In the early part of the war between the King and Parliament, a course of sermons or lectures with extemporary prayers was projected in aid of the parliamentary cause. These were continued with a less political aim after the death of the King and the establishment of the Government of the Protector. This course of lectures was commenced in the church of St. Mary Magdalen, in Milk street, but was soon after removed to St. Giles without Cripplegate. The lectures or sermons were preached by various Presbyterian divines at seven o'clock on the Sunday morning, and after the Restoration were collected in four volumes and published by Dr. Annesley under the title of the "Cripplegate Morning exercises."
He was himself the preacher of the first of these collected "exercises."
The Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, St. Giles in the Fields, and in Southwark: Being Divers Sermons Preached A.D. 1659-1689 By Several Ministers of the Gospel In Or Near London
VOLUME 1 WITH 695 PAGES The Morning Exercise at Cripplegate:or Several Cases of Conscience Practically Resolved, with Part of the Supplement
VOLUME 2 WITH 700 PAGES The Conclusion of the Supplement to the Morning Exercise at Cripplegate
VOLUME 3 WITH 635 PAGES A Continuation of Morning Exercise Questions, and Cases of Conscience, Practically Resolved
VOLUME 4 WITH 625 PAGES The Conclusion of the Morning Exercise Questions, and the Casuistical Morning Exercises
VOLUME 5 WITH 733 PAGES The Morning Exercise Methodized: or, Certain Chief Heads and Points of the Christian Religion Opened and Improved; with the First Part of the Morning Exercise Against Popery
VOLUME 6 WITH 811 PAGES The Conclusion of the Morning Exercise Against Popery
Sermons by
Plus many, many more...
The Morning-Exercise at Cripple-Gate: or, Several Cases of Conscience Practically Resolved, by Sundry Ministers, September, 1661. Volume 1 - Third Edition - 1671
Sermon 1: By the Rev. Samuel Annesley, LL.D. How may we be universally and exactly conscientious? Acts 24:16 (page 1)
Sermon 2: By the Rev. William Greenhill, A.M. - What must and can persons do towards their own Conversion? Ezekiel 18:32 (page 33)
Sermon 3: By the Rev. Benjamin Needler, B.C.L. - How may beloved lusts be discovered and mortified? Matthew 5:29-30 (page 47)
Sermon 4: By the Rev. John Sheffield, M.A. - What Relapses are inconsistent with Grace? Hebrews 6:4-6 (page 72)
Sermon 5: By the Rev. John Gibbon, B.D. - How may we be so spiritual, as to check Sin in the first Risings of it? Galatians 5:16 (page 91)
Sermon 6: By the Rev. Matthew Poole, A.M. - How Ministers or Christian Friends may and ought to apply themselves to sick Persons, for their Good, and the Discharge of their own Conscience - Job 33:23, 24 (page 117)
Sermon 7: By the Rev. John Kitchen, A.M. - How must we reprove, that we may not partake of other Men's Sins? 1 Timothy 5:22 (page 129)
Sermon 8: By the Rev. Samuel Lee, A.M. - What Means may be used towards the Conversion of our carnal Relations? Romans 10:1 (page 155)
Sermon 9: By the Rev. Thomas Nest (or Neast), A.M. - What are the Characters of a Soul's sincere Love to Christ? And how may that Love to him be kindled and inflamed? Ephesians 6:24 (page 186)
Sermon 10: By the Rev. John Tillotson, D.D., afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury - Wherein lies that exact Righteousness, which is required between Man and Man? Matthew 7:12 (page 216)
Sermon 11: By Rev. Thomas Gouge, A.M. - After what manner must we give Alms, that they may be acceptable and pleasing unto God? 1 Timothy 6:17-19 (page 241)
Sermon 12: By the Rev. Thomas Doolittle, A.M. - If we must aim at Assurance, what should they do that are not able to discern their own spiritual Condition? 1 John 5:13 (page 279)
Sermon 13: By the Rev. Roger Drake, D.D. - What Difference is there between the Conflict in natural and spiritual Persons? Romans 7:23 (page 312)
Sermon 14: By the Rev. Thomas White, LL.B. - What Faith is that, which except we have in Prayer, we must not think to obtain any thing of God? James 1:6 (page 326)
Sermon 15: By the Rev. Elias Pledger, A.M. - Of the Cause of inward Trouble; and how a Christian should behave himself, when inward and outward Troubles meet. Genesis 42:21, 22 (page 343 )
Sermon 16: By the Rev. Joseph Hill, B.D. - In what Things must we use Moderation, and in what not? Philippians 4:5 (page 373 )
Sermon 17: By the Rev. Thomas Mallery, D.D. - How may we have suitable Conceptions of God in Duty? Genesis 18:27 (page 407 )
Sermon 18: By the Rev. Thomas Lye, A.M. - How are we to live by Faith on Divine Providence? Psalm 62:8 (page 418 )
Sermon 19: By the Rev. Thomas Manton, D.D. - How may we cure Distractions in holy Duties? Matthew 15:7, 8 (page 453 )
Sermon 20: By the Rev. William Cooper, A.M. - How must we in all Things give Thanks? 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (page 470 )
Sermon 21: By the Rev. Mr. Simmons - How may we get rid of spiritual Sloth, and know when our Activity in Duty is from the Spirit of God? Psalm 119:37 (page 491 )
Sermon 22: By the Rev. Henry Wilkinson, Sen., D.D. - Wherein are we endangered by things lawfull? Luke 17:27, 28 (page 515)
Sermon 23: By the Rev. Thomas Watson, A.M. - How must we make Religion our Business? Luke 2:49 (page 526)
Sermon 24: By the Rev. Henry Hurst, A.M. - Whether well-composed religious Vows do not exceedingly promote Religion? Psalm 116:12, 14 (page 540 )
Sermon 25: By the Rev. William Whitaker, A.M. - How are we complete in Christ? Colossians 3:11 (last clause of verse) (page 565 )
Sermon 26: By the Rev. John Jackson, A.M. - How shall those Merchants keep up the Life of Religion, who, while at Home, enjoyed all Gospel-ordinances, and when Abroad, are not only destitute of them, but exposed to Persecution? Psalm 120:5 (page 585 )
Sermon 27: By the Rev. Andrew Bromhall - How is Hypocrisy discoverable and curable? Luke 12:1 (page 609)
Sermon 28: By the Rev. David Clarkson, D.D. - What must Christians do that the influence of the Ordinances may abide upon them? 1 Chronicles 29:18 (page 631)
A Supplement to the Morning-Exercise at Cripple-gate: or, Several more Cases of Conscience Practically Resolved by Sundry Ministers - 1674
Sermon 1: Dr. Annesley - How may we attain to love God with all our hearts, souls, and minds? Matthew 22:37, 38 (page 1)
Sermon 2: Mr. Milward - How ought we to love our Neighbour as ourselves? Matthew 22:39 (page 41; printing error, should be page 47)
Sermon 3: Mr. Gale - Wherein the love of the world is inconsistent with the love of God? 1 John 2:15 (page 58; should be page 64)
Sermon 4: Mr. Jenkins - How may we improve the present season of grace? 2 Corinthians 6:1, 2 (page 80; should be page 86)
