Audio Book Samples

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Gurnall, William 1617 - 1679 .............................No Portrait Available

William Gurnall was an English divine and the author of the famous, The Christian In Complete Armour. He was a thorough Puritan in doctrine and ministered to his congregation at Lavenham for thirty-five years.
Little is known about Gurnall other than through his book, which is unquestionably one of the greatest mines of spiritual treasure in all of Christendom. In that vein, The Christian In Complete Armour is similar in scope and nature to John Bunyan's Holy War, except this masterpiece is expository rather than fiction. However, it is perhaps William Gurnall's own description of his book in his Epistles Dedicatory that is most apropos, and that cuts most closely to the heart of his message - "The subject of the treatise is solemn, a war between the saint and Satan, and that so bloody a one, that the cruellest which ever was fought by men, will be found but sport and child's play to this.
Alas, what is the killing of bodies to the destroying of souls? It is a sad meditation indeed, to think how many thousands have been sent to the grave in a few late years among us by the sword of man, but far more astonishing, to consider how many of those may be sent to hell by the sword of God's wrath. It is a spiritual war you shall read of, and that not a history of what was fought many ages past and is now over; but of what now is doing, the tragedy is at present acting, and that not at the furthest end of the world, but what concerns thee and every one that reads it. The stage whereon this war is fought, is every man's soul. Here is no neuter in this war. The whole world is engaged in the quarrel, either for God against Satan, or for Satan against God."
Charles Spurgeon made this striking remark about Gurnall's great magnum opus - "The Christian In Complete Armour is beyond all others a preacher's book: I should think that more discourses have been suggested by it than by any other uninspired volume. I have often resorted to it when my own fire has been burning low, and I have seldom failed to find a glowing coal upon Gurnall's hearth. John Newton said that if he might read only one book beside the Bible, he would choose The Christian in Complete Armour, and Cecil was of much the same opinion. J. C. Ryle has said of it, you will often find in a line and a half some great truth.
The Christian in Complete Armour, or, a Treatise on THE SAINTS WAR WITH THE DEVIL; wherein a discovery is made of the policy, power, wickedness, and strategems made use of by that enemy of God and his people. A magazine opened from whence the Christian is furnished with spiritual arms for the battle, assisted in buckling on his armour, and taught the use of his weapons: together with the happy issue of the whole war, Volume 1 - 1803
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The Christian in complete armour, or, A treatise on the saints war with the devil, wherein a discovery is made of the policy, power, wickedness, and stratagems made use of by that enemy of God and his people : a magazine opened, from whence the Christian is furnished with spiritual arms for the battle, assisted in buckling on his armour, and taught the use of his weapons, together with the happy issue of the whole war (1803)
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The Christian in complete armour, or, A treatise on the saints war with the devil, wherein a discovery is made of the policy, power, wickedness, and stratagems made use of by that enemy of God and his people : a magazine opened, from whence the Christian is furnished with spiritual arms for the battle, assisted in buckling on his armour, and taught the use of his weapons, together with the happy issue of the whole war, Volume 3 - 1804
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The Christian in complete armour, or, A treatise on the saints war with the devil, wherein a discovery is made of the policy, power, wickedness, and stratagems made use of by that enemy of God and his people : a magazine opened, from whence the Christian is furnished with spiritual arms for the battle, assisted in buckling on his armour, and taught the use of his weapons, together with the happy issue of the whole war, Volume 4 - 1804
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The Christian in complete armour, or, A treatise of the saints' war against the devil, wherein a discovery is made of that grand enemy of God and His people, in his policies, power, seat of his empire, wickedness, and chief design he hath against the saints ... , Volume 1 - (1821)
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The Christian in complete armour, or, A treatise of the saints' war against the devil, where a discovery is made of that grand enemy of God and His people, in his policies, power, seat of his empire, wickedness, and chief design he hath against the saints ... , Volume 2, - (1821)
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The Christian in complete armour, or, A treatise of the saints' war against the devil, wherein a discovery is made of that grand enemy of God and His people, in his policies, power, seat of his empire, wickedness, and chief design he hath against the saints ... , Volume 3 - (1821)
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The Christian in Complete Armour - 1845
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The Christian in Complete Armour - 1862
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