John Erskine, Scottish theologian. A leader of the evangelical party in the Church of Scotland, he was minister successively at Kirkintilloch, Culross, and New Greyfriars Church, Edinburgh, until, in 1767, he became the colleague of Dr. William Robertson at Old Greyfriars. He corresponded with many representatives of foreign churches, including Jonathan Edwards, whose works he edited and published in Great Britain.
Dictionary of National Biography, Volume 17 - 1889 (see page 432)
Account of the life and writings of John Erskine, D.D. : late one of the ministers of Edinburgh. 1818 - Moncreiff-Wellwood, Henry, Sir, 1750-1827
A History of Preaching, Volume 2 (1912) By Edwin Charles Dargan (see page 342)
John Erskine (1721-1803): Disseminator of Enlightened Evangelical Calvinism (2009)

Sketches and hints of church history, and theological controversy : chiefly translated or abridged from modern foreign writers (Volume 1) - Erskine, John, 1721-1803
Sketches and hints of church history, and theological controversy: Chiefly translated or abridged from modern foreign writers (Volume 2) John Erskine - 1797
Discourses preached on several occasions, Volume 1 (1801) - Erskine, John, 1721-1803
From the library of Samuel Miller
1. The Qualifications necessary for Teachers of Christianity (Mames 3:1)
2. Ministers cautioned against giving Offence (2 Corinthians 6:3)
3. The Blessing of Christian Teachers (Isaiah 30:20)
4. IN TWO PARTS: Difficulties of the Pastoral Office (2 Corinthians 3:10)
5. IN TWO PARTS: Motives for hearing Sermons (Proverbs 8:33, 34)
6. IN THREE PARTS: Directions for hearing Sermons (Luke 8:18)
7. Instructions and Consolations from the Unchangeableness of Christ (Hebrews 13:8)
8. The Agency of God in Human Greatness (1 Chronicles 29:12)
9. IN THREE PARTS: The People of God considered as all Righteous (Isaiah 60:21)
10. IN TWO PARTS: The important Mystery of the Incarnation (1 Timothy 3:15, 16)
11. Jesus justified in the Spirit (1 Timothy 3:16)
12. Jesus seen of Angels (1 Timothy 3:16)
13. Jesus preached unto the Gentiles (1 Timothy 3:16)
14. Jesus believed on in the World (1 Timothy 3:16)
15. Jesus received up into Glory (1 Timothy 3:16)
16. IN THREE PARTS: Power given to Christ for blessing the Elect (John 17:2)
Discourses 1, 2, and 9 have been formerly published.
Discourses preached on several occasions, Volume 2 (1804) - Erskine, John, 1721-1803
1. On the Riches of the Poor (Revelation 2:9)
2. On Self-denial (John 12:26)
3. On Lukewarmness in Religion (Revelation 3:15)
4. The same Subject continued
5. On Public Spirit (Philippians 2:21)
6. On Goodness and Fidelity (Proverbs 20:6)
7. On the Ostentation of False Goodness (Proverbs 20:6)
8. On the want of Love to God (John 5:42)
9. On the unprincipled Contempt of Religion (Psalm 10:13)
10. On the Views of the Glory of Christ which produce Humiliation and Penitence (Isaiah 6:5)
11. On an open and intrepid Adherence to Vital Christianity (Romans 1:16)
12. On Infant-baptism (Matthew 28:19)
13. On Christ bearing Witness to the Truth (John 18:37)
14. On Fidelity in Personal Duties (Hebrews 3:2)
15. On the Influence of Religion on National Happiness (Isaiah 55:3)
16. On the Education of poor Children (Psalm 144:12)
17. On Prayers for Men in Public Offices (Joshua 1:17)
18. On the Sources and Consquences of Anarchy (Isaiah 24:1-5)
19. On Sorrow for the Death of Friends (Psalm 78:18)
20. The same Subject continued
21. On Death (Isaiah 25:8)
22. The same Subject continued
A history of the work of redemption. Containing the outlines of a body of divinity in a method entirely new - Edwards, Jonathan, 1703-1758
John Erskine "reduced it (the sermon manuscripts) from the form of sermons, which it originally bore, to that of a continued treatise".