Sermon 5: Mr. Veal - What spiritual knowledge they ought to seek for, that desire to be saved, &c. Isaiah 27:11 (page 102; should be page 108)
Sermon 6: Mr. Case - Of Sabbath Sanctification - Isaiah 58:13, 14 (page 126; should be page 132)
Sermon 7: Mr. Senior - How may we hear the word with profit? - James 1:21 (page 147; should be page 153)
Sermon 8: Mr. Watson - How we may Read the Scriptures with most Spiritual Profit - Deuteronomy 17:19 (page 111; printing error; should be page 161)
Sermon 9: Mr. Wells - How we may make Melody in our Hearts to God in Singing of Psalms - Ephesians 5:19 (page 124; should be page 174)
Sermon 10: Dr. Manton - How ought We to Improve our Baptism? - Acts 2:38 (page 140; should be page 191)
Sermon 11: Mr. Lye - By what Scriptural Rules may Catechizing be so managed, as that it may become most Universally Profitable? - Proverbs 22:6 (page 153; should be page 203)
Sermon 12: Mr. Wadsworth - How may it appear to be every Christians indispensable duty to partake of the Lords Supper? - 1 Corinthians 11:24 (page 241; should be page 231)
Sermon 13: Mr. Barker - A Religious Fast. The duty whereof is asserted, described, persuaded in a brief, exercise upon Mark 2:20 (page 247)
Sermon 14: Mr. Lee - Question: How to manage Secret Prayer, that it may be prevalent with God to the comfort and satisfaction of the Soul. - Matthew 6:6 (page 270; should be page 268)
Sermon 15: Mr. Doolittle - How may the duty of daily Family Prayer be best managed for the spiritual benefit of everyone in the Family? - Joshua 24:15 (page 225; should be page 295)
Sermon 16: Mr. Steele - What are the Duties of Husbands and Wives towards each other? - Ephesians 5:33 (page 292; should be page 362)
Sermon 17: Mr. Adams - What are the Duties of Parents and Children; and how are they to be managed, according to Scripture? - Colossians 3:20, 21 - (page 320; should be page 390)
Sermon 18: Mr. Janeway - Duties of Masters and Servants - Ephesians 6:5-9 - (page 373; should be page 443)
Sermon 19: Mr. S. C. - The Sinfulness and Cure of Thoughts - Genesis 6:5 - (page 402; should be page 472)
Sermon 20: Mr. West - How must we govern our tongues? - Ephesis 4:29 - (page 335; should be page 503)
Sermon 21: Mr. Poole - How may Detraction be best prevented or Cured? - Psalm 15:3 - (page 359; should be page 527)
Sermon 22: Mr. Baxter - What Light must shine on our Works - Matthew 5:16 - (page 377; should be page 545)
Sermon 23: Dr. Wilkinson - What is it to do all we do in the Name of Christ, and how may we do so? - Colossians 3:17 - (page 411; should be page 579)
Sermon 24: Mr. Cole - How we may steer an even Course between Presumption and Despair - Luke 3:4, 5 - (page 476; should be page 593)
Sermon 25: Mr. Fowler - How a Christian may get such a faith that is not only saving but comfortable and joyful at present? - 1 Peter 1:8 - (page 497; should be page 613)
Sermon 26: Dr. Jacomb - How Christians may learn in every State to be content. - Philippians 4:11 - (page 517; should be page 633)
Sermon 27: Dr. B. - How to bear Afflictions. - Hebrews 12:5 - (page 554; should be page 670)
Sermon 28: Dr. Owen - How we may bring our Hearts to bear Reproofs. - Psalm 141:5 - (page 601; should be page 683)
Sermon 29: Mr. T. Vincent - Wherein doth appear the blessedness of forgiveness? and how it may be obtained? - Psalm 32:1 - (page 618; should be page 700)
Sermon 30: Mr. Silvester - How we may overcome inordinate love of Life, and fear of Death. - Acts 20:24 - (page 849; should be page 744)
Sermon 31: Mr. Hook - What gifts of Grace are chiefly to be exercised in order to an actual preparation for the coming of Christ by Death, and Judgment. Matthew 25:10 - (page 877; should be page 772)
A Continuation of Morning-Exercise Questions and Cases of Conscience, Practically Resolved by Sundry Ministers, In October 1682 -- 1683
Sermon 1: Dr. Annesley - How is the adherent Vanity of every Condition most effectually abated by Serious Godliness? Ecclesiastes 6:11, 12 (page 1)
Sermon 2: Mr. Veal - How may we Experience in our selves, and Evidence to others that serious Godliness is more than a Fancy? 1 Peter 3:15 (page 33)
Sermon 3: Mr. Watson - How God is his Peoples great Reward. Genesis 15:1 (page 63)
Sermon 4: Mr. Howe - What may most hopefully be attempted to allay Animosities among Protestants, that our Divisions may not be our Ruine? Colossians 2:2 (page 76)
Sermon 5: Mr. Jenkyn - How ought we to bewail the Sins of the Places where we live? 2 Peter 2:7, 8 (page 106)
Sermon 6: Mr. Cooper - How a Child of God is to keep himself in the Love of God. Jude 21 (page 126)
Sermon 7: Mr. Lye - What may gracious Parents best do, for the Conversion of those Children whose wickedness is occasion'd by their sinful Severity, or Indulgence? Malachi 4:6; Ephesians 6:4 (page 151)
Sermon 8: Mr Hurst - How may we best cure the love of being Flatter'd? Proverbs 26:28 (page 182)
Sermon 9: Mr. Trail - By what means may Ministers best win Souls? 1 Timothy 4:16 (page 195)
Sermon 10: Dr. Owen - How is the Practical Love of Truth the best Preservative against Popery? 1 Peter 2:3 (page 217)
Sermon 11: Mr. Baxter - What are the best preservatives against Melancholy and Overmuch Sorrow? 2 Corinthians 2:7 (page 263)
Sermon 12: Mr. Vincent - How we may grow in the Knowledge of Christ? 2 Peter 3:18 (page 304)
Sermon 13: Mr. Slater - How may our belief of God's Governing the world support us in all worldly distractions? Psalm 97:1, 2 (page 385)
Sermon 14: Mr. Steel - What are the hindrances and helps to a good Memory in Spiritual things? 1 Corinthians 15:2 (page 417)
Sermon 15: Dr. Bates - What are the Signs and Symptoms whereby we know we love the Children of God? 1 John 5:2 (page 441)
Sermon 16: Mr. Mayo - What must we do to prevent and cure Spiritual Pride? 2 Corinthians 12:7 (page 452)
Sermon 17: Mr. Oakes -Wherein is a middle worldly condition most eligible? Proverbs 30:8, 9 (page 468)
Sermon 18: Mr. Lob - How may we Graciously improve those Doctrines and Providences which transcend our Understandings? Romans 11:33 (page 491)
Sermon 19: Mr. Milward - How ought we to do our duty towards others, tho they do not theirs towards us? Romans 12:21 (page 553)
Sermon 20: Mr. Cole - How may the well discharge of our present duty, give us assurance of help from God for the well discharge of all future duties? 1 Samuel 17:34-37; Psalm 27:14; Proverbs 10:29; 2 Chronicles 15:2 (page 572)
Sermon 21: Mr. Alsop - What distance ought we to keep, in following the strange Fashions of Apparel which come up in the days wherein we live? Zephaniah 1:8 (page 589)
Sermon 22: Mr. Adams - How may Child-bearing women be most encouraged, and supported against, in, and under the hazasrd of their Travail? 1 Timothy 2:15 (page 633)
Sermon 25 for 23: Mr. Vink - How may we best know the worth of the SOUL? Matthew 16:26 (page 913; actually page 665)
