The constitutional history of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (Volume 1) (1839)
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The constitutional history of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (Volume 2) (1840)
The constitutional history of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (Volume 2) (1840)
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Essays and reviews. Selected from the Princeton review (1857)
Essays and reviews. Selected from the Princeton review (1857)
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What is Darwinism? (1874)
What is Darwinism? (1874)
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Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans .. (1896)
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans .. (1896)
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Introductory lecture delivered in the Theological Seminary, Princeton N.J. Nov. 7, 1828 (1829)
Introductory lecture delivered in the Theological Seminary, Princeton N.J. Nov. 7, 1828 (1829)
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On the necessity of a Knowledge of the original languages of the Scriptures (1832)
On the necessity of a Knowledge of the original languages of the Scriptures (1832)
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The church and its polity (1879)
The church and its polity (1879)
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Arminianism and grace [microform] (1881)
Arminianism and grace [microform] (1881)
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A commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians (1858)
A commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians (1858)
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A dissertation on the importance of Biblical literature (1822)
A dissertation on the importance of Biblical literature (1822)
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Essays and reviews (1857)
Essays and reviews (1857)
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An exposition of the First epistle to the Corinthians (1874)
An exposition of the First epistle to the Corinthians (1874)
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Small Flip Book Large Flip Book PDF Download
President Lincoln (1865)
President Lincoln (1865)
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Princeton sermons : outlines of discourses, doctrinal and practical, delivered at Princeton Theological Seminary on Sabbath afternoons (1879)
Princeton sermons : outlines of discourses, doctrinal and practical, delivered at Princeton Theological Seminary on Sabbath afternoons (1879)
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The reunion of the old and new school Presbyterian churches (incomplete) (1867)
The reunion of the old and new school Presbyterian churches (incomplete) (1867)
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Systematic theology (Volume 1) (1872)
Systematic theology (Volume 1) (1872)
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Systematic theology (Volume 2) (1872)
Systematic theology (Volume 2) (1872)
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Systematic theology (Volume 3) (1872)
Systematic theology (Volume 3) (1872)
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Systematic theology Index (1872)
Systematic theology Index (1872)
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Systematic theology : a series of questions upon the lectures delivered to the students in Princeton theological seminary (1865)
Systematic theology : a series of questions upon the lectures delivered to the students in Princeton theological seminary (1865)
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Questions adapted to Dr. Hodge's Exposition of the First Epistle to the Corinthians (1857)
Questions adapted to Dr. Hodge's Exposition of the First Epistle to the Corinthians (1857)
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The state of the country .. (1861])
The state of the country .. (1861])
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The way of life ([c1841])
The way of life ([c1841])
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Conference papers: or analyses of discourses, doctrinal and practical; delivered on Sabbath afternoons to the students of the Theological Seminary (1879)
Conference papers: or analyses of discourses, doctrinal and practical; delivered on Sabbath afternoons to the students of the Theological Seminary (1879)
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Sermons preached before the congregation of the Presbyterian Church ... at the "Memorial Services", October 9, 1859 (1859)
Sermons preached before the congregation of the Presbyterian Church ... at the "Memorial Services", October 9, 1859 (1859)
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What is Presbyterianism? An address delivered before the Presbyterian Historical Society at their anniversary meeting in Philadelphia, on Tuesday evening, May 1, 1855 (c1855)
What is Presbyterianism? An address delivered before the Presbyterian Historical Society at their anniversary meeting in Philadelphia, on Tuesday evening, May 1, 1855 (c1855)
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Theological essays: (1846)
