Henry, Matthew 1662-1714
Matthew Henry (18 October 1662 – 22 June 1714) was an English Presbyterian minister.
He was born at Broad Oak, Iscoyd, a farmhouse on the borders of Flintshire and Shropshire. His father, Philip Henry, had just been ejected under the Act of Uniformity 1662. Unlike most of his fellow-sufferers, Philip possessed some private means, and was thus able to give his son a good education. Matthew went first to a school at Islington, and then to Gray's Inn. He soon gave up his legal studies for theology, and in 1687 became minister of a Presbyterian congregation at Chester. While in Chester, Henry founded the Presbyterian Chapel in Trinity Street. He moved again in 1712 to Mare Street, Hackney. Two years later (22 June 1714), he died suddenly of apoplexy at the Queen's Aid House (41 High Street) in Nantwich while on a journey from Chester to London.
Henry's commentaries are primarily exegetical, dealing with the scripture text as presented, with his prime intention being explanation, for practical and devotional purposes. While not being a work of textual research, for which Henry recommended Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum, Henry's Exposition gives the result of a critical account of the original as of his time, with practical application. It was considered sensible and stylish, a commentary for devotional purposes.
Famous evangelical Protestant preachers such as George Whitefield and Charles Spurgeon used and heartily commended the work, with Whitefield reading it through four times - the last time on his knees. Spurgeon stated, "Every minister ought to read it entirely and carefully through once at least."
Henry's Miscellaneous Writings, including a Life of Mr. Philip Henry, The Communicant's Companion, Directions for Daily Communion with God, A Method for Prayer, A Scriptural Catechism, and numerous sermons, the life of his father, tracts, and biography of eminent Christians, together with the sermon on the author's death by William Tong were edited in 1809; and in 1830 a new edition included sermons not previously included and Philip Henry's "What Christ is made to believers". The collection was issued several times by different publishers.
Several abbreviated editions of the Commentary were published in the twentieth century; more recently the Christian linguist and author of reference books, Martin H. Manser, edited a version in modern English: The New Matthew Henry Commentary: The Classic Work with Updated Language (Zondervan 2010).
Memoir of the Life, Character, and Writings of Rev. Matthew Henry by J. B. Williams (1829)
An exposition of the Old and New Testament : with practical remarks and observations (Volume 1) - (Genesis - 2 Samuel) - 1860 - Henry, Matthew, 1662-1714
An exposition of the Old and New Testament : with practical remarks and observations (Volume 2) - (1 Kings - Solomon's Song) - 1860 - Henry, Matthew, 1662-1714
An exposition of the Old and New Testament : with practical remarks and observations (Volume 3) - (Isaiah - Malachi) - 1860 - Henry, Matthew, 1662-1714
An exposition of the Old and New Testament : with practical remarks and observations (Volume 4) - (Matthew - John) - 1860 - Henry, Matthew, 1662-1714
An exposition of the Old and New Testament : with practical remarks and observations (Volume 5) - (Acts - Revelation) - 1860 - Henry, Matthew, 1662-1714
Matthew Henry and his chapel 1662-1900 ([1901])
Matthew Henry (18 October 1662 – 22 June 1714) was an English Presbyterian minister.
He was born at Broad Oak, Iscoyd, a farmhouse on the borders of Flintshire and Shropshire. His father, Philip Henry, had just been ejected under the Act of Uniformity 1662. Unlike most of his fellow-sufferers, Philip possessed some private means, and was thus able to give his son a good education. Matthew went first to a school at Islington, and then to Gray's Inn. He soon gave up his legal studies for theology, and in 1687 became minister of a Presbyterian congregation at Chester. While in Chester, Henry founded the Presbyterian Chapel in Trinity Street. He moved again in 1712 to Mare Street, Hackney. Two years later (22 June 1714), he died suddenly of apoplexy at the Queen's Aid House (41 High Street) in Nantwich while on a journey from Chester to London.
Matthew Henry's well-known six-volume Exposition of the Old and New Testaments (1708–1710) or Complete Commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the Bible. covering the whole of the Old Testament, and the Gospels and Acts in the New Testament. After the author's death, the work was finished (Romans through Revelation) by thirteen other nonconformist ministers, partly based upon notes taken by Henry's hearers, and edited by George Burder and John Hughes in 1811.Henry's commentaries are primarily exegetical, dealing with the scripture text as presented, with his prime intention being explanation, for practical and devotional purposes. While not being a work of textual research, for which Henry recommended Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum, Henry's Exposition gives the result of a critical account of the original as of his time, with practical application. It was considered sensible and stylish, a commentary for devotional purposes.