Sermon 26 for 24: Dr. Jacomb - The Leading of the HOLY SPIRIT opened: With some Practical Enquiries resolv'd about it. Romans 8:14 (page 939; actually page 689)
Sermon 27 for 25: Mr. Clarkson - What advantage may we expect from CHRISTS PRAYER for Union with HIMSELF, and the Blessings relating to it? John 17:20, 21 (page 965; actually page 715)
Sermon 28 for 26: Mr. Dolittle - How we should Eye ETERNITY, that it may have its due Influence upon us in all we do? 2 Corinthians 4:18 (page 979; actually page 729)
Sermon 29 for 27: Mr. Barker - A Discourse of the right way of obtaining, and maintaining COMMUNION with GOD. 1 John 1:7 (page 1019; actually page 769)
Sermon 28: Dr. Singleton - What is the best way to prepare to meet God in the way of his Judgments or Mercies? John 12:28 (page 905; actually page 789)
Sermon 29: Mr. Silvester - How may a Gracious Person from whom God hides his Face, trust in the Lord as his God. Psalm 42:11 (page 925; actually page 809)
Sermon 30: Mr. Collins - How the Religious of a Nation are the Strength of it? Isaiah 6:13 (page 959; actually page 843)
Sermon 31 Incomplete: Mr. T. W.oodcock - Whether it be expedient, and how the Congregation may say Amen in publick Worship. Nehemiah 8:6 (page 999; actually page 873)
Casuistical Morning-Exercises. The Fourth Volume. By Several Ministers In and about London, Preached in October, 1689. - 1690
Page numbering is irregular
Sermon 1: Dr. Annesley - How may we give Christ a satisfying Account why we attend upon the Ministry of the Word? Matthew 11:9 (page 1)
Sermon 2: Mr. Barker - Wherein, and wherefore will the Damnation of those that perish under the Gospel, be more intolerable than the Damnation of Sodom, or the worst of heathens at the day of Judgment? Matthew 11:24 (page 33, actually page 27)
Sermon 3: Mr. Steel - How may the Uncharitable and dangerous contentions that are amongst Professors of the true Religion be allayed? Galatians 5:15 (page 46, actually page 44)
Sermon 4: Mr. Mayo - From what Fear of Death are the children of God delivered by Christ, and by what means doth he deliver them from it? Hebrews 2:15 (page 64, actually page 81))
Sermon 5: Mr. Vink - How is gospel-Grace the best Motive to Holiness? 2 Timothy 2:19 (page 69, actually page 92)
Sermon 6: Mr. Alsop - What is the fulness of God, which every true Christian ought to pray and strive to be filled with? Ephesians 3:19 (page 200, actually page 115)
Sermon 7: Mr. Adams - How are the ordinary Means of Grace more certainly successful for conversion, than if Persons from Heaven or Hell should tells us what is done there? Luke 16:31 (page 214, actually page 143)
Sermon 8: Mr. Cole - How may it convincingly appear, that those who think it an easie matter to believe, are yet destitute of saving Faith? Ephesians 1:19, 20 (page 223, actually page 161)
Sermon 9: Mr. Veal - What is the danger of a Death-bed Repentance? Luke 23:42 (page 230, actually page 175)
Sermon 10: Mr. Woodcock - How doth practical Godliness better rectifie the Judgment than doubfull Disputations? Romans 14:1 (page 241, actually page 198)
Sermon 11: Dr. Bates - How is sin the most formidable Evil? Genesis 39:9 last clause (page 249, actually page 213)
Sermon 12: Mr. Hamond - How may private Christians be most helpfull to promote the Entertainment of the Gospel? Colossians 4:5 (page 300, actually page 239)
Sermon 13: Mr. Vincent - How is Christ to be followed as our Example? 1 Peter 2:21 latter part (page 314, actually page 267)
Sermon 14: Mr. Sylvester - How may a lukewarm Temper be most effectually cured (in ourselves, and in one another)? Hebrews 10:24, 25 (page 321, actually page 281)
Sermon 15: Mr. Slater - What is the Duty of Magistrates, from the highest to the lowest, for the suppressing of Prophaneness? Romans 13:3 (page 336, actually page 312)
Sermon 16: Mr. Hurst - How may we enquire after News, not as Athenians, but as Christians, for the better managing of our Prayers and praises for the Church of God? Acts 17:21 (page 400, actually page 363)
Sermon 17: Mr. Burgess - Wherein may we more hopefully attempt the Conversion of Young Persons than of any others? Ecclesiastes 12:1 (page 410, actually 382)
Sermon 18: Mr. Williams - What Repentance of National Sins doth God require, as ever we expect national Mercies? Hosea 10:12 (page 427, actually page 415)
The Morning Exercise Methodized; Or certain chief heads and Points of the christian Religion Opened and Improved in divers Sermons, By several Ministers of the City of London, In the Monthly Course of the Morning Exercise at Giles in the Fields. May 1659. - 1660 At the Internet Archive
Sermon 1: Rev. Thomas Case, A.M. - Introduction, Methodical Systems of the special points of Christian Religion, useful and profitable for Ministers and people. 2 Timothy 1:13 (page 1)
Sermon 2: Rev. William Bates, D.D. - That there is a God. Hebrews 11:6 (page 29)
Sermon 3: Rev. Benjamin Needler, B.C.L. - The Trinity proved by Scripture. 1 John 5:7 (page 65)
Sermon 4: Rev. Samuel Jacombe, B.D. - The Divine Authority of the Scriptures. 2 Timothy 3:16 (page 85)
Sermon 5: Rev. John Howe, M.A. - Man created in an holy, but mutable state. Ecclesiastes 7:29 (page 105)
Sermon 6: Rev. William Cooper, A.M. - The Covenant of Works. Genesis 2:16, 17 (page 120)
Sermon 7: Rev. John Wells, A.M. - The fall of man; or peccatum originale originans. Romans 5:12 (page 134)
Sermon 8: Rev. Peter Vinke, B.D. - Original sin inhering; or peccatum originale originatum. Romans 6:6 (page 149)
Sermon 9: Rev. Stephen Watkins - The misery of mans estate by nature. Ephesians 2:3 (page 173)
Sermon 10: Rev. Thomas Manton, D.D. - Mans impotency to help himself out of that misery. Romans 5:6 (page 202)
Sermon 11: Rev. Thomas Jacombe, D.D. - The Covenant of Redemption Opened. Isaiah 53:10 (page 216)
Sermon 12: Rev. Samuel Annesley, LL.D. - The Covenant of Grace. Hebrews 8:6 (page 233)
Sermon 13: Rev. William Whitaker, A.M. - The Mediatour of the Covenant, described in his Person, Natures, and Offices.
1 Timothy 2:5 (page 261)
Sermon 14: Rev. John Meriton, D.D. - Of Christs Humiliation. Philippians 2:8 (page 258, alias 278)
Sermon 15: Rev. William Taylor, A.B. - Christs State of Exaltation. Philippians 2:9-11 (page 306)
Sermon 16: Rev. Matthew Poole, A.M. - The Satisfaction of Christ. Colossians 1:20 (page 337)
Sermon 17: Rev. Thomas White, LL.B. - Of Effectual Calling. Romans 8:28 (page 353)
Sermon 18: Rev. Thomas Lye, A.M. - The True Believers Union with Christ Jesus. 1 Corinthians 6:17 (page 377)
Sermon 19: Rev. John Gibbon, B.D. - The Nature of Justification Opened. Romans 5:1 (page 402)
Sermon 20: Rev. Roger Drake, D.D. - The Believers Dignity and Duty, or High Birth, and Honourable Employment.