--The Rule of Faith [by Charles Hodge, 1842]
-- The Sonship of Christ [by Charles Hodge, 1829]
-- The Decrees of God [by Archibald Alexander, 1830]
-- The Early History of Pelagianism [by Archibald Alexander, 1830]
-- Original Sin [by Archibald Alexander, 1830]
-- The Doctrine of Imputation [by Charles Hodge, 1830]
-- The Doctrine of Imputation [by Charles Hodge, 1831]
-- The Doctrine of Imputation [by Charles Hodge, 1831]
-- Melancthon on the Nature of Sin [by Archibald Alexander, 1833]
-- Doctrines of the Early Socinians [by Archibald Alexander? 1833]
-- The Power of Contrary Choice [by Lyman H. Atwater, 1840]
-- The Inability of Sinners [by Archibald Alexander, 1831]
-- The New Divinity Tried [by Charles Hodge, 1832]
-- Beman on the Atonement [by Charles Hodge, 1845]
-- Sacerdotal Absolution [by Joseph Addison Alexander and Charles Hodge, 1845]
-- Regeneration [by Charles Hodge, 1830]
-- Sanctification [by John Woodbridge, 1842]
-- Transubstantiation [by Archibald Alexander, 1834]
-- Sunday Mails [by Charles Hodge, 1831]
-- Bodily Effects of Religious Excitement [by Thomas Cleland, 1834]
-- Tholuck's History of Theology [by Charles Hodge, 1828]
-- Transcendentalism [by James Waddel Alexander and Albert B. Dod, 1839]
-- Cause and Effect [by Archibald Alexander, 1829]
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--The Rule of Faith [by Charles Hodge, 1842]
-- The Sonship of Christ [by Charles Hodge, 1829]
-- The Decrees of God [by Archibald Alexander, 1830]
-- The Early History of Pelagianism [by Archibald Alexander, 1830]
-- Original Sin [by Archibald Alexander, 1830]
-- The Doctrine of Imputation [by Charles Hodge, 1830]
-- The Doctrine of Imputation [by Charles Hodge, 1831]
-- The Doctrine of Imputation [by Charles Hodge, 1831]
-- Melancthon on the Nature of Sin [by Archibald Alexander, 1833]
-- Doctrines of the Early Socinians [by Archibald Alexander? 1833]
-- The Power of Contrary Choice [by Lyman H. Atwater, 1840]
-- The Inability of Sinners [by Archibald Alexander, 1831]
-- The New Divinity Tried [by Charles Hodge, 1832]
-- Beman on the Atonement [by Charles Hodge, 1845]
-- Sacerdotal Absolution [by Joseph Addison Alexander and Charles Hodge, 1845]
-- Regeneration [by Charles Hodge, 1830]
-- Sanctification [by John Woodbridge, 1842]
-- Transubstantiation [by Archibald Alexander, 1834]
-- Sunday Mails [by Charles Hodge, 1831]
-- Bodily Effects of Religious Excitement [by Thomas Cleland, 1834]
-- Tholuck's History of Theology [by Charles Hodge, 1828]
-- Transcendentalism [by James Waddel Alexander and Albert B. Dod, 1839]
-- Cause and Effect [by Archibald Alexander, 1829]
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Princeton Theological Seminary Digital Library:

Theology Today 60:4 (2004)
Charles Hodge Revisited: A Critical Appraisal of his Life and Work reviewed by Darrell Jodock
Charles Hodge Revisited: A Critical Appraisal of his Life and Work reviewed by Darrell Jodock
The Princeton Seminary Bulletin 22:1 (2001)
Painting a New Portrait: Charles Hodge and Abraham Lincoln by David Whitford
Painting a New Portrait: Charles Hodge and Abraham Lincoln by David Whitford
The Princeton Seminary Bulletin 18:3 (1997)
Charles Hodge Revisited by John W. Stewart
Charles Hodge Revisited by John W. Stewart
Studies in Reformed Theology and History: Mediating the Center: Charles Hodge on American Science, Language, Literature, and Politics (1995)
II Charles Hodge and American Science
II Charles Hodge and American Science
Studies in Reformed Theology and History: Mediating the Center: Charles Hodge on American Science, Language, Literature, and Politics (1995)
III Charles Hodge on Language and Literature
III Charles Hodge on Language and Literature
Studies in Reformed Theology and History: Mediating the Center: Charles Hodge on American Science, Language, Literature, and Politics (1995)
Studies in Reformed Theology and History: Mediating the Center: Charles Hodge on American Science, Language, Literature, and Politics
Studies in Reformed Theology and History: Mediating the Center: Charles Hodge on American Science, Language, Literature, and Politics
Sons of the Prophets: Leaders in Protestantism from Princeton Seminary (1963)
II. Charles Hodge (1797-1878), Theology—Didactic and Polemical by Leonard J. Trinterud
II. Charles Hodge (1797-1878), Theology—Didactic and Polemical by Leonard J. Trinterud
Princetoniana : Charles & A. A. Hodge: with Class and Table Talk of Hodge the Younger (1888)
II. Charles Hodge's Parentage, Youth, and Education by C. A. Salmond
II. Charles Hodge's Parentage, Youth, and Education by C. A. Salmond
Princetoniana : Charles & A. A. Hodge: with Class and Table Talk of Hodge the Younger (1888)
Princetoniana : Charles & A. A. Hodge: with Class and Table Talk of Hodge the Younger by C. A. Salmond
Princetoniana : Charles & A. A. Hodge: with Class and Table Talk of Hodge the Younger by C. A. Salmond
Princetoniana : Charles & A. A. Hodge: with Class and Table Talk of Hodge the Younger (1888)
VII. Dr Charles Hodge as teacher, Churchman, and Theologian by C. A. Salmond
VII. Dr Charles Hodge as teacher, Churchman, and Theologian by C. A. Salmond
The Teaching Office of the Church (1882)
The Teaching Office of the Church by Charles Hodge, D.D.
