One of the founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Winthrop arrived in 1630 aboard the flagship Arbella. As governor of the Colony, he established the center of government at Boston. Winthrop began writing his Journal in 1630 and continued it till his death. On board the Arbella, he prepared his famous sermon "A Model of Christian Charity."
John Winthrop, first governor of the Massachusetts colony 1892 - Twichell, Joseph Hopkins, 1838-1918
John Winthrop, first governor of the Massachusetts colony 1898 - Twichell, Joseph Hopkins, 1838-1918
The Puritan Dilemma The Story Of John Winthrop 1958 - Edmund S. Morgan
Winthrop's Journal, "History of New England," 1630-1649, Volume 1 (1630-1640) - 1908
Winthrop's Journal, "History of New England," 1630-1649, Volume 2 (1640-1649) - 1908
A Review of Winthrop's Journal 1854 - Drake, Samuel Gardner, 1798-1875
The Winthrop papers, Part 2 - 1865
Parts 1 and 2 embrace very numerous letters from the most eminent of the founders of New England; the dates, with a few exceptions, ranging from 1628 to 1650. Mr. (Robert C.) Winthrop reserved for his personal use the letters and State papers of Governor Winthrop the elder, the diary of the latter's father, and certain family correspondence, most of which he printed in his "Life and Letters of John Winthrop," of which the first volume appeared in 1864 and the second in 1867.
The Winthrop papers, Part 3 - 1871
Consisting chiefly of miscellaneous letters of the early Colonial period, which should be carefully studied in connection with Winthrop's "History of New England," as among them are many of the original authorities on which governor Winthrop relied for matters not within his personal knowledge.
The Winthrop papers, Part 4 - 1882
This collection is wholly devoted to letters of Governor John Winthrop the younger and his brothers, together with letters of Fitz-John and Wait Winthrop to the close of the seventeenth century.
The Winthrop papers, Part 5: Adam Winthrop, John Winthrop, Wait Still Winthrop - 1889
This volume was originally intended to include the political correspondence of Fitz-John Winthrop and Wait Winthrop from 1700 to their deathes in 1707 and 1717, respectively; but the mass of letters and other papers gradually selected and copied for this purpose became so large that it was decided to reserve Wait Winthrop's correspondence for the succeeding volume, and devote the present one wholly to the correspondence and state papers of Fitz-John Winthrop during the latter part of his life, together with an appendix containing a number of miscellaneous letters and papers connected either with him or with Joseph Dudley. Portions of Dudley's correspondence to be found in this appendix throw additional light on the character and aims of that remarkable man, who figures so conspicuously in other parts of the volume.
Winthrop papers, Volume 5: 1645-1649 1947 - Winthrop, Adam, 1548-1623
This fifth volume of the "Winthrop Papers," covering the years 1645-1649, marks the end of the first chapter of the history of the Winthrop family in America. On March 26, 1649, governor John Winthrop died, and the leadership of the family passed to his eldest son, John winthrop, Jr., who held it for a generation. At the same time the geographical center of interest change from Massachusetts to Connecticut, when the younger Winthrop had moved in 1646, and where he became as much a centrl figure of his time as his father had been before him in Massachusetts.
"A Model of Christian Charity": Sermon by Governor John Winthrop in 1630 on board the Arbella also at Hanover Historical Texts Project and at libertynet.org and at biblescripture.net
Life and letters of John Winthrop, Volume 1: 1588-1630 1864 - Winthrop, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1809-1894
Governor of the Massachusetts-Bay Company at their emigration to New England.
Life and letters of John Winthrop, Volume 2: 1630-1649 1867 - Winthrop, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1809-1894
From his embarkation for New England in 1630, with the charter and company of the Massachusetts Bay, to his death in 1649.
Life and Letters of John Winthrop, Volume 1: 1588-1630 1869 - Robert Charles Winthrop
Governor of the Massachusetts-Bay Company at their emigration to New England.
Life and Letters of John Winthrop, Volume 2: 1630-1649 1869 - Robert Charles Winthrop
From his embarkation for New England in 1630, with the charter and company of the Massachusetts Bay, to his death in 1649.
Some old Puritan love-letters: John and Margaret Winthrop, 1618-1638 - 1894 - 187 pages
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