John 1:12, 13 (page 433)
Sermon 21: Rev. Thomas Parson, A.M. - Saving Faith. Acts 16:31 (page 455)
Sermon 22: Rev. Zachary Crofton, A.M. - Repentance not to be Repented. Acts 5:31 (page 485)
Sermon 23: Rev. John Sheffield, M.A. - Of Holiness, its nature and necessity. Hebrews 12:14 (page 554)
Sermon 24: Rev. Edmund Calamy, Jun., A.M. - Of the Resurrection. Acts 26:8 (page 577, alias 573)
Sermon 25: Rev. Thomas Watson, A.M. - The Day of Judgement Asserted. Acts 17:31 (page 605)
Sermon 26: Rev. Richard Adams, A.M. - Of Hell. Matthew 25:41 (page 621)
Sermon 27: Rev. Thomas Woodcock, A.M. - Of Heaven. Matthew 25:34 (page 647)
Sermon 28: Rev. Thomas Case, A.M. - The Conclusion. 2 Timothy 1:13 (page 619, alias 672)
The Morning-Exercise Against Popery. Or, the Principal Errors of the Church of Rome Detected and Confuted, in a Morning-Lecture Preached lately in Southward: by Several Ministers of the Gospel in or near London. - 1675 At Google Books
Sermon 1: Rev. Matthew Poole, A.M. - POPE and COUNCILS not Infallible. Matthew 23:8-10 (page 1)
Sermon 2: Rev. Richard Baxter - CHRIST, and not the POPE, Universal Head of the Church. 1 Corinthians 12:27, 28 (page 25)
Sermon 3: Rev. Henry Hurst, A.M. - KINGS and EMPEROURS, not rightful Subjects to the POPE. Acts 26:2 (page 44)
Sermon 4: Rev. Henry Wilkinson, Sen., D.D. - The POPE of ROME is ANTICHRIST. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10 (page 80)
Sermon 5: Rev. Christopher Fowler, A.M. - The SCRIPTURE to be read by the Common People. (page 105)
Sermon 6: Rev. Thomas Manton, D.D. - PROPOSITION: The Scripture is a sufficient Rule of Christian Faith, or a Record of all necessary Christian Doctrines, without any supplement of unwritten Traditions, as containing any necessary matter of Faith, and is thus far sufficient for the decision of all Controversies. 2 Thessalonians 2:15 (page 149)
Sermon 7: Rev. Thomas Doolittle, A.M. - Popery is a Novelty, and the Protestants Religion was not only before Luther, but the same that was taught by Christ and his Apostles. Jeremiah 6:16 (page 165)
Sermon 8: Rev. William Jenkin, A.M. - No Sin Venial. Romans 6:23 (page 261)
Sermon 9: Rev. Nathanael Vincent, A.M. - Publick Prayer should be in a Known Tongue. 1 Corinthians 14:15 (page 295)
Sermon 10: Rev. John Owen, D.D. - The Testimony of the Church is not the only, nor the chief reason, of our believing the Scripture to be the Word of God. Luke 16:29 (page 312)
Sermon 11: Rev. Edward Veal, B.D. - Whether the good Works of Believers be meritorious of Eternal Salvation? Negative. Psalm 62:12 (page 401)
Sermon 12: Rev. David Clarkson, B.D. - The Doctrine of Justification is Dangerously Corrupted in the Roman Church. Romans 3:24 (page 441)
Sermon 13: Rev. Benjamin Needler, B.C.L. - God not to be Worshipped as represented by an Image. Matthew 4:10 (page 458)
Sermon 14: Rev. Peter Vinke, B.D. - Protestants Separated for Christ's Names Sake. Luke 6:22 (page 492)
Sermon 15: Rev. Richard Mayo, A.M. - Invocation of Saints and Angels, unlawful. Romans 10:14 (page 519)
Sermon 16: Rev. Thomas Lye, A.M. - No Works of Supererogation. Luke 17:10 (page 548)
Sermon 17: Rev. Thomas Vincent, A.M. - The Popish Doctrine, which forbiddeth to Marry, is a Devilish and Wicked Doctrine. 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 (page 578)
Sermon 18: Rev. Richard Fairclough, A.M. - The Nature, Possibility, and Duty, of a true Believer attaining to a certain Knowledge of his Effectual Vocation, Eternal election, and final perseverance to Glory. 2 Peter 1:10 (page 617)
Sermon 19: Rev. Samuel Annesley, LL.D. - Of Indulgences. Hebrews 10:14 (page 669)
Sermon 20: By the Rev. Matthew Sylvester - There are But two Sacraments under the New Testament. Proverbs 30:6 (page 701)
Sermon 21: Rev. Edward Lawrence, A.M. - There is no Transubstantiation in the Lords Supper. 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 (page 729)
Sermon 22: Rev. Richard Steele, A.M. - The Right of every Believer to the blessed Cup in the Lords Supper. Matthew 26:27, 28 (page 760)
Sermon 23: Rev. Thomas Wadsworth, A.M. - Christ crucified, the onely proper Gospel Sacrifice. Hebrews 10:12 (page 784)
Sermon 24: Rev. Edward West, A.M. - Purgatory a Groundless and Dangerous Doctrine. 1 Corinthians 3:15 (page 813)
Sermon 25: Rev. Samuel Lee, A.M. - The Visibility of the True Church. Matthew 16:18 (page 839)
The Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, St. Giles in the Fields, and in Southwark: Being Divers Sermons, Preached A.D. 1659-1689. By Several Ministers of the Gospel in or near London. In Six Volumes. Vol. I. Several Cases of Conscience Practically Resolved, with Part of the Supplement to the Morning Exercise at Cripplegate. - 1844
Sermon 1: By the Rev. Samuel Annesley, LL.D. How may we be universally and exactly conscientious? Acts 24:16 (page 1)
Sermon 2: By the Rev. William Greenhill, A.M. - What must and can persons do towards their own Conversion? Ezekiel 18:32 (page 38)
Sermon 3: By the Rev. Benjamin Needler, B.C.L. - How may beloved lusts be discovered and mortified? Matthew 5:29-30 (page 50)
Sermon 4: By the Rev. John Sheffield, M.A. - What Relapses are inconsistent with Grace? Hebrews 6:4-6 (page 71)
Sermon 5: By the Rev. John Gibbon, B.D. - How may we be so spiritual, as to check Sin in the first Risings of it? Galatians 5:16 (page 87)
Sermon 6: By the Rev. Matthew Poole, A.M. - How Ministers or Christian Friends may and ought to apply themselves to sick Persons, for their Good, and the Discharge of their own Conscience - Job 33:23, 24 (page 111)
Sermon 7: By the Rev. John Kitchen, A.M. - How must we reprove, that we may not partake of other Men's Sins? 1 Timothy 5:22 (page 121)
Sermon 8: By the Rev. Samuel Lee, A.M. - What Means may be used towards the Conversion of our carnal Relations? Romans 10:1 (page 142)
Sermon 9: By the Rev. Thomas Nest (or Neast), A.M. - What are the Characters of a Soul's sincere Love to Christ? And how may that Love to him be kindled and inflamed? Ephesians 6:24 (page 169)
Sermon 10: By the Rev. John Tillotson, D.D., afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury - Wherein lies that exact Righteousness, which is required between Man and Man? Matthew 7:12 (page 194)
Sermon 11: After what manner must we give Alms, that they may be acceptable and pleasing unto God? 1 Timothy 6:17-19 (page 213)
