
10. His Speech and Prayer upon the Scaffold on Tower-hill, 1651.—
11. The Truth, and Growth, and different Degrees of Grace, 1652.—
12. A Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. B., 1652. This was the last sermon he preached.—
13. Heaven's Glory Hell's Terror, 1653.—
14. The Souls Cordial, 1653.—
15. A Treatise of Election and Effectual Calling, 1653.—
16. Scripture-rules to be observed in Buying and Selling, 1653.—
17. The true Doclrine of Mortification and Sincerity, in Opposition to Hypocrisy, 1654.—
18. Combat between the Flesh and Spirit, 1654.-—
19. The Sum or Substance of Practical Divinity, 1654.—
20. The Christian's Directory, 1654.—
21. The Dejected Soul's Cure. 1657.—
22. The Ministry of the Angels to the Heirs of Salvation, 1657.—
23. The Omnipresence of God, 1657.—
24. The Sinner's Legacy to his Posterity, 1657.—
25. The Penitent Pardoned, 1657.—
26. A Discourse of Christ's Ascension and Coming to Judgment, 1657.—
27. The natural Man's Case stated, 1658.—
Many of the above articles were published after the author's death; and some of them came forth with the high commendations of his brethren.
His sermons were published, after his death, by leading Presbyterians of London (Edmund Calamy, Simeon Ashe, Jeremiah Whitaker, William Taylor, and Allan Geare).
**The Zealous Christian Holding Communion with God, in Wrestling and Importunate Prayer
**Sermons on Grace: Wherein is Plainly Shown True Grace, With Its Different Degrees; and Several Important Cases of Conscience Answered in the Course of the Work
The most important of his works are:
Grace, the Truth and Growth, and different Degrees thereof (226 pp., London, 1652);
Heaven's Glory, Hell's Terror (350 pp., 1653);
Heaven's Glory; Hell's Terror. Or Two Treatises: the One Concerning the Glory of the Saints with Jesus Christ, as a Spur to Duty: THE OTHER Of the Torments of the damned, as a preservative against Security - 1721
Combate between the Flesh and the Spirit (292 pp., 1654);
A Treatise of Effectual Calling and Ellection in XVI Sermons on 2 Peter 1:10, wherein a Christian may discern whether yet he be effectually Called and Elected. And what course he ought to take that he may attain the assurance thereof. (218 pp.,1658);
Heaven's Glory, Hell's Terror (350 pp., 1653);
Heaven's Glory; Hell's Terror. Or Two Treatises: the One Concerning the Glory of the Saints with Jesus Christ, as a Spur to Duty: THE OTHER Of the Torments of the damned, as a preservative against Security - 1721
Combate between the Flesh and the Spirit (292 pp., 1654);
A Treatise of Effectual Calling and Ellection in XVI Sermons on 2 Peter 1:10, wherein a Christian may discern whether yet he be effectually Called and Elected. And what course he ought to take that he may attain the assurance thereof. (218 pp.,1658);
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The Natural Man's Case Stated (8vo, 280 pp., 1658);
Select Works (8vo, Glasgow, 1806-07, 2 vols.).
The Natural Man's Case Stated (8vo, 280 pp., 1658);
Select Works (8vo, Glasgow, 1806-07, 2 vols.).
PDF Download Audio From The Works of Love, Volume 1
Short and plaine Animadversions on some Passages in Mr. Dels' Sermon (1646) was a reply to William Dell. A modest and clear Vindication of the ... ministers of London from the scandalous aspersions of John Price (1649) (attributed to Love) replied to the Clerico-classicum of John Price.
A Compleat Collection of State-Tryals and Proceedings upon Impeachment for High Treason and Other Crimes and Misdemeanors, Volume 1 (1407-1664) - 1719 (see page 640 for The Tryal of Mr. Christopher Love - June 20, 1651
A Compleat Collection of State-Tryals and Proceedings upon Impeachment for High Treason and Other Crimes and Misdemeanors, Volume 1 (1407-1664) - 1719 (see page 640 for The Tryal of Mr. Christopher Love - June 20, 1651
A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and Other Crimes and Misdemeanors , Volume 5 (1650-1661) - 1816. See Trial No. 188 beginning on page 43: The Trial of Christopher Love.
THE HISTORY OF THE HOLY BIBLE Containing the Old and New Testaments. By Question and Answer. ETC. - 1783 - Christopher Love
A True and Exact Copie of Mr. Love's Speech and Prayer, immediately before his Death, on the Scaffold at Tower-Hill, Aug. 22, 1651 (portions missing)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Execution faite a Londres le 22. Aoust 1651. De la Personne due Sieur Love Ministre Presbyterien, pour s'estre oppose & auoir Presche contre les nouueaux Religionnaires, * auoir soutstenu que l'on deuoit tenir le Covuenant fait auec les Escossois. ET SES DERNIERES PAROLES qu'il a proferees sur l'Eschaffaut auant sa mort. Traduit de l'Anglois en Francois. - 1651
Den strydt tusschen vleesch en geest: voorgesteld in verscheidene predication - 1852 - By Christopher Love
Theologia practica, dat is: alle de theologische wercken, ... - 1669 - By Christopher Love
Sermons of Christopher Love at sermonaudio.com
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