Works by John Erskine
A fair and impartial account of the debate in the Synod of Glasgow and Air, Sixth October 1748, anent employing Mr. Whitefield. Edinburgh 1748
An attempt to promote the frequent dispensing of the Lord’s Supper Kilmarnock Printed and sold by J. Wilson ..., 1783
Considerations on the spirit of popery, and the intended bill for the relief of papists in Scotland. 1778
Discourses preached on several occasions 1801
Discourses preached on several occasions. 1798
Education of poor children recommended: : a sermon, preached in Lady Glenorchy's chapel, Edinburgh, May 18, 1774, before the managers of the Orphan-hospital, and published at their desire. / 1774
Equity and wisdom of administration, in measures that have unhappily occasioned the American revolt, tried by the sacred oracles. 1776
Fatal consequences and the general sources of anarchy. A discourse on Isaiah, xxiv. 1,-5. The substance of which was preached ... before the magistrates of Edinburgh, 2d September 1792. 1793
History of the work of Redemption, containing the outlines of a body of divinity, in a method entirely new / by Jonathan Edwards; altered from the form of sermons, to that of a continued treatise by John Erskine. 1808
Humble attempt to promote frequent communicating. 1749
Influence of religion on national happiness. A sermon preached before the Society for propagating Christian Knowledge, ... on ... January 5, 1756. To which is annex'd, The present state of the said Society. 1756
Letters chiefly written to comfort those bereaved of children or friends. Collected from books and mss. . 1803
Meditations and letters of a pious youth (ie James Hall) lately deceas'd. : To which are prefix'd, reflections on his death and character, / by a friend in the country. 1746
Ministers of the Gospel cautioned against giving offence. A sermon, 1764
Mr Wesley’s principles detected, or, A defence of the preface to the Edinburgh edition of Aspasio vindicated; in answer to Mr. Kershaw’s Earnest appeal : to which is prefixed, the preface itself, for the use of those who have the English editions of Aspasio vindicated. Edinburgh : Printed for William Gray 1765.
Narrative of the debate in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May 25, 1779 : Occasioned by apprehensions of an intended repeal of the Penal Statutes against Papists.. 1780
People of God consider'd as all righteous; in three sermons preach'd at Glasgow, April 1745. 1745
Prayer for those in civil and military offices recommended, from a view of the influence of Providence ... a sermon. Preached before the election of the magistrates of Edinburgh, 5 October 1779 1779
Qualifications necessary for teachers of Christianity. A sermon. 1750Reflections on the rise, progress, and probable consequences, of the present contentions with the colonies. By a freeholder. 1776
Religious intelligence and seasonable advice from abroad from Connecticut Evangelical Magazine. Collection I-IV. 1801
Reply to the religious scruples against inoculating the small pox. : In a letter to a friend. 1791
Shall I go to war with my American brethren? : a discourse addressed to all concerned in determining that important question : to which are now added a preface and appendix 1776
Shall I go to war with my American brethren? : a discourse from Judges the XXth and 28th : addressed to all concerned in determining that important question 1769
Sharp arrow shot against the enemies of the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield of pious remembrance; : in a letter to the author of the scurrilous Remarks lately publish'd against him. 1741
Signs of the times consider'd, or, The high probability that the present appearances in New-England and the west of Scotland are a prelude to glorious things promised to the Church in the latter ages. 1742
Sketches and hints of church history, and theological controversy. Chiefly translated or abridged from modern foreign writers. 1790
Theological dissertations; containing, I. The nature of the Sinai Covenant. II. The character and privileges of the Apostolic Churches, with an examination of Dr. Taylor's key to the Epistles. III. The nature of saving faith. IV. The law of nature sufficiently promulgated to the heathens. V. An attempt to promote the frequent dispensing the Lord's Supper. 1765
Vindication of the opposition to the late intended bill for the relief of Roman Catholics in Scotland; in which an address to the people on that subject, by the Reverend Dr. Campbell is particularly considered. 1780
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