Sermon 12: By the Rev. Thomas Doolittle, A.M. - If we must aim at Assurance, what should they do that are not able to discern their own spiritual Condition? 1 John 5:13 (page 252)
Sermon 13: By the Rev. Roger Drake, D.D. - What Difference is there between the Conflict in natural and spiritual Persons? Romans 7:23 (page 284)
Sermon 14: By the Rev. Thomas White, LL.B. - What Faith is that, which except we have in Prayer, we must not think to obtain any thing of God? James 1:6 (page 292)
Sermon 15: By the Rev. Elias Pledger, A.M. - Of the Cause of inward Trouble; and how a Christian should behave himself, when inward and outward Troubles meet. Genesis 42:21, 22 (page 306)
Sermon 16: By the Rev. Joseph Hill, B.D. - In what Things must we use Moderation, and in what not? Philippians 4:5 (page 331)
Sermon 17: By the Rev. Thomas Mallery, D.D. - How may we have suitable Conceptions of God in Duty? Genesis 18:27 (page 360)
Sermon 18: By the Rev. Thomas Lye, A.M. - How are we to live by Faith on Divine Providence? Psalm 62:8 (page 369)
Sermon 19: By the Rev. Thomas Manton, D.D. - How may we cure Distractions in holy Duties? Matthew 15:7, 8 (page 400)
Sermon 20: By the Rev. William Cooper, A.M. - How must we in all Things give Thanks? 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (page 415)
Sermon 21: By the Rev. Mr. Simmons - How may we get rid of spiritual Sloth, and know when our Activity in Duty is from the Spirit of God? Psalm 119:37 (page 434)
Sermon 22: By the Rev. Henry Wilkinson, Sen., D.D. - Wherein are we endangered by things lawfull? Luke 17:27, 28 (page 458)
Sermon 23: By the Rev. Thomas Watson, A.M. - How must we make Religion our Business? Luke 2:49 (page 467)
Sermon 24: By the Rev. Henry Hurst, A.M. - Whether well-composed religious Vows do not exceedingly promote Religion? Psalm 116:12, 14 (page 470)
Sermon 25: By the Rev. William Whitaker, A.M. - How are we complete in Christ? Colossians 3:11 (last clause of verse) (page 500)
Sermon 26: By the Rev. John Jackson, A.M. - How shall those Merchants keep up the Life of Religion, who, while at Home, enjoyed all Gospel-ordinances, and when Abroad, are not only destitute of them, but exposed to Persecution? Psalm 120:5 (page 517)
Sermon 27: By the Rev. Andrew Bromhall - How is Hypocrisy discoverable and curable? Luke 12:1 (page 535)
Sermon 28: By the Rev. David Clarkson, D.D. - What must Christians do that the influence of the Ordinances may abide upon them? 1 Chronicles 29:18 (page 631)
Supplement to the Morning Exercises
Sermon 1: By the Rev. Samuel Annesley, LL.D. - How may we attain to love God with all our Hearts, Souls, and Minds? (page 572)
Sermon 2: By the Rev. John Milward, A.M. - How ought we to love our Neighbours as ourselves? (page 621)
Sermon 3: By the Rev. Theophilus Gale, A.M. - Wherein the Love of the World is inconsistent with the Love of God. (page 642)
Sermon 4: By the Rev. William Jenkin, A.M. - Now is the Time; or, Instructions for the present Improving the Season of Grace. (page 665)
The Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, St. Giles in the Fields, and in Southwark: Being Divers Sermons, Preached A.D. 1659-1689. By Several Ministers of the Gospel in or near London. In Six Volumes. Vol. II. Containing the conclusion of the Supplement to the Morning Exercise at Cripplegate. - 1844
Sermon 5: By the Rev. Edward Veal, B.D. - What spiritual Knowledge they ought to seek for, that desire to be saved, and by what Means they may attain it. - Isaiah 27:11 (page 1)
Sermon 6: By the Rev. Thomas Case, A.M. - Of Sabbath Sanctification - Isaiah 58:13-14 (page 26)
Sermon 7: By the Rev. Thomas Senior, B.D. - How we may hear the Word with Profit. - James 1:21 (page 47)
Sermon 8: By the Rev. Thomas Watson, A.M. - How we may read the Scriptures with most spiritual Profit. - Deuteronomy 17:19 (page 57)
Sermon 9: By the Rev. John Wells, A.M. - How we may make Melody in our Hearts to God in singing of Psalms - Ephesians 5:19 (page 71)
Sermon 10: By the Rev. Thomas Manton, D.D. - How ought we to improve our Baptism? - Acts 2:38 (page 88)
Sermon 11: By the Rev. Thomas Lye, A.M. - By what Scriptural Rules may Catechising be so managed, as that it may become most universally profitable? - Proverbs 22:6 (page 99)
Sermon 12: By the Rev. Thomas Wadsworth, A.M. - How may it appear to be every Christian's indispensable Duty to partake of the Lord's Supper? - 1 Corinthians 11:24 (page 128)
Sermon 13: By the Rev. Matthew Barker, A.M. - A religious Fast, the Duty whereof is asserted, described, persuaded, in a brief Exercise upon Mark 2:20 (page 144)
Sermon 14: By the Rev. Samuel Lee, A.M. - How to manage secret Prayer, that it may be prevalent with God to the Comfort and Satisfaction of the Soul. Matthew 6:6 (page 165)
Sermon 15: By the Rev. Thomas Doolittle, A.M. - How may the Duty of daily Family-Prayer be best managed for the spiritual Benefit of every one in the Family? - Joshua 24:15 (page 194)
Sermon 16: By the Rev. Richard Steele, A.M. - What are the Duties of Husbgands and Wives towards Each Other? - Ephesians 5:33 (page 272)
Sermon 17: By the Rev. Richard Adams, A.M. - What are the Duties of Parents and Children; and how are they to be managed according to Scripture? - Colossians 3:20, 21 (page 303)
Sermon 18: By the Rev. James Janeway, M.A. - Duties of Masters and Servants. - Ephesians 6:5-9 (page 358)
Sermon 19: By the Rev. Stephen Charnock, B.D. - The Sinfulness and Cure of Thoughts - Genesis 6:5 (page 386)
Sermon 20: By the Rev. Edward West, A.M. - How must we govern our Tongues? - Ephesians 4:29 (page 420)
Sermon 21: By the Rev. Matthew Poole, A.M. - How may Detraction be best prevented or cured? - Psalm 15:3 (page 443)
Sermon 22: By the Rev. Richard Baxter - What Light must shine in our Works? - Matthew 5:16 (page 460)
Sermon 23: By the Rev. Henry Wilkinson, Sen., D.D. - What is it to do all we do in the Name of Christ? And how may we do so? - Colossians 3:17 (page 493)
Sermon 24: By the Rev. Thomas Cole, A.M. - How may we steer an even Course between Presumption and Despair? - Luke 3:4, 5 (page 507)
Sermon 25: By the Rev. Christopher Fowler, A.M. - How a Christian may get such a Faith that is not only saving, but comfortable and joyful at present. - 1 Peter 1:8 (page 526)
Sermon 26: By the Rev. Thomas Jacombe - How Christians may learn in every State to be content. - Philippians 4:11 (page 546)
