Petter, George c.1592-1660 UNDER CONSTRUCTION
George Petter was Vicar of Brede, in the county of Sussex. The Rev. George Petter, M.A., was born of Godly parents, the middle rank of life, in the parish of Sandhurst at the beginning of the seventeenth century. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, and at twenty-four he was presented to the Rectory of Brede, in Sussex, which he held for forty-four years, and where he ended his days. He was a divine of considerable learning and research, and wrote a very able Commentary on the Gospel of St. Mark, in two volumes, folio, which was published in 1661 by his brother John, the Rector of Hever, who wrote a Preface to the work (now very scarce), with some account of the author.
(This is from "A History of The Weald of Kent, with an outline of the History of the County to the Present Time, by Robert Furley, F.S.A. also, A Sketch of the Physical Features of the Disctict, by Henry B. Mackeson, F.G.S., in Two Volumes -- Volume 2, Part 2 - 1874 (see page 720)
J. C. Ryle's "Expository Thoughts on the Gospels" (see page v.)
A Learned, Pious, and Practical Commentary, Upon the Gospel According to St. Mark - 1661
An account of the life of George Petter from the Preface written by John Petter, brother of George Petter: "The Author whereof was born in the famous County of Kent, in the Lath of Scray, in the Hundred of Selbrittenden, in the Parish of Sandhurst, near to Newenden, where once stood a notable Town of the Britains, called Anderida, and fortified by the Romans, as we find mentioned in the Notices of the Western Empire, and garrisoned by a Band of Roman Souldiers called Abulci, from whence possibly Apuldore, a Neighbour-Market, fetcht its Original Name.
His Parents were Godly, and of untainted Reputation, who though not of the highest rank, yet neither were of the lowest of the People.
He went to the University of Cambridg, as near as I can remember, about the sixteenth Year of his Age, and was admitted into Trinity-Colledg, under the Name of Tuition of that most learned, pious, and justly renowned Servant of God, Mr. Simon Aldrich, who preached over the Epistle to the Hebrews, and expounded the Ceremonial Law of Moses, in a most heavenly and Evangelical manner. A Tract which is yet extant in Manu-script, and would doubtless prove of most eminent Service to the Church, were it delivered frm perishing, by the Press. But to proceed, Our present Author was, after some Proof of his learned abilities and diligence in study, elected Schollar of that ample foundation, and continued in his Scolastical employments till after he had proceeded Master in Arts.
The Entrance upon the high and honourable Function of the Ministry he undertook, if I call to mind aright, about the 24th. Year of his Age, being then placed in the Rectory of Bread, not far West from Winchelsey, in the County of Suffex; where he spent the whole Remainder of his life, being Pastor of that People 44 years.
In that place, through the Lord's gracious Blessing upon his Ministry, he was notably Instrumental in the effecting of a very great Change upon the hearts and lives of the Inhabitants: For whereas, at the Initiation of his Work amongst them, the People for the generality were very ignorant and profane, he was a means, under god, not only to bring them to Civility and Knowledg, but many of them also to an eminent pitch in Grace and Godliness.
It pleased the Lord to exercise this his Servant with sundry tryals and afflictions, during his residence among them; but none of them took him off from doing the Work of his great Lord and Master.
So intensely studious was he, that having withdrawn himself as much as possibly he could from the Affairs, and entangling Occasions, of this World, he conversed much with deadmen in his Study, delighting much in that learned Prison, from whence his Soul was oft upon the Wing towards Heaven. A man he was of great Reading, and so constant and diligent in the Work of the Ministry, that, besides what of his Labours is visible in this Soul-fructifying Comment; he preached over divers of the Psalms of David: The whole 53d. Chapter of Isaiah: The Prophecy of Zephany: The Epistle to the Ephesians: The first Epistle to the Thessalonians: The Epistle of James: The Epistle of Jude, entirely and compleatly: Together with Sermons upon the Creed, Lord's Prayer, Decalogue, and Sacraments.
The Disease which made its Preparative Assault upon him, was an Arthritical Distemper in one of his Shoulders, the pain whereof encreasing more and more upon him, at length reduced him to a fatal Consumption, of which he dyed in the 68th. Year of his Age. His departure, when once Death drew near, was speedy and peaceable."
A censure of that reverend and learned man of God, Mr. John Cotton, lately of New-England, upon the way of Mr. Henden of Bennenden in Kent, expressed in some animadversions of his upon a letter of Mr. Henden's sometimes sent to Mr. Elmeston: (2) a brief and solid exercitation concerning the ... - 1656
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Petter George
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