Horatius Bonar (December 19, 1808 – May 31, 1889) was a Scottish churchman and poet.
Horatius Bonar had a passionate heart for revival and was a friend and supporter of several revivalists, He was brother to the more well-known Andrew Bonar, and with him defended D. L. Moody's evangelistic ministry in Scotland. He authored a couple of excellent revival works, one including over a hundred biographical sketches and the other an addendum to Rev. John Gillies' Historical Collections bringing it up to date.
He was a powerful soul-winner and is well qualified to pen this brief, but illuminating study of the character of true revivalists.
Horatius was in fact one of eleven children, and of these an older brother, John James, and a younger, Andrew, also became ministers and were all closely involved, together with Thomas Chalmers, William C. Burns and Robert Murray M'Cheyne, in the important spiritual movements which affected many places in Scotland in the 1830s and 1840s.
In the controversy known as the "Great Disruption," Horatius stood firmly with the evangelical ministers and elders who left the Church of Scotland's General Assembly in May 1843 and formed the new Free Church of Scotland. By this time he had started to write hymns, some of which appeared in a collection he published in 1845, but typically, his compositions were not named. His gifts for expressing theological truths in fluent verse form are evident in all his best-known hymns, but in addition he was also blessed with a deep understanding of doctrinal principles.
Examples of the hymns he composed on the fundamental doctrines include, "Glory be to God the Father".....on the Trinity. "0 Love of God, how strong and true".....on Redemption. "Light of the world," - "Rejoice and be glad" - "Done is the work" on the Person and Work of Christ. "Come Lord and tarry not," on His Second Coming, while the hymn "Blessed be God, our God!" conveys a sweeping survey of Justification and Sanctification.
In all this activity, his pastoral work and preaching were never neglected and after almost twenty years laboring in the Scottish Borders at Kelso, Bonar moved back to Edinburgh in 1866 to be minister at the Chalmers Memorial Chapel (now renamed St. Catherine's Argyle Church). He continued his ministry for a further twenty years helping to arrange D.L. Moody's meetings in Edinburgh in 1873 and being appointed moderator of the Free Church ten years later. His health declined by 1887, but he was approaching the age of eighty when he preached in his church for the last time, and he died on 31 May 1889.
God's way of peace : a book for the anxious - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
Catechisms of the Scottish reformation - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
Calvin's Catechism--
The Palatine Catechism--
Craig's Catechism--
Rudimenta Pietatis--
Metrical Catechism--
Davidson's Catechism--
Adamson's Latin Metrical Catechism--
Pont's Latin Metrical Catechism
The life and work of the Rev. G. Theophilus Dodds : missionary in connection with the McAll Mission, France - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
Words to the winners of souls - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
My old letters - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
The desert of Sinai: notes of a spring-journey from Cairo to Beersheba - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
Family sermons - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
Hymns of faith and hope - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
Light and truth [microform] : or, Bible thoughts and themes. The Gospels - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
Light and truth: or, Bible thoughts and themes [microform]. The Acts and the larger Epistles - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
The night of weeping : or, Words for the suffering family of God - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
The morning of joy : being a sequel to The night of weeping - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
The white fields of France, or, The story of Mr. M'All's mission to the working-men of Paris and Lyons - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
The song of the new creation, and other pieces - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
Hymns of faith and hope [First series] - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
Hymns of faith and hope : second series - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
Second of three-series set of Bonar's hymns
Hymns of faith and hope : third series - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
Life of the Rev. John Milne of Perth - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
The morning of joy; - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889.
Songs of the dawn : selections from the poems of Horatius Bonar, Charlotte Murray and others - Bonar, Horatius, 1808-1889
The rent veil: By Horatius Bonar ...Horatius Bonar - Atonement - 1875 - 184 pages
The everlasting righteousness, or, how shall man be just with God? Horatius Bonar - Philosophy - 1873 - 211 pages
"Until the day break ": and other hymns and poems left behindHoratius Bonar - Literary Criticism - 1890 - 283 pages
The land of promise: notes of a spring-journey from Beersheba to SidonHoratius Bonar - History - 1858 - 568 pages
Historical collections relating to remarkable periods of the success of the ... John Gillies, Horatius Bonar - 1845 - 582 pages
In double columns.
Light and truth: or, Bible thoughts and themes: the Revelation Horatius Bonar - 1872 - 431 pages
Prophetical landmarks: containing data for helping to determine the question ... Horatius Bonar - 1847 - 399 pages
Hymns of the nativity and other pieces ... Horatius Bonar - 1879 - 143 pages
Days and nights in the East; or, Illustrations of Bible scenes Horatius Bonar - 1866 - 347 pages
Lyra consolationis: or, Hymns for the day of sorrow & wearinessHoratius Bonar - 1866 - 317 pages
A missionary of the apostolic school: being the life of Dr. A. Judson, of BurmahHoratius Bonar - 1871 - 374 pages
The New Jerusalem: a hymn of the olden timeHoratius Bonar - 1852 - 115 pages
Truth and error: or, letters to a friend on some of the controversies of the day Horatius Bonar - 1850 - 286 pages
Kelso tracts Horatius Bonar - 1851 - 48 pages
Communion hymns Horatius Bonar - 1881 - 76 pages
Without music.
Does God care for our great cities?: the question and the answer from the ... Horatius Bonar - 1880 - 127 pages
Follow the Lamb; or, Counsels to converts Horatius Bonar - 1874 - 128 pages
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