The Teaching Office of the Church by Charles Hodge, D.D.
The Teaching Office of the Church (1882)
The Teaching Office of the Church by Charles Hodge, D.D.
The Teaching Office of the Church by Charles Hodge, D.D.
The Presbyterian Review (1881)
V. Charles Hodge by Francis L. Patton
V. Charles Hodge by Francis L. Patton
A Discourse Commemorative of the Late Dr. Charles Hodge (1878)
A Discourse Commemorative of the Late Dr. Charles Hodge by Lyman H. Atwater
A Discourse Commemorative of the Late Dr. Charles Hodge by Lyman H. Atwater
The Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review (1876)
Christianty without Christ by Charles Hodge, D.D.
Christianty without Christ by Charles Hodge, D.D.
A Discourse Delivered at the Re-opening of the Chapel (1874)
Discourse by Charles Hodge
Discourse by Charles Hodge
A Discourse Delivered at the Re-opening of the Chapel (1874)
A Discourse Delivered at the Re-opening of the Chapel by Charles Hodge
A Discourse Delivered at the Re-opening of the Chapel by Charles Hodge
Portrait Collection (1873)
Hodge, Charles by Massolon
Hodge, Charles by Massolon
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1867)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1866)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1866)
Sustentation Fund by Charles Hodge
Sustentation Fund by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1866)
The Vicarious Sacrifice, grounded in Principles of Universal Obligation by Charles Hodge
The Vicarious Sacrifice, grounded in Principles of Universal Obligation by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1865)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1865)
Nature of Man by Charles Hodge
Nature of Man by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1865)
President Lincoln by Charles Hodge
President Lincoln by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1865)
The Princeton Review on the State of the Country and of the Church by Charles Hodge
The Princeton Review on the State of the Country and of the Church by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1865)
Principles of Church Union, and the Reunion of the Old and New-school Presbyterians by Charles Hodge
Principles of Church Union, and the Reunion of the Old and New-school Presbyterians by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1864)
Can God Be Known? by Charles Hodge
Can God Be Known? by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1864)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1863)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1863)
Relation of the Church and State by Charles Hodge
Relation of the Church and State by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1863)
The War by Charles Hodge
The War by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1862)
Are There Too Many Ministers? by Charles Hodge
Are There Too Many Ministers? by Charles Hodge
A Discourse Addressed to the Alumni of the Princeton Theological Seminary, April 30, 1862, on Occasion of the Completion of Its First Half Century; With an Appendix, Containing Notices of the Other Commemorative Exercises (1862)
[Dedication] To the Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D.
[Dedication] To the Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D.
A Discourse Addressed to the Alumni of the Princeton Theological Seminary, April 30, 1862, on Occasion of the Completion of Its First Half Century; With an Appendix, Containing Notices of the Other Commemorative Exercises (1862)
[Dedication] To the Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D.
[Dedication] To the Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D.
