Audio Book Samples

Saturday, December 14, 2013

James Guthrie  1612?-1661

James Guthrie (1612? - 1 June 1661), was a Scottish Presbyterian minister who was exempted from the general pardon at the restoration of the monarchy and hanged in Edinburgh.

Biographical sketch at wikipedia

Biographical Sketch from Electric Scotland Website


Guthrie published:
  1. The Causes of the Lord's Wrath, 1653 (not seen).
  2. Protesters no Subverters, Edinburgh, 1658, 4to.
  3. Some Considerations contributing unto the Discoverie of the Dangers that threaten Religion, Edinburgh, 1660, 12mo; reprinted, Glasgow, 1738, 8vo.
  4. Sermon (his last) at Stirling (Matt. xiv. 22), 1660 (not seen); reprinted as A Cry from the Dead, &c., Glasgow, 1738, 8vo.
Posthumous publications of his work:
  1. Two Speeches … before the Parliament, 1661, 4to.
  2. True and Perfect Speech … before his Execution, 1661, 4to.
  3. A Treatise of Ruling Elders and Deacons, Edinburgh, 1699, 24mo.
  4. The Great Danger of Backsliding … from Covenanted Reformation-Principles: a Sermon dated 21 April 1660, with Guthrie's speech before Parliament, Edinburgh, 1739.
  5. Sermons, Edinburgh, 1846, 12mo.

Life of James Guthrie - 1838 - Thomas M'Crie

Sermon Preached at Airth July 1658

Sermon Preached Upon the Communion Sabbath

A Cry from the Dead:  Being Mr. Guthrie's Last Sermon, Preached at Stirling, Before His Martyrdom at Edinburgh June 1661

Last Speech Upon the Scaffold, June 1, 1661

Image from

James Guthrie's Considerations Contributing Unto the Discovery of the Dangers That Threaten Religion and the Work of Reformation in the Church of Scotland

Protesters No Subverters, and Presbyterie No Papacie; Or a Vindication of the Protesting Brethren ... from the Expressions ... in a Late Pamphlet of Some of the Resolution-party, Entituled, a Declaration, &c... By Some Witnesses to the Way of the Protestation -- 1658

The Presbyterian's Armoury, vol. 3 (Edinburgh : R. Ogle and Oliver & Boyd, 1846) / added author(s): Samuel Rutherford,John Brown of WamphrayDavid Calderwood [Includes: Samuel Rutherford, Lex Rex, or the Law and the Prince; John Brown, An Apologetical Relation of the Particular Sufferings of the Faithful Ministers and Professors of the Church of Scotland; David Calderwood, The Pastor and Prelate, or Reformation and Conformity; James Guthrie, Causes of the Lord's Wrath Against Scotland]

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