Famous evangelical Protestant preachers such as George Whitefield and Charles Spurgeon used and heartily commended the work, with Whitefield reading it through four times - the last time on his knees. Spurgeon stated, "Every minister ought to read it entirely and carefully through once at least."
Henry's Miscellaneous Writings, including a Life of Mr. Philip Henry, The Communicant's Companion, Directions for Daily Communion with God, A Method for Prayer, A Scriptural Catechism, and numerous sermons, the life of his father, tracts, and biography of eminent Christians, together with the sermon on the author's death by William Tong were edited in 1809; and in 1830 a new edition included sermons not previously included and Philip Henry's "What Christ is made to believers". The collection was issued several times by different publishers.
Several abbreviated editions of the Commentary were published in the twentieth century; more recently the Christian linguist and author of reference books, Martin H. Manser, edited a version in modern English: The New Matthew Henry Commentary: The Classic Work with Updated Language (Zondervan 2010).
- Henry, Matthew (1833); The Miscellaneous Works of the Rev. Matthew Henry: Containing in Addition to Those Heretofore Published; vol. 1; London: Joseph Ogle Robinson; IA:miscellaneouswo00henrgoog.
- Henry, Matthew (1833); The Miscellaneous Works of the Rev. Matthew Henry: Containing in Addition to Those Heretofore Published; vol. 2; London: Joseph Ogle Robinson; IA:miscellaneouswo02henrgoog.
Memoir of the Life, Character, and Writings of Rev. Matthew Henry by J. B. Williams (1829)

An exposition of the Old and New Testament : with practical remarks and observations (Volume 2) - (1 Kings - Solomon's Song) - 1860 - Henry, Matthew, 1662-1714
An exposition of the Old and New Testament : with practical remarks and observations (Volume 3) - (Isaiah - Malachi) - 1860 - Henry, Matthew, 1662-1714
An exposition of the Old and New Testament : with practical remarks and observations (Volume 4) - (Matthew - John) - 1860 - Henry, Matthew, 1662-1714
An exposition of the Old and New Testament : with practical remarks and observations (Volume 5) - (Acts - Revelation) - 1860 - Henry, Matthew, 1662-1714
Matthew Henry and his chapel 1662-1900 ([1901])
Matthew Henry, A Biography of the Popular And Prominent Puritan Author of the Famous Six Volume Commentary Set And Other Works by Harry Cherry
Audio Lecture
Memoir of the Rev. Philip Henry, by his son, Rev. Matthew Henry, the commentator. Abridged from the standard edition, as corrected and enlarged - 1853 - By J. B. Williams
Memoir of the Rev. Philip Henry, by his son, Rev. Matthew Henry, the commentator. Abridged from the standard edition, as corrected and enlarged - 1853 - By J. B. Williams
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An Account of the Life and Death of Mr. Philip Henry, Minister of the Gospel, near Whitchurch in Shropshire. Who Dyed June 24, 1696. in the Sixty fifth year of his Age. With Dr. Bates's Dedication. The Third Edition; In which is added, a sermon preach'd on occasion of the death of his pious relict, Mrs. Katherine henry, in the year, 1707. By her son. - 1712 - By Matthew Henry
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An abridgement of Henry on prayer : consisting of a judicious collection of scriptures, proper to the several parts of the duty : with an essay on the nature of the duty of prayer : to which are annexed, some forms of prayer (1805)
An Account of the Life and Death of Mr. Philip Henry, Minister of the Gospel, near Whitchurch in Shropshire. Who Dyed June 24, 1696. in the Sixty fifth year of his Age. With Dr. Bates's Dedication. The Third Edition; In which is added, a sermon preach'd on occasion of the death of his pious relict, Mrs. Katherine henry, in the year, 1707. By her son. - 1712 - By Matthew Henry
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An abridgement of Henry on prayer : consisting of a judicious collection of scriptures, proper to the several parts of the duty : with an essay on the nature of the duty of prayer : to which are annexed, some forms of prayer (1805)
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Daily communion with God; Christianity no sect; The Sabbath; The promises of God; The worth of the soul; A church in the house. With life of Henry by James Hamilton (1847)
Daily communion with God; Christianity no sect; The Sabbath; The promises of God; The worth of the soul; A church in the house. With life of Henry by James Hamilton (1847)
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Mammon : or Covetousness the sin of the Christian Church ([n.d.])