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1862)
England and America by Charles Hodge
England and America by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1862)
Examination of some Reasonings against the Unity of Mankind by Charles Hodge
Examination of some Reasonings against the Unity of Mankind by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1862)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1861)
The Church and the Country by Charles Hodge
The Church and the Country by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1861)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
Portrait Collection (1861)
Hodge, Charles by Alexander Hay Ritchie
Hodge, Charles by Alexander Hay Ritchie
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1861)
The State of the Country by Charles Hodge
The State of the Country by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1860)
Christian Life and Doctrine by Charles Hodge
Christian Life and Doctrine by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1860)
The First and Second Adam. The Elohim revealed in the Creation and Redemption of Man by Charles Hodge
The First and Second Adam. The Elohim revealed in the Creation and Redemption of Man by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1860)
Reid's Collected Writings by Charles Hodge
Reid's Collected Writings by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1860)
Theories of the Eldership—The Constitutional view of the Presbyterian Church by Charles Hodge
Theories of the Eldership—The Constitutional view of the Presbyterian Church by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1859)
Demission of the Ministry by Charles Hodge
Demission of the Ministry by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1859)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1859)
Sunday Laws by Charles Hodge
Sunday Laws by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1859)
The Testimony of Modern Science to the Unity of Mankind by Charles Hodge
The Testimony of Modern Science to the Unity of Mankind by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1858)
Adoption of the Confession of Faith by Charles Hodge
Adoption of the Confession of Faith by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1858)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1858)
The Revised Book of Discipline by Charles Hodge
The Revised Book of Discipline by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1858)
The Tecnobaptist: A Discourse, wherein an honest Baptist, by a course of argument to which no honest Baptist can object, is convinced that Infant Christians are proper subjects of Christian Baptism by Charles Hodge
The Tecnobaptist: A Discourse, wherein an honest Baptist, by a course of argument to which no honest Baptist can object, is convinced that Infant Christians are proper subjects of Christian Baptism by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1857)
Free Agency by Charles Hodge
Free Agency by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1857)
The General Assembly of 1857 by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly of 1857 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1857)
The Inspiration of Holy Scripture, its Nature and Proof by Charles Hodge
The Inspiration of Holy Scripture, its Nature and Proof by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1857)
Report on the History and Recent Edition of the English Version of the Bible by Charles Hodge
Report on the History and Recent Edition of the English Version of the Bible by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1856)
The Church—Its Perpetuity by Charles Hodge
The Church—Its Perpetuity by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1856)
The Church Review and Register for October 1855 by Charles Hodge
The Church Review and Register for October 1855 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1856)
The Elements of Psychology: Including a Critical Examination of Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding, and Additional Pieces by Charles Hodge
The Elements of Psychology: Including a Critical Examination of Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding, and Additional Pieces by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1856)
The General Assembly of 1856 by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly of 1856 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1855)
Eutaxia; or, the Presbyterian Liturgies: Historical Sketches by Charles Hodge
Eutaxia; or, the Presbyterian Liturgies: Historical Sketches by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1855)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1855)
The Life of Archibald Alexander by Charles Hodge
The Life of Archibald Alexander by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1855)
The Truth and Life by Charles Hodge
The Truth and Life by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1854)
The Conflict of Ages; or, The Great Debate on the Moral Relations of God and Man by Charles Hodge
The Conflict of Ages; or, The Great Debate on the Moral Relations of God and Man by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1854)
The Education Question by Charles Hodge
The Education Question by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1854)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1854)
History of the Apostolic Church; with a General Introduction to Church History by Charles Hodge
History of the Apostolic Church; with a General Introduction to Church History by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1854)
