Gillespie, George 1613-1648
Memoir of the Rev. George Gillespie
From Works Volume 1 - page 4 (1846 edition)
Memoir of the Rev. George Gillespie
From Works Volume 1 - page 4 (1846 edition)
A dispute against the English popish ceremonies, obtruded upon the Church of Scotland - 1844
Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies Obtruded on the Church of Scotland
From Works Volume 1 - page 55 (1846 edition)
A Treatise of Miscellany Questions wherein many usefull questions and cases of conscience are discussed and resolved (1649)
Covenanter Web Site (partial) Large Flip Book PDF Download Audio Book
From Works Volume 1 - page 814 (1846 edition)
Notes of Debates and Proceedings of the Assembly of Divines and other Commissioners at Westminster. February 1644 to January 1645. (1846)A Form for Church Government and Ordination of Ministers, Contained in 111 Propositions, propounded to the late Generall Assembly at Edinburgh, 1647. Together with an Act concerning Erastianisme, Independencie, and Liberty of Conscience (1647)
One Hundred and Eleven Propositions Concerning the Ministry and Government of the Church (1644)
From Works Volume 1 - page 719 (1846 edition)
From The Westminster Assembly Project
From Works Volume 1 - page 763 (1846 edition)
Wholesome Severity reconciled with Christian Liberty. Or, The true resolution of a present controversy concerning Liberty of conscience. Here you have the question stated, the middle way betwixt popish tyranny and schismatizing liberty approved, and also confirmed from scripture, and the testimonies of Divines, yea of whole Churches: The chief arguments and exceptions used in The Bloudy Tenent, The Compassionate Samaritane, M.S. to A.S. &c. examined. Eight distinctions added for qualifying and clearing the whole matter. And in conclusion a Paraenetick to the five Apologists for choosing Accomodation rather than Toleration. (1644)
Covenanter Web Site Audio Book Naphtali Press Web Site
A Defense of George Gillespie's Authorship of Wholesome Severity Reconciled with Christian Liberty by Chris Coldwell
A Defense of George Gillespie's Authorship of Wholesome Severity Reconciled with Christian Liberty by Chris Coldwell
An assertion of the government of the Church of Scotland, in the points of ruling-elders, and of the authority of presbyteries and synods : with a postscript in answer to a treatise lately published against presbyteriall government .. - 1641 - Gillespie, George, 1613-1648
"A post-script, in answer to a treatise very lately published, which is intituled, The presbyteriall governement examined," 40 p. at end
A Brotherly Examination of Some Passages of Mr. Coleman's Late Sermon Upon Job XI. 20.
From Works Volume 1 - page 591 (1846 edition)
Nihil Respondes: Or A Discovery of the Extreme Unsatisfactoriness of Mr. Coleman's Piece
From Works Volume 1 - page 615 (1846 edition)
Testimony-bearing exemplified : a collection. Containing, I. Gillepsie against association with malignants; together with the causes of God's wrath, agreed upon by the General assembly of the Church of Scotland, met at Edinburgh, October 1651. II. The informatory vindication; to which is subjoined, a collection of excellent laws, (or Eschol grapes) in favours of our covenanted reformation ..- Henderson, Thomas, fl. 1791
"To the reader" signed: Thomas Henderson
The Presbyterian's Armoury - Volume 1 - 1846
Works of George Gillespie - Volume 1
Memoir of Gillespie
Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies Obtruded on the Church of Scotland, 1637
An Assertion of the Government of the Church of Scotland, 1644
A Brotherly Examination of Some Passages in Mr. Colman's Sermon on Job xi.20, 1644
Nihil Respondes, or a Discovery of the Extreme Unsatisfactoriness of Mr. Coleman's Piece Entitled "A Brotherly Examination Re-Examined" 1644
Male Audis, An Answer to Mr. Coleman's Male Dicis, 1644
CXI Propositions Concerning the Ministry and Government of the Church, 1644
Letter from G. Gillespie to The Right Reverend The Commission of the General Assembly
A Sermon Preached Before the Honorable House of Commons, March 27, 1644
A Sermon Preached Before the Right Honourable the House of Lords, Aug. 27, 1645
The Presbyterian's Armoury - Volume 2 - 1846
Works of George Gillespie - Volume 2
Aaron's Rod Blossoming, or the Divine Ordinance of Church Government Vindicated
A Treatise of Miscellany Questions
Notes of Debates and Proceedings of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, February 1644 to January 1645
The Presbyterian's Armoury - Volume 3 - 1846
Rutherford's Lex Rex,
Brown of Wamphray's Apologetical Relation,
Calderwood's Pastor and Prelate,
Guthrie's Causes of the Lord's Wrath Against Scotland.
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