Sermon 27: By the Rev. William Bates, D.D. - How to bear Afflictions - Hebrews 12:5 (page 587)
Sermon 28: By the Rev. John Owen, D.D. - How we may bring our Hearts to bear Reproofs. - Psalm 141:5 (page 600)
Sermon 29: By the Rev. Thomas Vincent, A.M. - Wherein doth appear the Blessedness of Forgiveness? and how it may be obtained. - Psalm 32:1 (page 615)
Sermon 30: By the Rev. Matthew Sylvester - How we may overcome inordinate Love of Life and Fear of Death. - Acts 20:24 (page 647)
Sermon 31: By the Rev. William Hook - What Gifts of Grace are Chiefly to be Exercised in Order to an Actual Preparation for the Coming of Christ by Death and Judgment? - Matthew 25:10 (page 674)
The Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, St. Giles in the Fields, and in Southwark: Being Divers Sermons, Preached A.D. 1659-1689. By Several Ministers of the Gospel in or near London. In Six Volumes. Vol. III. - 1844 Morning-Exercise Questions and Cases of Conscience, Practically Resolved, by Sundry Ministers, in October 1682
Sermon 1: By the Rev. Samuel Annesley, LL.D. - How is the adherent Vanity of every Condition most effectually abated by serious Godliness? Ecclesiastes 6:11, 12 (page 1)
Sermon 2: By the Rev. Edward Veal, B.D. - How may we experience in ourselves, and evidence to others, that serious Godliness is more than a Fancy? 1 Peter 3:15 (page 38)
Sermon 3: By the Rev. Thomas Watson, A.M. - How God is his People's great Reward. Genesis 15:1 (page 67)
Sermon 4: By the Rev. John Howe, M.A. - What may most hopefully be attempted, to allay Animosities among Protestants, that our Divisions may not be our Ruin? Colossians 2:2 (page 81)
Sermon 5: By the Rev. William Jenkin, A.M. - How ought we to bewail the Sins of the Places where we live? 2 Peter 2:7, 8 (page 110)
Sermon 6: By the Rev. William Cooper, A.M. - How a Child of God is to keep himself in the Love of God. Jude 21 (page 129)
Sermon 7: By the Rev. Thomas Lye, A.M. - What may gracious Parents best do for the Conversion of those Children, whose Wickedness is occasioned by their sinful Severity or Indulgence? Malachi 4:6 (page 154)
Sermon 8: By the Rev. Henry Hurst, A.M. - How may we best cure the Love of being flattered? Proverbs 26:28 (page 185)
Sermon 9: By the Rev. Robert Trail, A.M. - By what Means may Ministers best win Souls? 1 Timothy 4:16 (page 199)
Sermon 10: By the Rev. John Owen, D.D. - How is the practical Love of Truth the best Preservative against Popery? 1 Peter 2:3 (page 211)
Sermon 11: By the Rev. Richard Baxter - What are the best Preservatives against Melancholy and overmuch Sorrow? 2 Corinthians 2:7 (page 253)
Sermon 12: By the Rev. Nathanael Vincent, A.M. - How may we grow in the Knowledge of Christ? 2 Peter 3:18 (page 293)
Sermon 13: By the Rev. Samuel Slater, A.M. - How may our Belief of God's governing the World support us in all worldly Distractions? Psalm 97:1, 2 (page 314)
Sermon 14: By the Rev. Richard Steele, A.M. - What are the Hinderances and Helps to a good Memory in spiritual Things? 1 Corinthians 15:2 (page 345)
Sermon 15: By the Rev. William Bates, D.D. - What are the Signs and Symptoms, whereby we know that we love the children of God? 1 John 5:2 (page 368)
Sermon 16: By the Rev. Richard Mayo, A.M. - What must we do to prevent and cure spiritual Pride? 2 Corinthians 12:7 (page 378)
Sermon 17: By the Rev. John Oakes - Wherein is a middle worldly Condition most eligible? Proverbs 30:8, 9 (page 394)
Sermon 18: By the Rev. Stephen Lobb - How may we graciously improve those Doctrines and Providences which transcend our Understandings? Romans 11:33 (page 417)
Sermon 19: By the Rev. John Milward - How ought we to do our Duty toward others, though they do not theirs toward us? Romans 12:21 (page 451)
Sermon 20: By the Rev. Thomas Cole, A.M. How may the Well-discharge of our present Duty give us Assurance of Help from God for the Well-discharge of all future Duties? 1 Samuel 17:34-37; Psalm 27:14; Proverbs 10:29; 2 Chronicles 15:2 (page 471)
Sermon 21: By the Rev. Vincent Alsop, A.M. - What Distance ought we to keep, in following the strange Fashions of Apparel, which come up in the Days wherein we live? Zephaniah 1:8 (page 488)
Sermon 22: By the Rev. Richard Adams, A.M. - How may child-bearing Women be most encouraged and supported against, in, and under of the Hazard of their Travail? 1 Timothy 2:15 (page 531)
Sermon 23: By the Rev. Peter Vinke, B.D. - How may we best know the Worth of the Soul? Matthew 16:26 (page 562)
Sermon 24: By the Rev. Thomas Jacombe, D.D. - The Leading of the Holy Spirit opened; with some practical Inquiries resolved about it Romans 8:14 (page 585)
Sermon 25: By the Rev. David Clarkson, B.D. - What Advantage may we expect from Christ's Prayer for Union with himself, and the Blessings relating to it? John 17:20, 21 (page 611)
The Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, St. Giles in the Fields, and in Southwark: Being Divers Sermons, Preached A.D. 1659-1689. By Several Ministers of the Gospel in or near London. In Six Volumes, Vol. IV. - 1844
Containing the Conclusion of the "Continuation," and the "Casuistical Morning Exercises: at Cripplegate: Being the Fourth Volume
A Continuation of Morning-Exercise Questions and Cases of Conscience, Practically Resolved, by Sundry Ministers, in October 1682. (conclusion)
Sermon 26: By the Rev. Thomas Doolittle, A.M. - How We Should Eye Eternity, that it May have its Due Influence Upon Us in All We Do - 2 Corinthians 4:18 (page 1)
Sermon 27: By the Rev. Matthew Barker, A.M. - A Discourse of the Right Way of Obtaining and Maintaining Communion with God - 1 John 1:7 (page 38)
Sermon 28: By the Rev. John Singleton, A.M. - What is the Best Way to Prepare to Meet God in the Way of His Judgments or Mercies? - John 12:28 (page 57)
Sermon 29: By the Rev. Matthew Sylvester - How May a Gracious Person, from Whom God Hides His Face, Trust in the Lord as His God. - Psalm 42:11 (page 80)
Sermon 30: By the Rev. John Collins, A.M. - How the Religious of a Nation are the Strength of it. - Isaiah 6:13 (page 125)
Sermon 31: By the Rev. Thomas Woodcock, A.M. - Whether it be Expedient, and How the Congregation May say "Amen" in Public Worship. - Nehemiah 8:6 (page 155)
Casuistical Morning Exercises (at Cripplegate): By Several Ministers in and about London. Preached in October 1689.