A Vindication of the Doctrine of the Church of England on the Validity of the Orders of the Scotch and Foreign Non-Episcopal Churches by Charles Hodge
A Vindication of the Doctrine of the Church of England on the Validity of the Orders of the Scotch and Foreign Non-Episcopal Churches by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1853)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1853)
Idea of the Church by Charles Hodge
Idea of the Church by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1853)
Visibility of the Church by Charles Hodge
Visibility of the Church by Charles Hodge
The Princeton pulpit (1852)
Faith in Christ, the source of spiritual life by Charles Hodge
Faith in Christ, the source of spiritual life by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1852)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1851)
Conscience and the Constitution by Charles Hodge
Conscience and the Constitution by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1851)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1851)
Histoire de l'Eglise Vaudoise, depuis son origine, et des Vaudois du Piémont jusq'à nos jours, avec un appendice contenant les principaux écrits originaux de cette église by Charles Hodge
Histoire de l'Eglise Vaudoise, depuis son origine, et des Vaudois du Piémont jusq'à nos jours, avec un appendice contenant les principaux écrits originaux de cette église by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1851)
Remarks on the Princeton Review by Charles Hodge
Remarks on the Princeton Review by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1850)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1850)
The Theology of the Intellect and that of the Feelings. A Discourse before the Convention of the Congregational Ministers of New England, in Brattle Street Meeting House, Boston, May 30th, 1850 by Charles Hodge
The Theology of the Intellect and that of the Feelings. A Discourse before the Convention of the Congregational Ministers of New England, in Brattle Street Meeting House, Boston, May 30th, 1850 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1849)
1. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Special Report of the Prudential Committee, on the control to be exercised over Missionaries and Mission Churches. 2. Correspondence between the Cherokee and Choctaw Missions, the Rev. S. B. Treat, and the Prudential Committee by Charles Hodge
1. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Special Report of the Prudential Committee, on the control to be exercised over Missionaries and Mission Churches. 2. Correspondence between the Cherokee and Choctaw Missions, the Rev. S. B. Treat, and the Prudential Committee by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1849)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1849)
God in Christ; Three Discourses delivered at New Haven, Cambridge, and Andover; with a Preliminary Dissertation on Language by Charles Hodge
God in Christ; Three Discourses delivered at New Haven, Cambridge, and Andover; with a Preliminary Dissertation on Language by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1849)
The Question of Negro Slavery and the New Constitution of Kentucky by Charles Hodge
The Question of Negro Slavery and the New Constitution of Kentucky by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1848)
General Assembly of 1848 by Charles Hodge
General Assembly of 1848 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1848)
The Mystical Presence. A Vindication of the Reformed or Calvinistic Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist by Charles Hodge
The Mystical Presence. A Vindication of the Reformed or Calvinistic Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1848)
The Power of the Pulpit by Joseph Addison Alexander and Charles Hodge
The Power of the Pulpit by Joseph Addison Alexander and Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1847)
1. Discourses on Christian Nurture. 2. Dr. Tyler's Letter to Dr. Bushnell on Christian Nurture. 3. An Argument for "Discourses on Christian Nurture," addressed to the Publishing Committee of the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society by Charles Hodge
1. Discourses on Christian Nurture. 2. Dr. Tyler's Letter to Dr. Bushnell on Christian Nurture. 3. An Argument for "Discourses on Christian Nurture," addressed to the Publishing Committee of the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1847)
An Earnest Appeal to the Free Church of Scotland, on the subject of Economics by Charles Hodge
An Earnest Appeal to the Free Church of Scotland, on the subject of Economics by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1847)
General Assembly by Charles Hodge
General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1847)
Lectures on Systematic Theology, embracing Lectures on Moral Government, together with Atonement, Moral and Physical Depravity, Philosophical Theories, and Evidences of Regeneration by Charles Hodge
Lectures on Systematic Theology, embracing Lectures on Moral Government, together with Atonement, Moral and Physical Depravity, Philosophical Theories, and Evidences of Regeneration by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1846)
The Catholic News Letter, St. Louis. 2. The True Catholic, Louisville by Charles Hodge
The Catholic News Letter, St. Louis. 2. The True Catholic, Louisville by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1846)
Essays in the Presbyterian by Theophilus, on the question: Is Baptism in the Church of Rome valid? by Charles Hodge
Essays in the Presbyterian by Theophilus, on the question: Is Baptism in the Church of Rome valid? by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1846)
