Hopkins, Ezekiel 1633-1690
Hopkins entered Oxford at the age of 16, and received his Bachelor's and Master's Degree there, the latter in June, 1656.
In 1660, he went to London and became assistant to Dr. William Spurstowe, minister of Hackney, near the city. In 1662, when the Act of Uniformity was passed, Dr. Spurstowe resigned rather than conform, which left Hopkins without a call.
Several groups sought him to be their pastor, but details of the next five years are sketchy at best. But he was widely regarded as a good preacher. Men of opposite views and principles with regard to political and ecclesiastical government listened with delight to his instructive and eloquent declaration of the whole counsel of God.
In 1661, Hopkins was transferred to Londonderry in Ireland, but returned to London in 1688 when the Roman Catholic army increased and political unrest in Ireland intensified. But within 9 months of returning to London, he passed away.
In 1660, he went to London and became assistant to Dr. William Spurstowe, minister of Hackney, near the city. In 1662, when the Act of Uniformity was passed, Dr. Spurstowe resigned rather than conform, which left Hopkins without a call.
Several groups sought him to be their pastor, but details of the next five years are sketchy at best. But he was widely regarded as a good preacher. Men of opposite views and principles with regard to political and ecclesiastical government listened with delight to his instructive and eloquent declaration of the whole counsel of God.
In 1661, Hopkins was transferred to Londonderry in Ireland, but returned to London in 1688 when the Roman Catholic army increased and political unrest in Ireland intensified. But within 9 months of returning to London, he passed away.
The works of ... Ezekiel Hopkins, arranged and revised, with a life of the author, by J. Pratt, Volume 1 - (1809)
Account of Former Editions of Bishop Hopkins's Works
Account of the Present Edition
Life of Bishop Hopkins
Critical Remarks on the Author's Writings
The Vanity of the World
A Practical Exposition of the Lord's Prayer
A Catechistical Exposition on the Lord's Prayer, by way of Question and Answer
Exposition of the Ten Commandments
The works of ... Ezekiel Hopkins, arranged and revised, with a life of the author, by J. Pratt, Volume 2 - (1809)
Discourses on the Law
Discourses Concerning Sin
The Doctrine of the Two Covenants
The Doctrine of the Two Sacraments
The Nature and Necessity of Regeneration
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The works of ... Ezekiel Hopkins, arranged and revised, with a life of the author, by J. Pratt, Volume 3 - (1809)
The All-Sufficiency of Christ to Save Sinners:with the Prevalency of His Intercesswion
The Excellency of Heavenly Treasures
Practical Christianity, Recommended, Urged, and Encouraged, in Working Out Our Own Salvation
The Assurance of Heaven and Salvation, a Powerful Motive to Serve God With Fear
On Glorifying God in His Attributes
The Almost-Christian Discovered
A Discourse on the Nature, Corruption, and Renewing of the Conscience
A Discourse on the Great Duty of Mortification: on Rom. 8:13
The works of ... Ezekiel Hopkins, arranged and revised, with a life of the author, by J. Pratt, Volume 4 - (1809)
Death Disarmed of Its Sting; from Several Considerations
Miscellaneous Sermons (17 sermons)
Index of Texts Illustrated
An exposition of the ten commandments; (1846)
The doctrine of the two covenants, wherein the nature of original sin is at large explain'd ... : with a discourse of glorifying God in his attributes (1712)
The doctrine of the two covenants, wherein the nature of original sin is explained and St. Paul and St. James reconciled in the great article of justification (1799)
Death Disarm'd of its Sting; from several considerations. To which is added, a Discourse of Redemption from the curse of the Law, by Jesus Christ. - 1712
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A practical exposition on the Lord's prayer (printed from the folio edition of 1710)
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The Doctrine of the Two Sacraments. The Way of Salvation: The pleasantness of that way, and beauty of holiness; of the virtues which adorn it, the prejudice it receives from disorderly walkers and the duty of withdrawing from such. To which is subjoin'd, A Sermon against Rebellion with an Appendix, containing some passages omitted inn that part of the author's works published in folio. - 1712
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An Exposition on the Lord's Prayer with a Catechistical Explication - 1692
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An Exposition on the Ten Commandments: with Other Sermons - 1692
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