Mammon : or Covetousness the sin of the Christian Church ([n.d.])
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An exposition of the Old and New Testament, Volume 1 (1828) Life of Author, Genesis - Deuteronomy

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An exposition of the Old and New Testament, Volume 2 (1828) Joshua - Esther
An exposition of the Old and New Testament, Volume 2 (1828) Joshua - Esther
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An exposition of the Old and New Testament, Volume 3 (1828) Job - Solomon's Song
An exposition of the Old and New Testament, Volume 3 (1828) Job - Solomon's Song
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An exposition of the Old and New Testament, Volume 4 (1828) Isaiah - Malachi
An exposition of the Old and New Testament, Volume 4 (1828) Isaiah - Malachi
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An exposition of the Old and New Testament, Volume 5 (1828) Matthew - John
An exposition of the Old and New Testament, Volume 5 (1828) Matthew - John
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An exposition of the Old and New Testament, Volume 6 (1828) Acts - Revelation
An exposition of the Old and New Testament, Volume 6 (1828) Acts - Revelation
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A new family Bible, containing Old and New Testaments; with notes, illustrations, and practical improvements (1811)
A new family Bible, containing Old and New Testaments; with notes, illustrations, and practical improvements (1811)
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Communicant's Companion (1798)
1812 1830 1831 1843 1846 1864 Exact Reprint of Original
Communicant's Companion (1798)
1812 1830 1831 1843 1846 1864 Exact Reprint of Original
Some editions omit Scripture references and outline numbering.
Some editions have more typographical errors that others.
The 1798 and 1864 editions above appear to be more faithful.
Communicant's Companion (1828)
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A discourse on meekness and quietness of spirit (1836)
Some editions have more typographical errors that others.
The 1798 and 1864 editions above appear to be more faithful.
Communicant's Companion (1828)
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A discourse on meekness and quietness of spirit (1836)
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A method for prayer : with scripture expressions, proper to be used under each head ; with directions for daily communion with God ; showing how to begin, how to spend, and how to close every day with God ; to which is now added A discourse concerning meekness and quietness of spirit (1834)
A method for prayer : with scripture expressions, proper to be used under each head ; with directions for daily communion with God ; showing how to begin, how to spend, and how to close every day with God ; to which is now added A discourse concerning meekness and quietness of spirit (1834)
The Everlasting Arms, A Repetition Sermon on the Promises of God. Preached on the 7th of May, 1710 - (1848)
The Miscellaneous Works of the Rev. Matthew Henry, V.D.M. containing in addition to those heretofore published, numerous sermons, now first printed from the original manuscripts. An appendix, on what Christ is made to believers, in forty real benefits, by the Rev. Philip Henry, never before published. Also A Preface and Life of the Rev. P. Henry, A.M. with Funeral Sermons for Mr. and Mrs. Henry, by the Rev. Matthew Henry, V.D.M. and Funeral Sermons on Mr. Matthew Henry. VOLUME 1 - 1833
The Miscellaneous Works of the Rev. Matthew Henry, V.D.M. containing in addition to those heretofore published, numerous sermons, now first printed from the original manuscripts. An appendix, on what Christ is made to believers, in forty real benefits, by the Rev. Philip Henry, never before published. Also A Preface and Life of the Rev. P. Henry, A.M. with Funeral Sermons for Mr. and Mrs. Henry, by the Rev. Matthew Henry, V.D.M. and Funeral Sermons on Mr. Matthew Henry. VOLUME 2 - 1833
The Miscellaneous Works of the Rev. Matthew Henry, V.D.M. etc. - 1830
The Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism, with which is incorporated A Scripture Catechism in the Method of the Assembly's; by the Rev. Matthew Henry, V.D.M. - 1846
Words Encouraging to Right Faith and Conduct selected from The Writings of Matthew Henry (by John S. Sherman) - 1879
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This book also includes John Howe, Richard Baxter, and Samuel Rutherford
This book also includes John Howe, Richard Baxter, and Samuel Rutherford
To God be all the Glory! May God bless you richly!