Evangelische Kirchen-Zeitung. Herausgegeben von C. W. Hengstenberg by Charles Hodge
Evangelische Kirchen-Zeitung. Herausgegeben von C. W. Hengstenberg by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1846)
General Assembly by Charles Hodge
General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1846)
Lectures on Biblical History, comprising the leading facts from the Creation to the death of Joshua. Designed for the use of families, Bible classes and young people generally by Charles Hodge
Lectures on Biblical History, comprising the leading facts from the Creation to the death of Joshua. Designed for the use of families, Bible classes and young people generally by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1846)
Lectures on Mental Philosophy and Theology by Charles Hodge
Lectures on Mental Philosophy and Theology by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1846)
The Unity of the Church by Charles Hodge and John William Yeomans
The Unity of the Church by Charles Hodge and John William Yeomans
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1845)
The Arguments of Romanists from the Infallibility of the Church and Testimony of the Fathers in behalf of the Apocrypha, discussed and refuted by Charles Hodge
The Arguments of Romanists from the Infallibility of the Church and Testimony of the Fathers in behalf of the Apocrypha, discussed and refuted by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1845)
Christ, The only Sacrifice: or the Atonement in its Relations to God and Man by Charles Hodge
Christ, The only Sacrifice: or the Atonement in its Relations to God and Man by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1845)
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1845)
Principle of Protestantism as related to the present of the Church by Charles Hodge
Principle of Protestantism as related to the present of the Church by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1844)
The Claims of the Free Church of Scotland by Charles Hodge
The Claims of the Free Church of Scotland by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1844)
The General Assembly of 1844 by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly of 1844 by Charles Hodge
Portrait Collection (1846)
Hodge, Charles by Daniel Huntington
Hodge, Charles by Daniel Huntington
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1844)
Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, May 1843: with a Sketch of the proceedings of the Residuary Assembly by Joseph Addison Alexander and Charles Hodge
Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, May 1843: with a Sketch of the proceedings of the Residuary Assembly by Joseph Addison Alexander and Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1843)
The General Assembly of 1843 by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly of 1843 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1842)
The General Assembly of 1842 by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly of 1842 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1842)
The History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire by Charles Hodge
The History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1842)
Sermons on Important Subjects. By the Reverend Samuel Davies, A.M., President of the College of New Jersey. With an essay on the Life and Times of the Author by Charles Hodge
Sermons on Important Subjects. By the Reverend Samuel Davies, A.M., President of the College of New Jersey. With an essay on the Life and Times of the Author by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1841)
1. A Brief Examination of the Proofs, by which the Rev. Mr. Boardman attempts to sustain his charge that "a large and learned body of the clergy of the church (of England) have returned to some of the worst errors of Popery"; with a word or two as to his attempt, without proof, to cast the suspicion of Popery on the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: 2. A farther Postscript to Bishop Doane's Brief Examination of Rev. Mr. Boardman's Proofs: Touching Bishop Kenrick's Letter on Christian Union,pp 230 by Joseph Addison Alexander and Charles Hodge
1. A Brief Examination of the Proofs, by which the Rev. Mr. Boardman attempts to sustain his charge that "a large and learned body of the clergy of the church (of England) have returned to some of the worst errors of Popery"; with a word or two as to his attempt, without proof, to cast the suspicion of Popery on the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: 2. A farther Postscript to Bishop Doane's Brief Examination of Rev. Mr. Boardman's Proofs: Touching Bishop Kenrick's Letter on Christian Union,pp 230 by Joseph Addison Alexander and Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1840)
Catalogus Collegii Neo-Cæsariensis. Princetoniæ. Typis Roberti E. Hornor. 1839 by Charles Hodge
Catalogus Collegii Neo-Cæsariensis. Princetoniæ. Typis Roberti E. Hornor. 1839 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1840)
Davies's State of Religion among the Dissenters in Virginia by Charles Hodge
Davies's State of Religion among the Dissenters in Virginia by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1840)
A Discourse on the Latest Form of Infidelity, delivered at the request of the Association of the Alumni of the Cambridge Theological School, on the 19th of July, 1839, with notes. A Letter to Mr. Andrews Norton, occasioned by his Discourse before the Association of the Alumni of the Cambridge Theological School on the 19th of July, 1839 by Charles Hodge
