Andrew Thomson was an incredibly talented minister, who was credited by some with completely transforming Edinburgh and Scotland (along with Thomas Chalmers, and McCrie's "Life of John Knox"), by making active, believing Christianity acceptable to the upper classes, and available to all. He was devastating in argument and debate and enormously popular. When he was taken at an early age, the whole country wept.
Dr. Thomson was licensed in 1802, and in the same year ordained minister of Sprouston. In 1806 he was translated to the East Church in Perth, of which city his brother William was one of the ministers. In 1810 he became minister of the New Greyfriars' Church, Edinburgh. In 1814 he became the first minister of the new St. George's.
Biographical Sketch: Andrew Thomson
Life of Dr. Andrew Thomson Jean L. Watson - 1882
St. George's, Edinburgh. A History of St. George's Church, 1814 to 1843 and of St. George's Free Church 1843 to 1873: Two Addresses Delivered to the Young Men's Association of St. George's Free Church David Maclagan - 1876 - 212 pages
Dictionary of National Biography, Volume 56 - 1898 (see page 234)
Writings of Andrew Thomson
Lectures on portions of the Psalms. by Thomson, Andrew Read Online
Printed for W. Whyte, 1826
1. Psalm 5:1-8
2. Psalm 5:8-end
3. Psalm 15
4. Psalm 16:1-3
5. Psalm 16:4-7
6. Psalm 16:8-end
7. Psalm 33:1-7
8. Psalm 43
9. Psalm 84:8-end
10. Psalm 116:1-9
11. Psalm 116:10-end
12. Psalm 3
Sermons and sacramental exhortations. by Thomson, Andrew Read Online
Printed for William Whyte and Co. [etc.], 1831
Memoir of Dr. Thomson
1. Salvation by Grace (Ephesians 2:8)
2. Human and divine Love Contrasted (Romans 5:7, 8)
Exhortation After the Communion
3. The Joyful Sound (Psalm 84:15)
4. Spiritual Renovation (2 Corinthians 5:17)
5. The Testimony of Conscience (2 Corinthians 1:12)
6. The Christian's Choice (Joshua 24:15)
7. Christian Beneficence (Matthew 25:35)
8. The Imperfections of Christians Exaggerated (1 Timothy 6:1)
9. The Imperfections of Christians No Argument Against Christianity (1 Timothy 6:1)
10. The Imperfections of Christians No Argument Against Christianity (1 Timothy 6:1)
11. The Duty of Christians in Reference to the Objection Founded on Their Imperfections (1 Timothy 6:1)
12. The Duty of Christians in Reference to the Objection Founded on Their Imperfections (1 timothy 6:1)
13. Encouragement to Prayer (Matthew 7:7)
14. Encouragement to Prayer (Matthew 7:7)
15. Prayer in Affliction (James 5:13)
16. The Penitent's Prayer (Jeremiah 17:14)
Exhortation after the Communion
17. Spiritual Disease and Its Remedy (Jeremiah 8:22)
18. Christian Resignation (Psalm 39:9)
19. The Accepted Time (2 Corinthians 6:9)
20. Views of Death (Psalm 104:29)
21. Christian Perseverance (1 Corinthians 15:38)
22. The Christian Minister's Farewell (2 Timothy 3:13)
Sermons and sacramental exhortations. by Thomson, Andrew Read Online
Contents same as above.Crocker and Brewster [etc.], 1832
Sermons and sacramental exhortations Andrew Thomson - 1832 - 447 pages
Contents same as above
Lectures, expository and practical, on select portions of Scripture, Volumes 1 and 2 Combined Andrew Thomson - 1816
An Address to Christian Parents on the Religious Education of Their Children Andrew Thomson - 1821 - 108 pages
A Collection, in Prose and Verse, for the Use of Schools Andrew Thomson - 1835 - 280 pages
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