To the Reader: (page 171)
Sermon 1: By the Rev. Samuel Annesley, LL.D. - How May We Give Christ a Satisfying Account, Why We Attend Upon the Ministry of the Word? - Matthew 11:9 (page 173)
Sermon 2: By the Rev. Matthew Barker, A.M. - Wherein, and Wherefore, the Damnation of Those That Perish Under the Gospel Will Be More Intolerable Than The Damnation Of Sodom, Or The Worst Of The Heathens, At The Day Of Judgment. - Matthew 11:24 (page 198)
Sermon 3: By the Rev. Richard Steele, A.M. - How the Uncharitable and Dangerous Contentions that are among Professors of the True Religion, May be Allayed. - Galatians 5:15 (page 215)
Sermon 4: By the Rev. Richard Mayo, A.M. - From What Fear of Death are the Children of God Delivered by Christ, and by What Means Doth He Deliver Them From It? - Hebrews 2:15 (page 253)
Sermon 5: By the Rev. Peter Vinke, B.D. - How is Gospel-Grace the Best Motive to Holiness? - 2 Timothy 2:19 (page 264)
Sermon 6: By the Rev. Vincent Alsop, A.M. - What is that Fulness of God Every True Christian Ought to Pray and Strive to be Filled With? - Ephesians 3:19 (page 285)
Sermon 7: By the Rev. Richard Adams, A.M. - How are the Ordinary Means of Grace More Certainly Successful for Conversion, Than If Persons From Heaven Or Hell Should Tell Us What is Done There? - Luke 16:31 (page 313)
Sermon 8: By the Rev. Thomas Cole, A.M. - How May It Convincingly Appear, That Those Who Think It An Easy Matter To Believe, Are Yet Destitute Of Saving Faith? - Ephesians 1:19, 20 (page 332)
Sermon 9: By the Rev. Edward Veal, B.D. - What Is The Danger of a Death-Bed Repentance? - Luke 23:42 (page 346)
Sermon 10: By the Rev. Thomas Woodcock, A.M. - How Doth Practical Godliness Better Rectify the Judgment Than Doubtful Disputations? - Romans 14:1 (page 369)
Sermon 11: By the Rev. William Bates, D.D. - How is Sin the Most Formidable Evil? - Genesis 39:9 (page 384)
Sermon 12: By the Rev. George Hamond, A.M. - How May Private Christians Be Most Helpful to Promote the Entertainment of the Gospel? - Colossians 4:5 (page 410)
Sermon 13: By the Rev. Nathaniel Vincent, A.M. - How Christ is to be Followed as Our Example. - 1 Peter 2:21 (page 437)
Sermon 14: By the Rev. Matthew Sylvester - How May a Lukewarm Temper be Effectually cured, In Ourselves, and In One Another? - Hebrews 10:24, 25 (page 451)
Sermon 15: By the Rev. Samuel Slater, A.M. - What is the Duty of Magistrates, from the Highest to the Lowest, for the Supressing of Profaneness? - Romans 13:3 (page 481)
Sermon 16: By the Rev. Henry Hurst, A.M. - How May We Inquire After News, Not As Athenians, But as Christians, for the Better Management of Our Prayers and Praises for the Church of God? - Acts 17:21 (page 531)
Sermon 17: By the Rev. Daniel Burgess - Wherein May We More Hopefully Attempt the Conversion of Younger People, Than of Others? - Ecclesiastes 12:1 (page 550)
Sermon 18: By the Rev. Daniel Williams, D.D. - What Repentance of National Sins Doth God Require, as Ever We Expect National Mercies? Hosea 10:12 (page 585)
The Morning Exercise Methodized: or, Certain Chief Heads and Points of the Christian Religion Opened and Improved; with the First Part of the Exercise Against Popery - Volume 5
Sermon 1: By the Rev. Thomas Case, A.M. - The Introduction [to the Morning Exercise Methodized] (page 9)
Sermon 2: By the Rev. William Bates, D.D. - God Is (page 30)
Sermon 3: By the Rev. Benjamin Needler, B.C.L. - The Trinity Proved by Scripture (page 54)
Sermon 4: By the Rev. Samuel Jacombe, B.D. - The Divine Authority of the Scriptures (page 67)
Sermon 5: By the Rev. John Howe, M.A. - Man's Creation in a Holy but Mutable State (page 82)
Sermon 6: By the Rev. William Cooper, A.M. - The Covenant of Works (page 93) [Available at True Covenanter web site]
Sermon 7: By the Rev. John Wells, A.M. - The Fall of Man (page 104)
Sermon 8: By the Rev. Peter Vinke, B.D. - Of Original Sin Inhering (page 115)
Sermon 9: By the Rev. Stephen Watkins - The Misery of Man's Estate by Nature (page 135)
Sermon 10: By the Rev. Thomas Manton, D.D. - Man's Impotency to help himself out of that Misery [the Misery of his Estate by Nature] (page 157)
Sermon 11: By the Rev. Thomas Jacombe, D.D. - The Covenant of Redemption Opened (page 168)
Sermon 12: By the Rev. Samuel Annesley, LL.D. - The Covenant of Grace (page 181)
Sermon 13: By the Rev. William Whitaker, A.M. - The Mediator of the Covenant, Described in His Person, Natures, and Offices (page 202)
Sermon 14: By the Rev. John Meriton, D.D. - Of Christ's Humiliation (page 214)
Sermon 15: By the Rev. William Taylor, A.B. - Christ's Exaltation (page 236)
Sermon 16: By the Rev. Matthew Poole, A.M. - The Satisfaction of Christ discussed. (page 259)
Sermon 17: By the Rev. Thomas White, LL.B. - Of Effectual Calling (page 269)
Sermon 18: By the Rev. Thomas Lye, A.M. - The True Believer's Union with Christ Jesus (page 284)
Sermon 19: By the Rev. John Gibbon, B.D. - The Nature of Justification Opened (page 304)
Sermon 20: By the Rev. Roger Drake, D.D. - The Believer's Dignity and Duty laid open, in the high Birth wherewith he is privileged, and the honourable Employment to which he is called (page 328)
Sermon 21: By the Rev. Thomas Parson, A.M. - Of Saving Faith (page 345)
Sermon 22: By the Rev. Zachary Crofton, A.M. - Repentance not to be repented, plainly asserted, and practically explained (page 371)
Sermon 23: By the Rev. John Sheffield, M.A. - Of Holiness (page 426)
Sermon 24: By the Rev. Edmund Calamy, Jun., A.M. - Of the Resurrection (page 439)
Sermon 25: By the Rev. Thomas Watson, A.M. - The Day of Judgment Asserted (page 459)
Sermon 26: By the Rev. Richard Adams, A.M. - Of Hell (page 471)
Sermon 27: By the Rev. Thomas Woodcock, A.M. - Of Heaven (page 492)
Sermon 28: By the Rev. Thomas Case, A.M. - The Conclusion [of the Morning Exercise Methodized] (page 516)
The First Part of The Morning Exercise Against Popery.
Sermon 1: By the Rev. Christopher Fowler, A.M. - The Scripture to be read by the common People (page 547)
Sermon 2: By the Rev. Thomas Manton, D.D. - The Scripture is a Sufficient Rule of Faith (page 592)
Sermon 3: By the Rev. John Owen, D.D. - The Testimony of the Church is Not the Only Nor the Chief Reason of Our Believing the Scripture to be the word of God (page 606)
Sermon 4: By the Rev. Matthew Poole, A.M. - Pope and Councils not Infallible. (page 649)
Sermon 5: By the Rev. Richard Baxter - Christ, and not the Pope, is universal Head of the Church (page 672)
Sermon 6: By the Rev. Henry Hurst, A.M. - Kings and Emperors not rightful Subjects to the Pope (page 689)
The Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, St. Giles in the Fields, and in Southwark: Being Divers Sermons, Preached A.D. 1659-1689. By Several Ministers of the Gospel in or near London. In Six Volumes. Vol. VI. Containing the Conclusion of "The Morning Exercise Against Popery." - 1845
The Morning Exercise Against Popery. (concluded)
Sermon 7 (4): By the Rev. Henry Wilkinson, Sen., D.D. - The Pope of Rome is That "Antichrist," and "Man of Sin," Spoken of in the Apocalypse, and by the Apostle Paul. - 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10 (page 1)