A Discourse on the Latest Form of Infidelity, delivered at the request of the Association of the Alumni of the Cambridge Theological School, on the 19th of July, 1839, with notes. A Letter to Mr. Andrews Norton, occasioned by his Discourse before the Association of the Alumni of the Cambridge Theological School on the 19th of July, 1839 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1840)
The General Assembly of 1840 by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly of 1840 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1840)
A History of the Rise, Progress, Genius, and Character of American Presbyterianism. Together with a Review of the 'Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, By Charles Hodge, Professor in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N.J.' by Charles Hodge
A History of the Rise, Progress, Genius, and Character of American Presbyterianism. Together with a Review of the 'Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, By Charles Hodge, Professor in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N.J.' by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1840)
The substance of a Discourse, delivered upon the occasion of the Semi-Centenary Celebration, on the second Sabbath in December, 1839, before the Presbyterian Church in Cheraw, S.C. by Charles Hodge
The substance of a Discourse, delivered upon the occasion of the Semi-Centenary Celebration, on the second Sabbath in December, 1839, before the Presbyterian Church in Cheraw, S.C. by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1839)
A Brief History and Vindication of the Doctrine received and established in the Churches of New England, with a specimen of the New Scheme of Religion beginning to prevail by Charles Hodge
A Brief History and Vindication of the Doctrine received and established in the Churches of New England, with a specimen of the New Scheme of Religion beginning to prevail by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1839)
Decretum Synodi Nationalis Ecclesiarum Reformatarum Galliae initio Anni 1645, de imputatione primi peccati omnibus Adami posteris, cum Ecclesiarum et Doctorum Protestantium consensu, ex scriptis eorum, ab Andrea Riveto collecto by Charles Hodge
Decretum Synodi Nationalis Ecclesiarum Reformatarum Galliae initio Anni 1645, de imputatione primi peccati omnibus Adami posteris, cum Ecclesiarum et Doctorum Protestantium consensu, ex scriptis eorum, ab Andrea Riveto collecto by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1839)
General Assembly of 1839 by Charles Hodge
General Assembly of 1839 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1839)
Letters to the Rev. Professor Stuart, comprising Remarks on his Essay on Sin, published in the American Biblical Repository, for April and July 1839 by Charles Hodge
Letters to the Rev. Professor Stuart, comprising Remarks on his Essay on Sin, published in the American Biblical Repository, for April and July 1839 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1838)
Facts and Observations concerning the Organization and State of the Churches in the three Synods of the Western Reserve by Charles Hodge
Facts and Observations concerning the Organization and State of the Churches in the three Synods of the Western Reserve by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1838)
The General Assembly of 1838 by Archibald Alexander and Charles Hodge
The General Assembly of 1838 by Archibald Alexander and Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1838)
Mr.H. Everett's Report on Indian Affairs. Presented to the House of Representatives of the United States, on the 20th of May, 1834 by Archibald Alexander and Charles Hodge
Mr.H. Everett's Report on Indian Affairs. Presented to the House of Representatives of the United States, on the 20th of May, 1834 by Archibald Alexander and Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1838)
Tracts for the Times by Charles Hodge
Tracts for the Times by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1837)
General Assembly of 1837 by Charles Hodge
General Assembly of 1837 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1837)
The Greek Testament, with English notes, critical, philological, and exegetical, partly selected and arranged from the best commentators, ancient and modern, but chiefly original, &c. &c by Charles Hodge
The Greek Testament, with English notes, critical, philological, and exegetical, partly selected and arranged from the best commentators, ancient and modern, but chiefly original, &c. &c by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review (1837)
A Plea for Voluntary Societies and a Defence of the Decisions of the General Assembly of 1836 against the Strictures of the Princeton Review and others by Charles Hodge
A Plea for Voluntary Societies and a Defence of the Decisions of the General Assembly of 1836 against the Strictures of the Princeton Review and others by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1836)
Commentary of the Epistle of Paul to the Romans by Charles Hodge
Commentary of the Epistle of Paul to the Romans by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1836)
The General Assembly of 1836 by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly of 1836 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1836)
Slavery by Charles Hodge
Slavery by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1835)
Act and Testimony by Charles Hodge
Act and Testimony by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1835)
The General Assembly of 1835 by Charles Hodge