Sermon 8 (14): By the Rev. Peter Vinke, B.D. - The Protestants Did Upon Just Grounds Separate From the Church of Rome. Protestants Separated for Christ's Names's Sake. - Luke 6:22 (page 26)
Sermon 9 (25): By the Rev. Samuel Lee, A.M. - The Lord Jesus, Who is the Only Foundation of His Church, is the Preserver of Its Duration, in Some Measure, Visibly Throughout All Ages. The Visibility of the True Church. - Matthew 16:18 (page 52)
Sermon 10 (15): By the Rev. Richard Mayo, A.M. - The Papists Dangerously Corrupt Holy Worship, By Their Sinful Prayers to Saints and Angels. Invocation of Saints and Angels Unlawful. - Romans 10:14 (page 97)
Sermon 11 (24): By the Rev. Edward West, A.M. - Purgatory a Groundless and Dangerous Doctrine - 1 Corinthians 3:15 (page 126)
Sermon 12 (8): By the Rev. William Jenkin, A.M. - No Sin is in its Own Nature Venial; But Every Sin is Deadly, and Deserves Eternal Damnation. - romans 6:23 (page 150)
Sermon 13 (11): By the Rev. Edward Veal, B.D. - The Good Works of Believers Are Not Meritorious Of Eternal Salvation. - Psalm 62:12 (page 183)
Sermon 14 (16): By the Rev. Thomas Lye, A.M. - There Are Not Any Works Of Super-Erogation. - Luke 17:10 (page 222)
Sermon 15 (12): By the Rev. David Clarkson, B.D. - The Doctrine Of Justification Is Dangerously Corrupted In The Roman Church - Romans 3:24 (page 251)
Sermon 16 (13): By the Rev. Benjamin Needler, B.C.L. - God Not To Be Worshipped As Represented By An Image - Matthew 4:10 (page 267)
Sermon 17 (9): By the Rev. Nathanael Vincent, A.M. - Public Prayer Ought Not To Be Made In An Unknown Tongue - 1 Corinthians 14:15 (page 298)
Sermon 18 (19): By the Rev. Samuel Annesley, LL.D. - The Pope And His Clergy, By False, Presumptuous Pardons And Indulgences, Have Heinously Injured Christ, The Church, And Souls Of Men - Hebrews 10:14 (page 313)
Sermon 19 (17): By the Rev. Thomas Vincent, A.M. - That Doctrine In The Church Of Rome Which Forbids To Marry, Is A Wicked Doctrine. - 1 Timothy 4:1-3 (page 337)
Sermon 20 (18): By the Rev. Richard Fairclough, A.M. - The Papal Doctrine In Denying The Possibility Of Assurance Is False, And Hath A Dangerous Tendency To Destroy The True Place And Comfort Of Souls In The Certain Hopes Of Everlasting Happiness. - 2 Peter 1:10 (page 372)
Sermon 21 (20): By the Rev. Matthew Sylvester - Baptism And The Lord's Supper Are The Only Sacraments Of The Covenant Of Grace Under The New Testament. - Proverbs 30:6 (page 427)
Sermon 22 (21): By the Rev. Edward Lawrence, A.M. - There Is No Such Thing As Transubstantiation In The Eucharist; And It Is Idolatry In The Papists To Worship The Consecrated Bread, Though They Think It Is Turned Into The Body Of Christ. - 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 (page 453)
Sermon 23 (22): By the Rev. Richard Steele, A.M. - The Papists Go Presumptuously Against The Institution Of Christ, And Change And Corrupt His Ordinance, And Are Injurious To The People, In Denying The Use Of The Cup To Them In The Lord's Supper. - Matthew 26:27, 28 (page 481)
Sermon 24 (23): By the Rev. Thomas Wadsworth, A.M. - In The Mass There Is Not A True And Real Sacrifice Of Christ Himself For The Sins Of The Dead And Living. - Hebrews 10:12 (page 504)
Sermon 25 (7): By the Rev. Thomas Doolittle, A.M. - Popery Is A Novelty; And The Protenstants' Religion Was Not Only Before Luther, But The Same That Was Taught By Christ And His Apostles - Jeremiah 6:16 (page 530)
Indexes:1. Of the Names of the Authors of the Sermons, together with the Subjects of the Sermons severally contributed by them (page 625)
2. Of Texts of Scripture which are the Subjects of the Sermons, and the Scope of which is for the most part explained (page 631)
3. Of the principal Matters discussed in the Morning Exercises (page 633)
4. Of Texts of Scripture which are incidentally cited and explained (page 691)
5. Of the Names of Authors cited (page 792)
Volume 6 (at the Internet Archive)
Memoirs of the seventy-five eminent divines: whose discourses form the Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, St. Giles in the Fields, and in Southwark Samuel Dunn - 1844 - Religion - 231 pages
1. Rev. Samuel Annesley, LL.D. (page 9)
2. Rev. William Greenhill, A.M. (page 14)
3. Rev. Benjamin Needler, B.C.L. (page 16)
4. Rev. John Sheffield, A.M. (page 18)5. Rev. John Gibbon, B.D. (page 20)
6. Rev. Matthew Poole, A.M. (page 23)
7. Rev. John Kitchen, A.M. (page 27)
8. Rev. Samuel Lee, A.M. (page 28)
9. Rev. Christopher Nesse, A.M. (page 30)
10. Rev. John Tillotson, D.D. (page 33)
11. Rev. Thomas Gouge, A.M. (page 37)
12. Rev. Thomas Doolittle, A.M. (page 39)
13. Rev. Roger Drake, D.D. (page 42)
14. Rev. Thomas White, LL.B. (page 45)
15. Rev. Elias Pledger, A.M. (page 46)
16. Rev. Joseph Hill, B.D. (page 49)
17. Rev. Thomas Mallery (page 51)
18. Rev. Thomas Lye, A.M. (page 52)
19. Rev. Thomas Manton, D.D. (page 54)
20. Rev. William Cooper, A.M. (page 60)
21. Rev. Mr. Simmons (page 62)
22. Rev. Henry Wilkinson, Sen., D.D. (page 63)
23. Rev. Thomas Watson, A.M. (page 65)
24. Rev. Henry Hurst, A.M. (page 68)
25. Rev. Willliam Whitaker, A.M. (page 70)
26. Rev. John Jackson, A.M. (page 72)
27. Rev. Andrew Bromhall (page 73)
28. Rev. David Clarkson, B.D. (page 74)
29. Rev. John Millward, A.M. (page 76)
30. Rev. Theophilus Gale, A.M. (page 77)
31. Rev. William Jenkyn, A.M. (page 81)
32. Rev. Edward Veal, B.D. (page 87)
33. Rev. Thomas Case, A.M. (page 90)
34. Rev. Thomas Senior, B.D. (page 92)
35. Rev. John Wells, A.M. (page 93)
36. Rev. Thomas Wadsworth, A.M. (page 95)
37. Rev. Matthew Barker, A.M. (page 100)
38. Rev. Richard Steel, A.M. (page 102)
39. Rev. Richard Adams, A.M. (page 106)
40. Rev. James Janeway, A.M. (page 109)
41. Rev. Stephen Charnock, B.D. (page 112)
42. Rev. Edward West, A.M. (page 116)
43. Rev. Richard Baxter (page 119)
44. Rev. Thomas Cole, A.M. (page 127)
45. Rev. Christopher Fowler, A.M. (page 130)
46. Rev. Thomas Jacomb, D.D. (page 132)
47. Rev. William Bates, D.D. (page 137)
48. Rev. John Owen, D.D. (page 142)
49. Rev. Thomas Vincent, A.M. (page 147)
50. Rev. Matthew Sylvester (page 152)
51. Rev. William Hook (page 156)
52. Rev. John Howe, A.M. (page 158)
53. Rev. Robert Trail, A.M. (page 164)
54. Rev. Nathaniel Vincent, A.M. (page 167)
55. Rev. Samuel Slater, A.M. (page 171)
56. Rev. Richard Mayo, A.M. (page 174)
57. Rev. John Oakes (page 176)
58. Rev. Stephen Lobb (page 178)
59. Rev. Vincent Alsop, A.M. (page 181)
60. Rev. Peter Vinke, B.D. (page 185)
61. Rev. John Collins (page 188)
62. Rev. John Singleton, A.M. (page 191)
63. Rev. Thomas Woodcock, A.M. (page 193)
64. Rev. George Hamond, A.M. (page 194)
65. Rev. Daniel Burgess (page 196)
66. Rev. Daniel Williams, D.D. (page 201)
67. Rev. Samuel Jacomb, B.D. (page 206)
68. Rev. Stephen Watkins (page 208)
69. Rev. John Meriton, D.D. (page 210)
70. Rev. William Taylor, A.B. (page 211)
71. Rev. Thomas Parson (page 212)
72. Rev. Zachary Crofton (page 214)
73. Rev. Edmund Calamy, B.D. (page 216)
74. Rev Richard Fairclough, A.M. (page 220)
75. Rev. Edward Lawrence, A.M. (page 222)
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