The General Assembly of 1835 by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1835)
A Narrative of the Visit to the American Churches by the Deputation from the Congregational Union of England and Wales by Charles Hodge
A Narrative of the Visit to the American Churches by the Deputation from the Congregational Union of England and Wales by Charles Hodge
The American Quarterly Review on Sunday Mails by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1835)
Notes, Explanatory and Practical, on the Epistle to the Romans; Designed for Bible Classes and Sunday Schools by Charles Hodge
Notes, Explanatory and Practical, on the Epistle to the Romans; Designed for Bible Classes and Sunday Schools by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1834)
The Act and Testimony by Charles Hodge
The Act and Testimony by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1834)
Lachmann's New Testament by Charles Hodge
Lachmann's New Testament by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1833)
A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, with a translation and various Excursus. By Moses Stuart, Professor of Sacred Literature in the Theological Seminary at Andover by Charles Hodge
A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, with a translation and various Excursus. By Moses Stuart, Professor of Sacred Literature in the Theological Seminary at Andover by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1833)
Suggestions of Theological Students, on some of those traits of Character, which the spirit of the age renders peculiarly important in the Ministers of the Gospel by Charles Hodge
Suggestions of Theological Students, on some of those traits of Character, which the spirit of the age renders peculiarly important in the Ministers of the Gospel by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1832)
Hengetenberg's Vindication of the Book of Daniel by Charles Hodge
Hengetenberg's Vindication of the Book of Daniel by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1832)
The New Divinity Tried by Charles Hodge
The New Divinity Tried by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1831)
Advancement of Society by Asa S. Colton and Charles Hodge
Advancement of Society by Asa S. Colton and Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1831)
Remarks on Dr. Cox's Communication by Charles Hodge
Remarks on Dr. Cox's Communication by Charles Hodge
Inquiries Respecting the Doctrine of Imputation by Charles Hodge
Regeneration, and the Manner of its Occurrence by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1831)
Review of Sprague's Lectures to Young People by Charles Hodge
Review of Sprague's Lectures to Young People by Charles Hodge
The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review (1830)
Professor Stuart's Postscript to his Letter to the Editors of the Biblical Repertory by Charles Hodge and Moses Stuart
Professor Stuart's Postscript to his Letter to the Editors of the Biblical Repertory by Charles Hodge and Moses Stuart
Biblical Repertory (1829)
Examination of the Review of the American Education Society. To the Editors of the Biblical Repertory by Charles Hodge and Moses Stuart
Examination of the Review of the American Education Society. To the Editors of the Biblical Repertory by Charles Hodge and Moses Stuart
Biblical Repertory (1829)
Introductory Lecture Delivered in the Theological Seminary, Princeton, N. J. Nov. 7, 1828, by Charles Hodge by Charles Hodge
Introductory Lecture Delivered in the Theological Seminary, Princeton, N. J. Nov. 7, 1828, by Charles Hodge by Charles Hodge
Biblical Repertory (1829)
Public Education. Plans for the Government and Liberal Instruction of Boys in Large Numbers; as Practised at Hazelwood School. Second Edition. London, 1827 by Charles Hodge
Public Education. Plans for the Government and Liberal Instruction of Boys in Large Numbers; as Practised at Hazelwood School. Second Edition. London, 1827 by Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels (1827-1828)
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels
A Dissertation, on the Importance of Biblical Literature (1822)
A Dissertation by Charles Hodge, A. M.
A Dissertation by Charles Hodge, A. M.
A Dissertation, on the Importance of Biblical Literature (1822)
A Dissertation, on the Importance of Biblical Literature by Charles Hodge, A. M.
A Dissertation, on the Importance of Biblical Literature by Charles Hodge, A. M.
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels
April, 1828 by Charles Hodge
April, 1828 by Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels
March, 1828 by Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels
February, 1828 by Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels
February, 1828 by Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels
January, 1828 by Charles Hodge
January, 1828 by Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels
December, 1827 by Charles Hodge
December, 1827 by Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels
October, 1827 by Charles Hodge
October, 1827 by Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels
September, 1827 by Charles Hodge
September, 1827 by Charles Hodge
August, 1827 by Charles Hodge
June, 1827 (56-57) by Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels
March, 1827 (pp. 1-22) by Charles Hodge
May, 1827 (pp. 38-55) by Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels
April, 1827 (pp. 22-37) by Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge: Journal of European Travels April, 1827 (pp. 22-37) by Charles Hodge
March, 1827 (pp. 1-22) by Charles Hodge
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